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motto=Lebe, wie du wünscht, wenn du stirbst, gelebt zu haben. |
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A nation located on the southwestern corner of the Western Island, Christianan is a proud and moderately conservative-progressive nation. It enjoys a long history of democracy. All of the cities are very modernized with all of the conveniences of developed civilization. The nation has a strong and dynamic economy enhanced through a non-interventionist government policy and an environment of free trade. The military is well equipped and highly trained to handle any situation that may come along, whether it be defensive or offensive. The population is diverse, well-educated, and generally lives above overall European standards. They are also generally more charitable than the average. Individualism and individual liberties are a prevalent ideology of the nation and of its leaders.
A nation located on the southwestern corner of the Western Island, Christianan is a proud and moderately conservative-progressive nation. It enjoys a long history of democracy. All of the cities are very modernized with all of the conveniences of developed civilization. The nation has a strong and dynamic economy enhanced through a non-interventionist government policy and an environment of free trade. The military is well equipped and highly trained to handle any situation that may come along, whether it be defensive or offensive. The population is diverse, well-educated, and generally lives above overall European standards. They are also generally more charitable than the average. Individualism and individual liberties are a prevalent ideology of the nation and of its leaders.

Revision as of 01:26, 12 January 2005

Flag of Christianan
Motto: Lebe, wie du wünscht, wenn du stirbst, gelebt zu haben.
Region Europe
Capital Oranjestad
Official Language(s) English, French, German, Spanish
Leader President Gabriella Werlei
Population Over 1.5 Billion
Currency Novela 
NS Sunset XML

A nation located on the southwestern corner of the Western Island, Christianan is a proud and moderately conservative-progressive nation. It enjoys a long history of democracy. All of the cities are very modernized with all of the conveniences of developed civilization. The nation has a strong and dynamic economy enhanced through a non-interventionist government policy and an environment of free trade. The military is well equipped and highly trained to handle any situation that may come along, whether it be defensive or offensive. The population is diverse, well-educated, and generally lives above overall European standards. They are also generally more charitable than the average. Individualism and individual liberties are a prevalent ideology of the nation and of its leaders.


The Helvetic Alps extend down from the Helvetic Confederation along Christianan's eastern borders with Gunnlandia and Wazistan. The northern territory of Christianan (former Suissel) is largely forested and hilly. Southern portions of Christianan are variably forests, grasslands, and uplands formed by geologic activity. The highest point in in Christianan is Big Bear Mountain (18,789 feet) in the Helvetic Alps. The lowest point is Big Bear Valley (-2 feet), located at the base of Big Bear Mountain.


The Christianan nation has a very long history spanning the centuries. For almost 1000 years since the birth of Christ, the territories now comprising Christianan were independent baronies, kingdoms, dutchies, and principalities. Several groups of varying nationalities filtered into the future territories of Christianan during this time. These groups included the Rus, a Russian group who in 797 AD founded the city of Sebastopol, and the Deutschviz, a Germanic group that repopulated Turicum in 563 AD after a famine and plague wiped out most of the city's native Italianic inabitants. In the year 1137 AD, the first recorded movement towards a united nation began. The ruling family of the Barony of Tourenta began a campaign to annex the surrounding dutchies of Dunshrie and Caxil and the nearby principalities of Antinegon and Costadara. Upon the completion of this campaign, Baron Marcus Werlei of the Barony of Tourenta declared himself Absolute King of the Monarchy of Christianan. By 1200 AD, Christianan had come to additionally encompass the Fiefdom of Panchil, the Patrarchy of Panntrian, the Kingdom of Calineva, and the Barony of Yekonia. By this time, another unification movement began in the north. The monarchy of the Emirate of Coloraine had been overthrown by the Bishop of Coloraine, and a Catholic theocracy had been established. The Bishop began a crusade to unify the north as a counterbalance to the Christianan Kingdom in the south. The Principalities of Aliesca, Moriannesk, and Venezara were conquered and the entire territory was declared the Theocratic Empire of Christianas in 1221 AD. Within 50 years of the creation of the TEoC, every other minor territory between the Theocratic Empire and the Kingdom was annexed by one side or the other. In 1284, the Theocratic Empire launched a massive attack with coordinated land and sea units against the Kingdom. This marked the beginning of the Seven Years War. During the first three years, the Kingdom lost its capital at Oranjestad and much of its territory, however a victory in defense of Sebastopol motivated the Kingdom's forces to begin an offensive that recaptured all territory lost within a year and finally the capture of all of the Theocratic Empire by the end of the war. In 1291, King Marcus III, who by this time had become known as Marcus the Great, declared himself ruler of all of Christianan. Between 1351 and 1368, several attempts, diplomatic, military, and otherwise, were made to annex the territories to the north that eventually became Suissel. All of these attempts failed. In 1369 the King signed official non-hostility treaties with all of the Suisselian states but Voortsmarnn. Instabilities plagued the Kingdom for many years after the apparent defeats in the north. In 1390 AD, King Alexander II abducated the throne under intense internal pressures, leaving the leadership of the country to his nephew, who became King Marcus V, also known as Marcus the Wise. Under King Marcus V, many economic advances were made and personal freedoms for all were expanded, though the aristocracy received a greater share of those freedoms. The leadership of Marcus V created a greater sense of the Christianan nation than had ever existed before. Christianan prospered until 1720, when a recession hit the country. Foreign markets were slowly turning away from Christianan as colonialism reached a new peak. This stagnation lasted for 15 years and the economy took another 15 years to reach pre-recession levels of production and sales. After the reign of Queen Annabella II (the so-called Annabellan era) from 1718 to 1788, King Leon Otto I took the throne. He established several autocratic measures during his reign that often displeased nearly every part of the Kingdom. By 1832 the nobility had had enough and began what became later known as the Priceless Revolution. In this revolution, nobles would not pay their taxes and not serve in the military. They would also prevent their serfs and servants to serve in the national military. Within a very short time, the Monarchy went bankrupt and had no ability to collect funding. The King aceeded to the demands of the nobility and promulgated the Constitution of 1832. This constitution laid the groundwork for democratic governance in Christianan. The Constitution of 1832 heavily favored the noble classes, however, and by 1898, had been amended 87 times. In 1898, Queen Annabella Marie I called for a constitutional convention to draw up a new frame of government. This convention producted the Constitution of 1898, a document that lasted for over 100 years. Christianan remained neutral during the wars of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, embarking on a policy of near-total diplomatic isolation. By early 2004 AD, the government under Queen Gabriella I and Prime Minister William Bahora decided to change policies and re-enter the European international scene. The government established close ties to and an alliance with the Helvetic Confederation. In the summer of 2004, a coup d'etat in and surprise attack by Suissel prompted the Christianan government to act. Along with the Helvetic Confederation and Gunnlandia, Christianan military forces liberated Suissel. After this conflict, Christianan recognized closer ties with the Helvetic Confederation by signing the Western European Free Trade Agreement (WEFTA). In the fall of 2004, efforts to change Christianan from a monarchy to a republic achieved their goal. A new Constitution was created. This new Constitution marked the beginning of a new era for Christianan in the world. The first election saw a Queen become President. Progress and prosperity bode a bright future for the nation.


The Free Constitutional Republic of Christianan is a nation full of wonder and history. Some centuries ago it was a land of nearly a hundred different feudal tribes that controlled small tracts of land. Eventually, the lands became consolidated under the authority of the current monarchy, ruling absolutely. In the 19th century, a movement toward constitutionalism brought about the Constitution of 1832, and the ideal of a limited, constitutional, democratic government ruling the whole nation. The Constitution of 1898, created the modern system of governance in the nation. It had been ammended only 19 times since its inception, and guarantees basic rights to all Christianan citizens. The newest Constitution, ratified in November of 2004, abolished the monarchy and established a republican, federal state. This Constitution is built upon past constitutions, as well as documents governing other nations such as the Helvetic Confederation, Liechtenistan, Lovisa and Gunnlandia.

The modern government is a democratic and constitutional republic. It is divided into three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. The executive is headed by a President, who also acts as Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of Christianan. The President has the power to veto legislation and appoint Administrators with apprival of the Senate. There are twelve Administrations (equivalent to Departments or Ministries) under the executive branch. Co-elected with the President is the Vice-Presient. The Vice-President will take over the Office of President when the President is legally incapacitated and unable to perform his duties. The Vice-President also acts as President of the Senate. The Senate is one of the three houses of the legislative branch. The Senate has the power to approve Administrators and Judicates (equivalent to judges). The Senate is composed of two Senators from every Barony in the nation. The Senate is the middle house of the three virtual houses of the legislative branch. The lower house is the House of Representatives. This house is composed of Representatives from each Barony apportioned according to population. There are a total of 405 Representatives. The House of Representatives has the power to propose government budgets and to impeach. The Representatives choose from among themselves the President of the House of Representatives. The third, virtual house is composed of all of the members of the two former houses. This house is known as the House of States. All members vote together as individual Baronies. Each Barony has one vote. The method for determining how each Barony will vote is up to the discression of the legislatures of the individual Baronies or to the Representatives themselves. The House of the States has the power to declare war. The Speaker of the House of States is elected independently by a popular vote of the nation. The Speaker may not hold any other offices in any level of government. The court system is a multi-tiered system of local, barony, and federal courts. The highest court in the nation is the Supreme Court, composed of seven Judicates. The seven Judicates select from among themselves a Judicate-General to head the Court.


National Constitutional Party (NCP): Party formed from former centrist and right parties, represents moderate conservative views, including free trade and a capitalistic market system.

Global Mankind Party (GMP): Slightly left party, supports moral progression. Believes that the whole human race can one day live in total harmony. But until then, peaceful international relations and a somewhat socialistic system is the way to go.

International Relations

Christianan often maintains independent neutrality in smaller conflicts of Europe, though will take sides to a degree in the larger conflicts of the region. Christianan maintains extremely close relations with the Helvetic Confederation. It also maintains cordial relations with ITO nations such as South Germany.


The Christianan economy is based heavily on technology and tourism. One of the major drivers of the tourist economy is the gaming industry. Secondary industries include the research industry and financial services. Membership in the EEP and WEFTA treaties fortify the Christianan economy.


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