Fort Boston

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Fort Boston
Nation: Bostopia
Founded: 4CE
Function: Capital City
Timezone: BEST (UFR Standard + 3)
City Population: 27 Million
Urban Population: 43 Million
Leader: Emperor Boston

Fort Boston is the capital city of Bostopia.

It was founded in 4CE by early settlers, who established it as their capital after it became the first permanent settlement in Bostopia.

It houses Fort Boston Castle, which is the official residence of Emperor Boston, the Head Of State of Bostopia.

Fort Boston has a population of 27 million, and also gives it's name to the state in which it resides.

Geographically, encircling the south eastern to south western side of Ranton (a sub-city of Fort Boston) is a large stretch of greenbelt, which still houses the ancient forest of Jaswich, which provided the first settlers not only nuts and berries en route from what is now Population Beach, but also a form of defense, thanks to the river that also runs through the forest.