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Latest revision as of 03:22, 4 October 2007


Flag of Catalay
Motto: "Land of feline freedom"
No Map Available Yet
Region Furry Federation
Capital Port Cato
Official Language(s) Purina
Leader Prince Regent Ville Crooktail
Population approx. 1 million
Currency silver coin 
NS Sunset XML


Catalay is a small island nation, located in the region of Furry Federation. It is inhabited almost exclusively by a race of catpeople known as the Felinards. On the international stage, Catalay's presence is neglible, with the Catans mostly content with overseeing affairs of their own nation.


When exactly the Felinards came to this particular part of the world is almost entirely up to conjecture. According to the oral tradition of the small human minority of Catalay, they were the original inhabitants of the island, with the Felinards arriving later on by sea and subverting the humans. On the other hand, all Felinard chronicles claim that they have always lived on the island. It seems likely the Felinards did arrive to the island from Yetar by boat, but whether they arrived efore, after or at the same time as he human tribes in unknown.

The first written records in Catalay date from the 12th century. By that time an organised society had been established and the nation was ruled by a Queen. Metals were mined from the mountains and the complex forms of martial arts using swords that survive to this day had been developed. However, despite the appearance of organisation and common culture, it seems likely that the Queen and her court held very little actual power. Most citizens lived alone or in small groups around the island, and cared very little about what the Queen had commanded.

The Felinards were apparently never too keen on developing technology and such devices, and until the early 20th century Catalay's society stayed pretty much as it had been before. At that time foreign influences basically forced the islanders to start modernising. Mining industry and resource-gathering were developed, and as industry and connections grew around the Queen's palace, the island's first real city was established in Port Cato. Even as such, a large portion of Catalay's citizens continued to lead an isolated existance in the large forests of the island. Due to the industrial development and growth of population, a more organised political system was established with the island divided into a dozens of regions and each region sending a representative to a yearly meeting in Port Cato. This is a system that survives to this day.


Catalay consists basically of just one island, about 30 000 square kilometers in size. There are a few minor outlying islands, some of them inhabited, but basically all of Catalay's inhabitants live on the main island (which, unsurprisingly, is called Catalay). The island is of volcanic origin. A sizeable volcano, Mount Geoffroyi, is located in central southern Catalay. Fortunately, it has been inactive for centuries and according to local scientists it will continue to be so for the years to come.

Thanks to it's volcanic origin, land in Catalay is very fertile. The southern parts of the island are mostly forests untouched by civilization (although they are fequently visited by travellers and locals wishing for peace and quiet), except for a handful of copper mines surrounded by the forests. The northern parts of the island, especially around the capital city of Port Cato, are much more modernised with most of the land used for cattle farms to feed the island's groving population.


For general characteristics of the Felinard species, please refer to the relevant article.

The Catans are, as a rule, solitary people, preferring to spend time alone whenever possible. Most of them find an existance where one is dependant only on his or hers own actions to be the ideal state of existance, but modern progress and urbanisation has made this only a distant dream for the majority.

From a human point of view, the Catans have many unusual customs and aspects of their culture will seem very foreign.


Most Catans are members of the same religion, which goes unnamed. As there are no official writings, no central teachings and no register as to who are officially members of the religion, writing a conclusive article about the religion is somewhat difficult. In the end, there are as many beliefs as there are believers. However, the central outlines are apparently agreed on.

The world (and the entire universe) was created by the First Mother, who gave birth to the earth, moon, sun and stars. The fur of the First Mother is black as the night, and she has wrapped herself around the universe to which she gave birth to protect it. (It is interesting to note that according to this, the universe can be still considered to be in it's infancy). In the following millenia the things she gave birth to grew, and the first Felinards appeared on Earth. They walked on four legs instead of two, had mythical powers and lived for centuries, maybe even for a millenia. These first of the Felinard tended to the earth and made it flourish. When they finally died, they were not reborn as other Catans believe they do, but continued to live as spirits in the world, each spirit inhabiting the place or thing(s) that was most dear to him or her and guiding it's development. (So, for instance, according to the Catan religion a Felinard spirit called Geoffroyi inhabits the mountain with the same name, and as long as he is pleased the volcano will not erupt).

Indiginous human inhabitants of Catalay are mostly animists.

Social Position

A Catan's social position is decided by how much land he controls, but land in Catalay cannot be bought or sold. Instead, it is fought for in ceremonial combat, carried out either by hand or sword. The winner of such a combat can seize a certain part of his or hers opponent's land. Each Catan is considered to have a right to a 'home', so no person's entire land area can be forcibly taken away. However, any newcomers or Catans who have not inherited any land, must fight for a piece of land to call their home. Hence a home/land is not an automatic right.

In the city of Port Cato things work somewhat differently of course, as most people own only their own apartment which is often located in a multi-storey building. The first such buildings were built on royal land and initially freely given away by the Queen. Later on private individuals also started building such housing and, for the first time in Catalay's history, started demanding money for the apartments. Such arrangements created a lot of legal problems, most notably the fact that a Catan who owns no land cannot participate in the political process. The solving of these problems remain a crucial aspect for the nation's future.

Food & Cuisine

Catans are near-exclusively meat eaters, and large cattle farms continuously produce meat for the population to feed on. A similar function is filled by Catalay's large fishing fleet, which is mostly operated by humans as the majority of Catans prefer to avoid getting wet, a state that is nearly unavoidable on a fishing boat.

A visitor to Catalay should be prepared for a wide variety of different types of meat-based foods, including a large number of dishes prepared from rodents. Field mice, prepared in various forms, is considered the most exquisite delicacy by the locals, though undoubtedly most humans wish to steer away from such a dish.


The political system of Catalay is still in general very archaic. The official ruler of the nation is Queen Spotti Grey-eyes, but due to her being underaged the duties of the head of state ave been assumed by her father, Ville Crooktail. In general, it is very unusual for Catalay to have a male ruler, in the past the nation has been ruled almost exclusively by Queens.

The head of state has very little real power; she (he) is the chairperson of the yearly gathering at Port Cato where all actual decisions are made (despite the name, the gathering is no longer yearly but monthly). Representatives into the gathering are not selected by a democratic process, but rather the person with the most land in each region represents his (or her) region in the gathering. In modern times this system has proven very problematic, as the majority of citizens in the more developed areas are without representation due to the fact of not owning any land. Democratic re-forms have been called for several times, but at the moment it seems unlikely that the yearly gathering would make any decisions in such direction.

International Politics

Catalay has no foreign ministry and no representation abroad. In the case dealings with other nations are required, the yearly gathering names an individual to represent Catalay.

OOC Information

Catalay is a puppet of the player Tavast-Carelia.