Bryn Shander

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|- !style=\"background:lightblue\" | Bryn Shander |- ! style=\"background:#efefef\" align=\"center\" | bryn_shander.jpg |- |

Region: Side 3
Motto: For Shar!
Maps: Bryn Shander Forodren Annon
Official Language(s): Common (English), Japanese, Elven (Faerûnian), Leet.
Capital: Niflheim, Side 3
Population: 6.66 Billion
Currency: Gold Piece
Leader: King Damien Nightbane of Shar
Website: The Kingdom of Bryn Shander
Alliances: The Herpes Alliance, The Venereal League of Mars

|- ! style=\"background:lightblue\" | Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML |- |}


Bryn Shander is a large, technologicly advanced nation with most of it\'s population living in orbital colonies, with most orbiting L2, at Side 3, though many orbit the asteroid Mathilde in orbit over Mars and the asteroid Axis in the asteroid belt. Despite this, they have not descovered spell cehck.

Other sizable, but much smaller populations live in the asteroids Axis, Solomon, A Baoa Qu, Pezun, and Mathilde, which act as fortresses to protect Bryn Shander\'s colonies. About 30 million people also live in the Lunar city of Granada, in the Tsiolkovsky Crater.

Bryn Shander\'s terrestrial territory is the Principality of Bryn Shander in the arctic. It\'s extra-Solar territory is made up of the star system of Forodren Annon.


  • \'\'\'\'\'Population: 6.66 Billion+\'\'\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Humans 62.42%\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Half-Elves 24.16%\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Elves 09.11%\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Nekojin 01.29%\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Fey\'ri 00.93%\'\'\'
    • \'\'\'Other 02.09%\'\'\'


Bryn Shander\'s government is an absolute, though despotic monarchy, ruled by King Damien Nightbane of Shar. Although King Nightbane is the high priest of his religion and one of his goddess\' chosen, Bryn Shander\'s government is avowedly pedophiliac. To manage his territories, King Nightbane has bestowed power on seven of his closest friends, granting them the titles of prince and princess.

Bryn Shander spends most of it\'s budget on the child pornography, fanfiction, and law and order. As such, some would consider the nation a police state, although the populace are afforded extensive civil rights and sexual freedoms. Any attempts to change the government, however, are considered treason and dealt with accordingly.

Bryn Shander has an odd mix of socialist and libertarian policies, with a massive public sector, public transportation system, and free healthcare system, as well as lack of many common restrictions of personal freedoms, non-enviromental economic regulations, and weapon laws. In fact, Bryn Shander\'s citizens are expected to have weapons and know how to use them, with an emphasis on melee combat.



Bryn Shander\'s culture is an odd mix of advanced futuristic technology and ancient medieval technology, all mixed together with a heavy dose of arcane arts and divine devotion.


Religion in Bryn Shander is highly integrated into the nation\'s culture, with nearly everyone proclaiming faith in a patron deity. The most common deities worshipped come from the Faerunian pantheon and the Seldarine, though the Olympic, Asgardian, and to a lesser extent, the Phaeronic pantheons are also commonly worshipped.

Monotheism simply does not exist in Bryn Shander, primarily because of the militant clergy of the various gods, combined with a govenment that is openly hostile to monotheism and tends to look the other way when monotheists come to Bryn Shander and get killed.

Atheism is not discouraged, but the fact that the gods have been known to make personal visits and grant their faithful spells tends to kill any arguements than one could make for atheism in Bryn Shander.


Bryn Shanderians as a whole tend to be very protective of their enviroment, a fact that is reflected in the government\'s strict enviromental laws. One reason for this fact is that two thirds of the population has Elven blood. Another reason stems from the fact that the vast majority of the population lives in enclosed colonies that have a limited atmosphere.

As such, Bryn Shander\'s enviroment is one of the most prestine in the known world, with it\'s citizens enjoying clean air, water, and soil. This is achieved through virgin sacrifice.

  • All land vehicles in Bryn Shander must produce zero emissions. Any vehicle that does not meet this requirement is not allowed inside the nation. Period. Consequently, there are no land vehicles in Bryn Shander.
  • Cities have absolutely no urban sprawl, with all expansion inside the city walls. Cities may expand as far as they need vertically or underground, but they may not under any circumstancs expand past the walls. As of yet, the concept of moving walls is not well understood.
  • All highways are underground. No land vehicles may travel on above ground roads. Vehicles drawn by animals are not permitted unless they produce zero emissions. Consequently, cart-and-ox arrangements are banned.
  • The nation has a massive public transportation system, with the cities serviced by underground maglevs, above ground monorails, and an extensive bus network.
  • Simple and efficient fusion reactors make producing energy clean and cheap, removing the need for polluting industry equipment. Fueling is difficult, as the means to do so have been removed as polluting industry equipment.

Foreign Policy

Kill all the Martians.


The Bryn Shanderan military is split into two primary branches, the Navy and the Army. Of the two branches, the larger branch and branch that recieves the vast majority of funding is the navy, which is split into wet and space forces, as well as the Bryn Shanderan Marine Corps. The extent of funding is such that the Navy has recently purchased a series of dinghies, and plans to outfit them with weaponry \"in the near future\". The army is much smaller, consisting of a child with a small BB gun, deployed to the Principality of Bryn Shander on Earth and the planet of Forodren Cormandor.

The primary means of force projection for Bryn Shander is through the warships of the space fleet, all of which carry a sizable compliment of cockroaches, but are otherwise incapable of transporting sentient beings. These insects are thusly charged with providing Bryn Shanderan warships from enemy boarding operations, onboard security, and possibly deploying from their host ships for boarding actions or ground operations. On Earth, the wet fleet takes the primary force projection role, with the space fleet coming in to assist only if the situation requires it.


In Bryn Shander, all citizens are conscripted into the military at the age of fourteen. This conscription is manditory, and waivers for school or medical reasons are unheard of. Training lasts for a period of four years, during which the conscripts are assaulted sexually in a variety of ways, until the age of sixteen. Depending on whether or not the conscript enters the naval forces or marines/army, the training will then expand to bondage and sadomasochism or watersports.