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MuDeAl logo as of February 2055 (STS). Note absence of the former USTsR and GCU member states.
Founded: Formally 1st September, 2033 (STS) in Nixorbania
Acronym: MuDeAl
Administrators: Nixorbania, Teral
Members: Dyslexia, Nixorbania,

Nova Teral, Nurdbotia, Spifflandia, Teral, West - Europa

Alliance type: Mutual defence military alliance
Status: Indifferent and frequently violated



Formed off the back of the Nixorbania-Teral Alliance in roughly 2033 (STS) it initially consisted of Nixorbania, Teral, New Cyberia, Avatarium, Nogo-Nogo, Dyslexia and West – Europa. Zedoljev applied shortly after, and perhaps partially through the influence of Teral’s leader – Hodak Teral, Zedoljev was accepted, followed shortly after by San Fredlando.

MuDeAl, as it quickly became known, was a rapid reaction force, the like of which the world had never seen. Each nation had powerful or significant assets that could aid in the greater security of the region. It was MuDeAl’s role to send forces into collapsing countries to restore order and broker a formation of a new administration over the territory in question. It was also there to be a united front against hostile forces. This included fending off aggressors from all sides from outside the region, for example Zedoljev and Teral combating Neo-Urallian terrorists, and West – Europa fending off invasion forces from Asgard. MuDeAl was there for humanitarian roles as well, with Nixorbania and Avatarium championing relief efforts following the catastrophic events that destroyed much of the Hawk Islands. But a few times MuDeAl had to conflict with opposing forces from with the region it self. A good example of this was the collapse of Melllvania, in 2039, where forces of TheMadCapper attempted to claim the land as theirs. A combined MuDeAl force was quickly deployed to key positions in the area, and their presence was enough to pressure Cappian forces to withdraw.

Perhaps MuDeAl’s most famous battle was the Battle for the Island Stronghold in 2042, which was fought largely over the islands of Marvona and Tonya between Neo Urallians and the MuDeAl forces of New Cyberia, Teral, Zedoljev and West – Europa with additional forces from Nurdbotia and the Empire of Slimmy. After a long siege, a bitter and hard fought battle took place. Casualties were high, but it was enough for the Neo Urallians to be forced from the islands and lose their main stronghold in the region.

Following on from the battle, Nurdbotia spoke of its interest in joining the Alliance, but initially faced some stiff opposition from Teral and in particular Nixorbania, which being close to an ideological opposite to Nurdbotia, was highly critical of both Nurdbotia and her Red Army. While there had been some snub of Zedoljev before this event, this was the first sign of great differences within the Alliance that would cause almost fatal damage later on. Nurdbotia won her position, but nearly lost it all together only two years later in the collapse of Blendaria. Blendaria was a country steeped in Farhovan temples and religious history, and was a highly devout Leilarian nation. It also neighboured Nurdbotia, Teral, and Avatarium, so naturally a heavy MuDeAl response was expected. New Cyberian Marines arrived from the east and landed on the coast, and a joint Zedoljan Morpekh/VDV force landed in the east and in the hills, in the latter case to safeguard important temples in the area, before handing over the area to Teral. Teral, being a neighbour and very strong Leilarian state was expected to be one of the first to send forces in over the eastern border, but Teral was going through political troubles, and the slow response of her armies stunned much of MuDeAl. However, this was eclipsed by events in the north of the country, as various Armies of the Red Army of Nurdbotia were sweeping into the country – with the established likelihood that any land taken by Nurdbotia would remain theirs. Many Blendarians opposed this, and locals mixed with former soldiers formed an armed resistance against the Nurdbotians. This culminated in the Battle of Blanchemarke where units of the Nurdbotian 9th Army confronted and destroyed a group of Resistance fighters held up in the priceless Farnhovan Temple of Saint David. The Nurdbotian force greatly outnumbered the Blendarian force, and used heavy firepower to eliminate them, destroying much of the Temple in the process. Such heavy-handed-ness and disregard for the cultural and spiritual significance of where they were fighting appalled many fellow MuDeAl allies, notably both Teral and Zedoljev – heavy Leilarian nations. Nurdbotia survived this however, and despite the controversy of Blanchemarke, the transition of Blendaria into MuDeAl jurisdiction passed without any further significant difficulties.

Recent Times

What happened next however marked probably the blackest time in MuDeAl’s history, as well as a terrible time for the region on a whole. Only a matter of months after the battle of Blanchemarke, Avatarium suffered a string of economic collapses, and the country imploded. A founding member of MuDeAl had collapsed, and with a heavy heart, MuDeAl was forced to intervene in one of their own countries. With much of Avatarium’s population fleeing, the country was split between Teral, West – Europa and Dyslexia. Several overseas members were offered zones of jurisdiction, but this idea was ultimately scrapped. Several nations collapsed in quick succession, and MuDeAl found it increasingly difficult to cope. Indeed the Alliance temporarily fell out completely over what to do when the nation of Schadistan fell into disarray, and in the end only Zedoljev sent forces to provide security and humanitarian aide. Things looked up when the nation of Spifflandia applied to join the Alliance as well. It was at this point though that Nixorbanian President Orbo called for a first true MuDeAl summit to take place on an island just off the Nixorbanian coast. Every member sent their statesmen to the meeting along with high dignitaries. In a horrific strike, almost all of them were killed, with only a few individuals, for instance current Zedoljan Premier Zvyevonyev being lucky enough to be outside the blast’s radius. The region was stunned, and every member nation was left reeling following the loss of their leaders. The strike was traced to the northern country of Rura Penthe, and in a whirlwind campaign led by Nogo-Nogo and Zedoljev, MuDeAl invaded a sovereign nation and conquered it.

Unfortunately trouble for MuDeAl didn’t end there. Not long after that, Nurdbotia suggested the formation of COMECON – an unrelated alliance between fledgling Communist and Socialist nations in the region, designed to give aide and support to one another. Zedoljev was quick to join, however, much of the capitalist nations were quick to voice concerns, and within MuDeAl, Teral, Nixorbania and New Cyberia in particular were highly critical of the idea. The differences between the two sides hit a climax with the Phillip's Head Crisis where natives in a San Fredlandian colony on the Gnome Islands started off a brutal terrorist campaign, that in turn was brutally retaliated on by San Fredlando, and then by Zedoljev who felt duty bound to San Fredlando to support them. Nurdbotia also pledged military support, but soon the war quickly spiraled out of control, with many hundreds of thousands of people dying. The rest of MuDeAl were so to react however, but when the war had came to an end, New Cyberia and Teral severely criticised the actions of the three “Red” nations, and the confrontation soon degenerated into nearly a personal scrap between Zedoljev and New Cyberia. Much of the region was beginning to fear a real confrontation between “Red” and “Blue” was about to split everyone down the middle.

However Zedoljev decided to quit MuDeAl, partially out of spite, partially to cool tensions, and took San Fredlando with them. While this was the beginning of a long and painful war of words between Zedoljev and New Cyberia, tensions did indeed cool, and Nurdbotia was allowed to stay on with MuDeAl. The idea was that it was decided that perhaps it was not best to completely isolate the Reds, but at the same time, many people assumed that Nurdbotia would not dare go against the will of the MuDeAl again without Zedoljev to support them. Since then however, the shining beacon that was the MuDeAl has wavered. Nogo-Nogo has since also collapsed, as have many nations and the Alliance was slow to act if they acted at all. New Cyberia and Nurdbotia began to act unilaterally, to the extent of New Cyberia walking out of the Alliance completely, while Teral and Nixorbania both started looking inward instead of outward.

MuDeAl was barely mentioned when the Dominion Wars occurred. Nurdbotia sent large armies, mostly as a member of COMECON rather than MuDeAl, and while Spifflandia did agree to give aide to several countries badly affected by the war, these countries were right on their doorstep.

Following the proposal of the POECD, ideological differences flared up again inside MuDeAl, with Nurdbotia and Teral falling out both over the idea of the POECD and the lack of action taken by Teral in the Dominion Wars and against a resurgent Urallian threat. So much was this fall out that Teral attempted to have Nurdbotia removed from the Alliance.

Member States



Former Member States

Former Members