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(Assegai Developmental League)
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====Assegai Developmental League====
====Assegai Developmental League====
Underground United
Underground United
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D.C. Underground Empire
D.C. Underground Empire
''*Demoted to AD-League''
''*Demoted to AD-League''

Revision as of 19:31, 15 November 2006

Assegai Developments
Flag of Assegai Developments
Motto: Assegai Rising
No Map Available Yet
Region The YoungWorld
Capital Leá Monde
Official Language(s) Valandian, English, Spanish, French
Leader Republic Parliament
Population 2.582 Billion
Currency Losstarot 
NS Sunset XML

The Armed Republic of Assegai Developments

Known simply as Assegai Developments, or AD, The Armed Repulic of Assegai Developments (as categorized by the UN) is a left-leaning college state with excellent civil rights and very good political freedom for its citizens, and a strong, ever-growing ecomony. Sections of it have been razed to the ground and rebuilt on at least three occassions since its earliest settlers established residence in the region that would later become its capital, Leá Monde more than 3,000 years ago. It is bordered to the southwest by regional rival Turruth Gordur.

The Dawn of Valendia

Nomadic tribes settled in the area now known as Leá Monde more than 3,000 years ago. The Kingdon of Valendia was founded 2,500 years ago by King Nalzarc, the first king of Valendia. For 1,200 years the House of Nalzarc continued to rule, until the government was handed to the regency of Gurunas and Valendia declined. About 1,300 years ago, a civil war erupted when the House of Nalzarc and other noble families, most notably the Bardorba family, fought against the Gurunas family to regain control of Valendia.

After a year of many bloody battles, the families reached a peaceful agreement and Valendia was reborn as The Kingdom of Losstarot.

The Golden Era

With the end of the civil war, the City of Leá Monde was established as the capital of The Kingdom of Losstarot and was governed between the Bardorba and Gurunas family for a period of 500 years. During their rule, Losstarot was expanded and was constructed on the wealth gained from the mining of mythril, a precious metal. Through developments in metal refining and processing techniques, Losstarot became famous as a craftsman's town.

Beyond the refinement of iron, the craftsmen of Losstarot made numerous breakthroughs with new kinds of metal, such as mythril, darksteel and cermet. There was also development of engines that utilize crystal energy and allow rapid advances in technology.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom developed an appreciation for the arts and universities were established. The worshiping of various religions was allowed but closely monitored by the royal family. However, unbeknownst to all, various groups delved in the harnesing of occult, dark powers beneath the surface of Leá Monde. Nonetheless, Losstarot continued to flourish and became the jewel of its region.

Fall Into Darkness

Without warning, members of the Gurunas clan began to die mysteriously, through disease, accident or simply dissapearing without a trace. The same fate began to afflict members of the Bardorba clan, and, in a fit of paranoia, believing the seat of Losstarot's throne to have become cursed, the head of the Bardorba clan withdrew his lot to the Graylands, where the Bardorbas' two manors were located. The Gurunas tried to hold on to the crown but, after the death of their patriarch, withdrew to Vagrant Hills, leaving the rule of Losstarot in the hands of the royal council.

One of the members of the royal council, Dominique Müllenkamp, was secretly a dancer-priestess who was a supporter of Kildea, a cult that based their activities deep in underground caverns of Valendia. She assumed the rule of the kingdom with little opposition and the lifestyle and culture of Losstarot ground to a halt. Losstarot became a static civilization and, by decree of Müllenkamp, the entire capital of Leá Monde, above and below ground had its walls and passages inscribed with mysterious glyphs of unknown origin. The city began to fall into dissarray and the population slowly dissipated across the land, forming townships and villages in various corners of the Kingdom that would eventually become cities on their own.

Back in Losstarot, Müllenkamp ruled blindly, and spent most of her time immersed in the dark arts. Over a period of 40 years, Leá Monde slowly fell into decay and the once proud city began to crack at the seams.

The Knights of Valendia and the Crimson Blades

As the future of Leá Monde (and Losstarot) fell into uncertainty, a group of former knights that served in the royal guard banded under a religious faith, the Iocus priesthood, symbolized by their Holy Rood, which they claimed represented the union of earth, heaven and spirit. Naming themselves the Knights of Valendia, they appointing a Cardinal as their leader. One night, they laid seige to the Bardorbas' former mansion in the heart of Leá Monde, fortified its outer walls and, despite attacks from Müllenkamp's forces, kept the mansion on lock-down.

Largely unchallenged, the Knights of Valendia, under the leadership of Cardinal John Corrine, built themselves a massive cathedral over the period of two years. The massive cathedral came to be known as The Great Cathedral, and stood in defiance of Müllenkamp's wayward rule. Perched atop the Great Cathedral, Cardinal Corrine and the Knights of Valendia planned a takeover of Losstarot. In preparation, Cardinal Corrine picked a handful of elite knights as generals and named them the Crimson Blades.

When the Knights of Valendia and the Crimson Blades finally attacked, their seige of the castle was swift and vicious. They cut a swath through Müllenkamp's forces, eventually making it to her secret chamber. Hearing her voice behind the closed doors, Cardinal Corrine ordered the doors to be torn down. However, upon entering he chambers, Müllenkamp was nowhere to be found. In fact, there was no trace of her and the unsolved mystery of her dissapearance became legend.

A Period of Rebirth

Cardinal Corrine with the council of the Crimson Blades assumed rule of Losstarot and upon hearing of the fall of Müllenkamp, the population of Leá Monde underwent a ressurgeance. The city was cleaned up and the Leá Monde Underground was established. However, the mysterious glyphs were left untouched, and many saw them as quaint and as a form of art. During the peak of this era of rebuilding, Leá Monde was a thriving community of 500,000 inhabitants. The Great Cathedral towered over the town centre, a symbol of Leá Monde's indomitable spirit, and was the ground of the devout Iocus priesthood.

Losstarot thrived and, for the next 200 years, returned to its former technological level. Meanwhile, its culture expanded.

However, a neighboring nation to the southwest known as The Empire of Turruth Gordur, which was ruled by a shady emperor, looked upon Losstarot with jealous eyes.

Losstarot Laid to Ruin

Without warning, the Empire of Turruth Gordur surreptitiously invaded the Kingdom of Losstarot.

The invasion on Leá Monde, was so sudden that a large portion of Leá Monde’s inhabitants were maimed or severely injured. Turruth Gordur’s forces attacked with a bloodlust that overwhelmed the stunned citizens of Leá Monde and other regions of Losstarot. The Knights of Valendia were unable to stem the tide of Turruth Gordur's attack and were slaughtered. The Crimson Knights met the same fate, as well as the Cardinal, who was beheaded in the lobby of The Great Cathedral.

All seemed lost. Alas, the city of Leá Monde was not without its deep secrets and mysterious defenses. When the invasion reached the Leá Monde Underground, the city reacted—with great violence. As it turned out, the mysterious glyphs were in reality part of a "Gran Grimoire" that mysteriously came to life when the city was invaded. What exactly happened is still a huge mystery. Although, Turruth Gordur’s might fell like a dark mace on Leá Monde and portions of Losstarot were laid to ruin, none of Turruth Gordur's soldiers survived the failed seige on the Leá Monde Underground.

Meanwhile, back in Turruth Gordur, the attack on Losstarot sparked civil strife between the Empire and its population. In Ered Lithui, the capital of Turruth Gordur, a massive riot formed outside the Dark Tower, the residence of Turruth Gordur’s Emperor, whom no one had ever seen.

But the Emperor was ever watchful. In a fit of anger, he unleashed his garrison on the populace. The battle was messy and bloody. The skies of Turruth Gordur turned black with the smoke of burning bodies and huge pools of blood and viscera adorned the streets of Ered Lithui.

But the garrison could not hold back the waves of angry rioters. The battle moved into the Dark Tower. The Emperor was heard cackling in his chamber as rioters began tearing down the doors, screaming for his blood. With a loud crash and an ensuing roar, the rioters surged into the Emperor’s chamber. The Emperor smiled and pressed a button on his desk.

There was a huge explosion and the Dark Tower crumbled with everyone inside. Nothing remains of the Dark Tower today. Without a head, the Empire of Turruth Gordur underwent a period of anarchy. The remaining populace scattering across the land, some, to Losstarot.

Turruth Gordur was eventually brought under the yoke of a new Emperor who officially expressed respect for Losstarot.

Rising from the Ashes

With the slaughter of the Iocus priesthood, Losstarot was no more. Leaders from various pockets of the former Kingdom bonded together and rebuilt Leá Monde once more. Those same leaders declared the nation a Republic that would be ruled by a parlaiment, and renamed it The Republic of Assegai Developments.

The name "Assegai" was taken from an assegai, a slender spear with a long blade of the Bantu-speaking people of Africa. Since the Republic was undergoing an incredbible period of technological, social and economic development, the second part of the name was added.

The surge in technology was spearheaded by a growing military and the Republic invested a large portion of its budget to the fortification of its defenses and armament of its military forces. The Parlaiment agreed to rename the nation The Armed Republic of Assegai Developments.

Modern Times

With the rise of technology and infrastructure of Assegai, there was an increase of interest in sports, especially football (soccer).

At the height of this era, and, in celebration of the 500-year anniversary of the fall of Müllenkamp, and in honor of the former Kingdom of Losstarot, Assegai assumed its former name for the period of one year. The centerpiece of the celebration was the first ever footballing tournament in the history of the Brave New World. The Kingdom of Losstarot Invitational Tournament laid the seed for future footballing events in the Brave New World and established Elves Security Forces as the first footballing power.

These days, Assegai is a massive, devout nation, remarkable for its devotion to social welfare. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 2.582 billion enjoy extensive civil freedoms, particularly in social issues, while business tends to be more regulated.

Assegai's educational system is the envy of many and regarded as a pinnacle of educational achievement. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the Valendia Knights of the Peace (Assegai's "police") and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Assegai's national animal is the wyvern, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Losstarot.


Assegai, is a Republic Parliament, in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives in a parliament (a national representative body having supreme legislative powers within the state) chosen directly by them.


Assegai's military is heavily fortified and is prepared in the event of any invasion by air, sea or land.


Different regions of Assegai have very different climates, varying from subtropic to subarctic depending on their latitude, elevation, and proximity to the coast. Most of the Republic has a Mediterranean climate, with rainy winters and dry summers. The influence of the ocean generally moderates temperature extremes, creating warmer winters and substantially cooler summers.

International Sports

Assegai was the first nation to successfully organize a footballing event in the history of the Brave New World. Therefore, Assegai, as the Kingdom of Losstarot, established itself as the first sporting nation of the BNW as well as assembling the first national football team in the BNW.

The success of the Invitational Tournament allowed Assegai to arrange future Invitational Tournaments.

List of Armed Republic of Assegai Invitational Tournament winners

Year Champion 2nd Place Score 3rd Place 4th Place
2004 Elves Security Forces Kingdom of Losstarot* 3-2 Tryanny Turruth Gordur
2005 Elves Security Forces Assegai Developments 3-2 Duibhlinn Toaster
2006 - Spring Rekai Tantei Holy Empire of Riap 7-1 Toaster FC Assegai Developments
2006 - Autumn Assegai Developments Elves Security Forces 3-1 Tryanny Gatebörg

Domestic Sports


Assegai has two domestic football leagues: The Assegai Professional League (Assegai Pro-League or A-Pro League) and the Assegai Developmental League (AD-League). The A-Pro League is the premier league of Assegai Club Football, while the AD-League is a minor league. Every year, the bottom two teams of the A-Pro League are demoted to the AD-League, whose top two teams are promoted to the A-Pro League.

Assegai Professional League

Assegai Developments F.C. - Current Champions

S.C. Vagrant Hills

Cathedral Phantoms F.C.

A.C. Leá Monde

Cathedral Spooks D.C.*

D.S. Assegai*

*Promoted to A-Pro League

Assegai Developmental League

Underground United

Square Haven F.C.

D.C. Leá Monde Monde

D.S. Vagrant Hills

Square Haven Sharks

D.C. Underground Empire

*Demoted to AD-League


Assegai Professional League

Assegai Developments F.C. – Cathedral Park (50,600), Leá Monde

A.C. Leá Monde – Temple Stadium (25,000), Leá Monde

Cathedral Phantoms F.C. – Cathedral Park (50,600), Leá Monde

S.C. Vagrant Hills – Sanctum Halls (35,000), Vagrant Hills

Cathedral Spooks D.C. – Cathedral Park (50,600), Leá Monde

D.S. Assegai – Cathedral Park (50,600), Leá Monde

Assegai Professional League

D.C. Leá Monde – Temple Stadium (25,000), Leá Monde

Underground United – The Wine Cellar (20,000), Leá Monde Underground

Square Haven F.C. – Square Haven Field (27,000), Square Haven

Square Haven Sharks – Square Haven Field (27,000), Square Haven

D.C. Underground Empire – The Wine Cellar (20,000), Leá Monde Underground

D.S. Vagrant Hills – Sanctum Halls (35,000), Vagrant Hills