Amer i ca

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Amer i ca
Flag of Amer i ca
Motto: In God We Trust
No Map Available
Region The East Pacific
Capital Washing t on, District of Columbia
Official Language(s) English
Leader Arnold Schwarzenegger
Currency United States Dollar 
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History of the United States of Amer i ca

The United State´s of Amer i ca was founded on October 1st, 2006. The current nationstate (colloquially known as the New United States or Reformed United States) resulted from the passage of a series of Amendments to the United States Constitution-

28th Amendment- allowing for naturalized citizens of the United States to become president

29th Amendment- allowing for recall elections of the President and Vice President of the United States

30th Amendment- enforcing national debt ceiling of 50% of the Gross Domestic product of the United States, unless the United States Congress has officially declared war

31st Amendment- requiring all members of the electoral college to vote for the respective winners of each statewide election

Soon following the passage of these amendments, a recall election was held for the Offices of President and Vice President of the United States. The recall (which was not subject to a vote by the electoral college) passed with approximately 61% of the vote. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) subsequently won the vote to fill the vacant office of president (with approximately 25% of the vote, his nearest rival being Hilary Clinton (D-NY), with roughly 21% of the vote. Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner (D) was chosen with 14% of the vote, in a crouded field of contenders, to fill the office of Vice President.

Schwarzenegger Presidency

Immmediately following his oath of office, President Schwarzenegger signed an executive order to arm the Peace Corps in order to combat the decline of Amer i can military power. Shortly following the special election held after hist brief term of office, Schwarzenegger conceded defeat in a tight race for the presidency.

2nd Presidential Election

Official Results-

Steve Jobs- 269 electoral votes Arnold Schwarzenegger-269 electoral votes

The 2nd Election for President of the United States of Amer i ca saw a three way race between Democratic Candidate Evan Bayh, Republican incumbant Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Indepenedent Candidate Steve Jobs (the vice presidential nominees being Russ Feingold, Chuck Hagel, and Jesse Ventura Respectively). In the general election, Jobs narrowly edged Schwarzenegger in the popular vote and tied in the electoral college. The election was then thrown to the Congress of the United States of Amer i ca which narrowly voted for Steve Jobs. Schwarzenegger subsequently conceded the election

Jobs Presidency

Steve Jobs succeeded Arnold Schwarzenegger as President of the United States of Amer i ca. He immediately signed an executive order disarming the peace corps.

List of Presidents of the United States of Amer i ca

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) 2. Steve Jobs (I-CA)