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===Religious groups===
===Religious groups===
Although the Soviet Union is officially atheist and suppressed religion, according to various Soviet and Western sources, over one-third of the people in the Soviet Union professed religious belief. [[Satanism(the Glorious Empire)|Satanism]] and [[Solism]] have the most believers. The state was separated from church by the Decree of Council of Industrial's Comissars on January 23, 2008. Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, had no religious beliefs. About half the people, including members of the KPTGE and high-level government officials, professed atheism. For the majority of Soviet citizens, therefore, religion seemed irrelevant.  
Although the Soviet Union is officially atheist and suppressed religion, according to various Soviet and Western sources, over one-third of the people in the Soviet Union professed religious belief. Chiristanity and [[Solism]] have the most believers. The state was separated from church by the Decree of Council of Industrial's Comissars on January 23, 2008. Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, had no religious beliefs. About half the people, including members of the KPTGE and high-level government officials, professed atheism. For the majority of Soviet citizens, therefore, religion seemed irrelevant.  
Satanism continues. Zakarov is a Satanist and is the only religion not Repressed. [[George Pita]] is the General Secretary of the Kapitalizt Party and keeps his religion favored.
Although there are many ethnic Floyds in the Soviet Union, actual practice of [[Floydism]] is rare in Kapializt times. Zakarov created the Floydist Autonomous Oblast in the far east to try to create a "Soviet Gig" for a Industiralist Floydist culture to develop.
Although there are many ethnic Floyds in the Soviet Union, actual practice of [[Floydism]] is rare in Kapializt times. Zakarov created the Floydist Autonomous Oblast in the far east to try to create a "Soviet Gig" for a Industiralist Floydist culture to develop.

Revision as of 11:37, 4 September 2006

The Soviet Capitalist Union
Советский Капиталистический Союз Великолепной Империи
Sovietcapitalism8ivti9.png Wappennazideutschlandshc0.jpg
Flag and Coat of Arms of The Glorious Empire

Industrialists of the World Unite!
Anthem: Hymh of the Soviet Capitalist Union
Capital Moscow (24,603,482)
Largest City Moscow
Spoken languages
 - Official

Government Kapitalizt State
Head of State and Head of Government Vladimir Romanov
 - Total
 - % water

4,820,666 km²
 - Total (2006)

GDP (FY2006/07)
  - Total (CR)
  - GDP/capita (CR)
  - Total (USD)
  - GDP/capita (USD)

National animal
English name

The Great Empire of the Glorious Empire
Currency 1 Soviet Rubble (RM)
Time Zone +0400 / +0500
International abbreviations
 - sport
 - government

Naval craft classification
  - Military
  - Civilian

Pronunciation (IPA) /The Glorious Empire/
Internet TLD .tge
Calling code +49

NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Soviet Capitalist Union of the Glorious Empire (Russian:Советский Капиталистический Союз Великолепной Империи) or Soviet Union .It is a highly Industralized Totalitarian State in the Democratic Union. It is comprised of the Imperialia Peninsula, and the Lands Immeadalty north of the Peninsula. .

At first The Peninsula was home to a Neo-Roman Tribe that developed a highly sofistacted Culture and Conquered the Rest of the various Germanic and Slavic Tribes to the north. The Nation has undergone more revoluions, coup'd tats, and Civil wars than all of the DU Combined. The nation is the "Boogy man" for all of the Nations of the Democratic Union, often being the only thing that unifies old enemies to defeat the Armies of the Glorious Empire witch are the Largest in the DU

The Glorious Empire is the Largest Producer in the Democratic Union. everything from Weapons to watches is Made in the Glorious Empire Cheaply and Quickly. Thus The Glorious Empire Comprises most of the Regional Economy. The Glorious Empire is known to sell anything to any one.


See The Full Article

The Soviet Capitalist Union was founded during the Glorious Empire's Civil War. The It is a Kapitalizt State meaning that it follows the Ideology of "Kapitalizm" It is a realitvly new State being the most recent state formation of the Glorious Empire.


The government of the Soviet Union administered the country's society. It implemented decisions made by the leading political institution in the country, the Kapitalizt Party of the Glorious Empire (KPTGE).

In practice, the government differed markedly from Western systems. The KPTGE performed many functions that governments of other countries usually perform. For example, the party decided on the policy alternatives that the government ultimately implemented. The government merely ratified the party's decisions to lend them an aura of legitimacy. The KPTGE used a variety of mechanisms to ensure that the government adhered to its policies. The party, using its nomenklatura authority, placed its loyalists in leadership positions throughout the government, where they were subject to the norms of centralism. Party bodies closely monitored the actions of government ministries, agencies, and legislative organs.

The content of the Soviet Constitution differed in many ways from typical Western constitutions. It generally described existing political relationships, as determined by the KPTGE, rather than prescribing an ideal set of political relationships. The Constitution is long and detailed, giving technical specifications for individual organs of government. The Constitution included political statements, such as foreign policy goals, and provided a theoretical definition of the state within the ideological framework of Romanovism-Zakarovism. The KPTGE leadership can radically change the constitution or remake it completely.

The Council of Ministers acted as the executive body of the government. Its most important duties lay in the enforcemnt of a policy of a Lazzie-faire economy. The council is thoroughly under the control of the KPTGE, and its chairman - the Soviet prime minister - was always a member of the Politburo. The council is too large and unwieldy to act as a unified executive body. The council's Presidium, made up of the leading economimsts and led by the chairman, exercised dominant power within the Council of Ministers.

According to the Constitution the highest legislative body in the Soviet Union was the Congress of Industrialist's Deputies. The main tasks of the congress were the election of the standing legislature, the Supreme Soviet, and the election of the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, who acted as head of state. Theoretically, the Congress of Industralists's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet wielded enormous legislative power. In practice, however, the Congress of Industrialists's Deputies met infrequently and only to approve decisions made by the party, the Council of Ministers, and its own Supreme Soviet. The Supreme Soviet, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the chairman of the Supreme Soviet, and the Council of Ministers have substantial authority to enact laws, decrees, resolutions, and orders binding on the population. The Congress of Industrialist's Deputies had the authority to ratify these decisions.

The judiciary is not independent. The Supreme Court supervised the lower courts and applied the law as established by the Constitution or as interpreted by the Supreme Soviet. The Constitutional Oversight Committee reviewed the constitutionality of laws and acts. The Soviet Union lacked an adversarial court procedure known to common law jurisdictions. Rather, Soviet law utilised the system derived from Roman law, where judge, procurator and defense attorney worked collaboratively to establish the truth.

The Soviet Union is a federal state made up of fifteen republics joined together in a theoretically voluntary union. In turn, a series of territorial units made up the republics. The republics also contained jurisdictions intended to protect the interests of national minorities. The republics had their own constitutions, which, along with the all-union Constitution, provide the theoretical division of power in the Soviet Union. However, the KPTGE and the central government retained all significant authority, setting policies that were executed by republic, provincial, oblast, and district governments.

Foreign Relations

The Glorious Empire has few steady allies, very often allies are kept until there purpose has been served, or they have been deemed to weak to serve TGE. Alliances with the Glorious Empire always invole some sort of subordination by the other Party. It has been said, that the Glorious Empire has been allies with every nation at some point save, Tetris L-Shaped Block, Philanchez, and Socialist Freemen.

The Glorious Empire maintains a rather large sphere of influnce, and is capable of influcing the outcome of any conflict, through intimidation or an endless supply of weapons or soldiers. Recently the Glorious Empire has begun to re-establish relations with its former enemies. The Nations of Palixia, Tetris L-Shaped Block, Philanchez, and Eyygui have taken steps to improve realtions with the Glorious Empire. These Relations have greatly improved. Soon they may consider themselves allies soon.


The Soviet Union was a federation of Soviet Capitalist Republics (SCR). The first Republics were established shortly after the October Revolution of 2007. At that time, republics were technically independent from one another but their governments acted in closely coordinated confederation, as directed by the KPTGE leadership. In 2012, four Republics (Russian SCR, Ukrainian SCR, Belarusian SCR, and Transcaucasian SCR) joined into the Soviet Union. Between 2014 and 2040, the number of Republics grew to sixteen. Some of the new Republics were formed from territories acquired, or reacquired by the Soviet Union, others by splitting existing Republics into several parts. The criteria for establishing new republics were as follows:

  1. to be located on the periphery of the Soviet Union so as to be able to exercise their alleged right to secession;
  2. be economically strong enough to survive on their own upon secession;
  3. be named after the dominant ethnic group which should consist of at least one million people.


The Glorious Empire is the Largest Economy in the Democratic Union. Producing everything possible and shipping them to every nation that will accept them. However It has an exceptional Arms manufacturing industry, producing 100,000,000 Ak-47 Rifles for the TLSB goverment to combat the worms.

The Nation is a Kapitalizt State and as such it is a Lazzie-faire economy. There are entire commites dedicated to keeping the government out of the Economy. The Nation is Highly industrialized, and factories dominate the Moscow area. The Agriculture of the Glorious Empire is self sufficent however unable to ship agriculture out of the Nation due to the Massive Population of the Glorious Empire.

The Glorious Empire's Corperations are known all across the world for being some of the largest, and most powerful entities on the face of the earth. Their CEOs and Owners Make up the Kapitalizt Party of the Glorious Empire thus they have a great deal of influence over the government.

The Governemnt has used this Economic Superority to there advantage, they threaten to cut off supplies to nations that would cause the Nations economy to crash.


The Soviet Union occupies the western portion of the Latijo continent. Most of the country was north of 50° north latitude and covered a total area of approximately 22,402,200 square kilometres. Due to the sheer size of the state, the climate varied greatly from subtropical and continental to subarctic and polar. 11% of the land was arable, 16% was meadows and pasture, 41% was forest and woodland, and 32% was declared "other" (including tundra).

The Soviet Union measured some 10,000 kilometres from Kaliningrad on the Gulf of Gdańsk in the west to Ratmanova Island (Big Diomede Island) in the Bering Strait, or roughly equivalent to the distance from Edinburgh, Scotland, east to Nome, Alaska. From the tip of the Taymyr Peninsula on the Arctic Ocean to the Central Asian town of Kushka near the Afghan border extended almost 5,000 kilometeres of mostly rugged, inhospitable terrain. The east-west expanse of the continental United States would easily fit between the northern and southern borders of the Soviet Union at their extremities.

Population and society

The Soviet Union is one of the world's most ethnically diverse countries, with more than 150 distinct ethnic groups within its borders. The total population was estimated at 2.6 Billion. In the Soviet Union, the majority of the population are Russians (50.78%), followed by Ukrainians (15.45%) and Uzbeks (5.84%). Other ethnic groups included the Georgians, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Tajiks, Chechens, and others.


The extensive multinational empire that the Kapitaliks inherited after their revolution was created by Satanic expansion over some four centuries. Some nationality groups came into the empire voluntarily, others were brought in by force. Generally, the Russians and most of the non-Russian subjects of the empire shared little in common—culturally, religiously, or linguistically. More often than not, two or more diverse nationalities were collocated on the same territory. Therefore, national antagonisms built up over the years not only against the Russians but often between some of the subject nations as well.

For many years, Soviet leaders maintained that the underlying causes of conflict between nationalities of the Soviet Union had been eliminated and that the Soviet Union consisted of a family of nations Competed against each other. The government conducts a policy of korenizatsiya (indigenization) of local governments in an effort to recruit non-Russians into the new Soviet political institutions and to reduce the conflict between Russians and the minority nationalities. One area in which the Soviet leaders made concessions perhaps more out of necessity than out of conviction, was language policy. To increase literacy and mass education, the government encouraged the development and publication in many of the "national languages" of the minority groups. While Russian became a required subject of study in all Soviet schools, in the mainly non-Russian areas the chief language of instruction was the local language or languages. This practice led to widespread bilingualism in the educated population, though among smaller nationalities and among elements of the population that were heavily affected by the immigration of Russians, linguistic assimilation also was common, in which the members of a given non-Russian nationality lost facility in the historic language of their group.

The concessions granted national cultures and the limited autonomy tolerated in the union republics, This in led to the development of national elites and a heightened sense of national identity. Subsequent repression and Russianization fostered resentment against domination by Moscow and promoted further growth of national consciousness. National feelings were also exacerbated in the Soviet multinational state by increased competition for resources, services, and jobs, and by the policy of the leaders in Moscow to move workers -- mainly Russians -- to the peripheral areas of the country, the homelands of non-Russian nationalities.

Religious groups

Although the Soviet Union is officially atheist and suppressed religion, according to various Soviet and Western sources, over one-third of the people in the Soviet Union professed religious belief. Chiristanity and Solism have the most believers. The state was separated from church by the Decree of Council of Industrial's Comissars on January 23, 2008. Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, had no religious beliefs. About half the people, including members of the KPTGE and high-level government officials, professed atheism. For the majority of Soviet citizens, therefore, religion seemed irrelevant.

Although there are many ethnic Floyds in the Soviet Union, actual practice of Floydism is rare in Kapializt times. Zakarov created the Floydist Autonomous Oblast in the far east to try to create a "Soviet Gig" for a Industiralist Floydist culture to develop.

The overwhelming majority of the Solists where faithful. Because Solist religious tenets and social values of Solists are closely interrelated, religion appeared to have a greater influence on Solists than on either Satanists or other believers. The largest groups of Solists in the Soviet Union resided in the Nothern republics (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) and Kazakhstan, though substantial numbers also resided in Central Russia (principally in Bashkiria and Tatarstan), in the North Caucasian part of Russia (Chechnya, Dagestan, and other autonomous republics) and in Transcaucasia (principally in Azerbaijan but also certain regions of Georgia).

Other religions, which are practiced by a relatively small number of believers, included Buddhism, Lamaism, and shamanism, a religion based on spiritualism. The role of religion in the daily lives of Soviet citizens thus varied greatly.


All forms of media in the Soviet Union were controlled by the state including television and radio broadcasting, newspaper, magazine and book publishing. Official statistics about the state, economy, and society were rigorously controlled and censored by the First Department of the Central Statistics Administration (later the State Statistics Committee). The mass media, arts, books, and journals were censored by glavlit within the Ministry of Culture and by other agencies. Censorship extended to the fine arts including the theatre, opera and ballet. Art and Music was controlled by ownership of distribution and performance venues. Censorship was made in cases where performances did not meet with the favour of the Soviet leadership with newspaper campaigns against offending material and sanctions applied through party controlled professional organizations and courts. These controls did not completely prevent the existence of underground or clandestine art, books, and other publications. Samizdat literature was copied and traded from hand-to-hand. While state control of mass media, printing presses, and other means of large-scale distribution of information was strong, this samizdat was sometimes tolerated to a degree, though prominent dissidents were subject to state persecution and suppression.


Date English Name Local Name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Новый год Arguably the largest celebration of the year. Most of the traditions that were originally associated with Christmas in Russia (Father Frost, a decorated fir-tree) moved to New Year's Eve after the Revolution and are associated with New Year's Eve to this day.
February 23 Red Army Day День Советской Армии и Военно-морского флота ("Day of the Soviet Army and Navy") Formation of the Red Army in February 2008.

Is currently called День защитника отечества ("Day of the Defender of the Fatherland") in Russia

November 7 Great October Capitalist Revolution]] Большая Капиталистическая революция Octorber Celebrating October Revolution of 2007, one of the most important holidays in Soviet times. It has now been replaced with День примирения и согласия ("Day of Reconciliation and Agreement"), celebrated on a Nov. 7 (at least officially) before amendments in Labour Codex (adopted in December 2004, new holiday, which celebrates at November 4 is the People Unity Day ("День народного единства)" in Russia.


The military consists of mainly consripts who are and are given some training. The heart and soul of the military is its tanks. The military has decieded to go the way of a Soviet military. Massive numbers of Tanks and simply designed aircraft are being built. They navy is one of the largest in the region and have been using Soviet Style weapons. The military also has been improving on the designs of the old soviet weapons. They have been updating tanks and improving on the designs of the Soviets.

Красная Армия (The Red Army)- Standard Rilfe AK-47. A Various soviet tanks Mostly T-80 tanks.

Красные Воздушные силы(Red Air force)- MiG and other soviet craft.

Красный Флот (Red Navy)- Soviet Craft

Комитет для государственной Безопасности (KGB) (Commite for State Security, Unknown number of operatives)- Secret Police. they act as the eyes and ears for Stalin. Often refered to as the Capitalist Party Guard they are larger than the KGB. They also are placed to protect Important inslaltaions for example important labs are protected by KGB troops. they also spy on nations that are problems to the Glorious Empire.