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Flag of Fodmodmadtol
Motto: The Fires of the Sun, Will Embrace the Wicked.
Fodian Federal Districts
Region The New Roman Empire
Capital Hesphaestus, Gael
Official Language(s) Latin, English
Leader Intern General Cabinet; Nokona
Population 1,386,000,000
Currency Byte 
NS Sunset XML

A Fodmodmadtol

Fodmodmadtol is not anything, precisely. A Fod is really only an idea- An abstract thought. The Fodian ideal is one that can be applied to any People that values the right of Life above all else. The Fodian Ideal would have no sense of actual law and order, for the Life of the People is something not to impede upon, and the Balance that is Life ordained by Aliliah favors no side. The only act of judgement would come if the one true Fodian Ideal is broken, and that is the right of Life to all who hold it.

-Oiseau Arch'Juscti Fod

The Nation State

UN Category: Civil Rights Lovefest

Civil Rights- Superb; Economy- Frightening; Political Freedoms- Superb

  • The Imperial Libertarian Apathy of Fodmodmadtol is a massive, economically powerful nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 1.386 billion enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.
  • It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, liberal, pro-business government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Education, and Public Transport. The average income tax rate is 100%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Gambling industry, followed by Woodchip Exports and Beef-Based Agriculture.
  • Crime -- especially youth-related -- is a problem, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. Fodmodmadtol's national animal is the Radi, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Plume.

Earth- Enviornment


Fodmodmadtol North America is seperated into three major climactic ranges, The Northern, Midway, and Southern Expanse. The climate ranges are defined by the Köppen Climate Classification System.

The Northern Expanse is defined by a Highland Climate(H) of a Boreal Forest Climate(Dfc). Long, very cold winters, and short, cool summers. Weather changes rapidly on mountains, becoming colder the higher the altitude gets. Overall temperature range is very larger. Precipitation increases during summer months, although annual precipitation is still small. Plant life is composed of Mountain Riparin and Alpine with areas of Aspen.

The Midway Expanse is a Moist Cotinental Climate(Cf). The battleground of tropical and polar air masses. Seasonal changes between summer and winter are very large. Daily temperatures also change often. Abundant precipitation falls throughout the year. It is increased in the summer season by invading tropical air masses. Cold winters are caused by polar and arctic masses moving south. Plant life varies from Ponderosa Pine, Mountain Fir, Deciduous, Wet and Dry Meadow.

The Southern Expanse is defined by a Dry Midlatitude Climate(BS). Polar air in winter creates very cold winters, although summers can be very hot. Decent enough rainfall that keeps the land from transgressing into an arid climate, and holding it as a tallgrass prarie. Flora consists mostly of Grasslands, Sagebrush, and Mountain Shrub.

Fodmodmadtol South America ...


The Northern Federa Expanse stretches from Lake Eerie, to the Hudson River Valley, up along the St. Lawrence River, Catskills and Adirondack Mountains. Major water features include the coast along the Atlantic Ocean, the Finger Lakes, and the Hudson River. Many smaller streams run through the mountains, but larger rivers like the Hudson are rare. Large outcrops of Igneous and Metamorphic bedrock are abundant in this Geographic region, Glacial Till providing a rich topsoil. Rugged Mountains, Foothills, and Water features prove only 20% of the land arable.

The Southern Federa Expanse holds a coast along the Carribean Sea, situated on the Northern Extreme of South America. The terrain consists of lowlands along the coast. Deeper into the enterior of the Districts, the Guadavarus Jungle. Many streams cut through out towards Sea, irrigating and fertilizing the soil with refuse from the Guadavarus. As well, many water way connections lead to the Amazon and provide a route to the Atlantic. Minerals are rare. However, over 90% of land is arable.


Fodmodmadtol is divided into the Fodian Federal Districts, on Earth. The Capital city of Fodmodmadtol, on Earth, is Hesphaestus; It's location is undisclosed, as is its actual function. All major cities in Fodmodmadtol besides the Capital are only International Ports. Any other Urban, Suburban, or Rural Townships are much more intimate. The Townships of the Federation, as any and all Tax Sectors are reffered to by, are any and all localities in which Citizens of the Federation live within.

Please not, however, that the Federation on Earth is but a colonial extension of Fodmodmadtol, being ruled by in turn-

  • The General Master
  • The Clonial Senate

Epsilonia- Enviornment


  • Birth Rate is 12 per every 1,000 count
  • Death Rate is 10 per every 1,000 count

Ethnicity and Race

  • 15% Epsilonian
  • 30% Caucasian
  • 20% Oriental
  • 20% Spaniard
  • 10% Russe
  • 05% Margin


  • 30% Aliliahism
  • 25% Agnostic
  • 15% Roman Catholic
  • 10% Buddhist
  • 10% Violetic
  • 10% Margin

Political Movements

  • East Theocracy Movement; 30%
  • Direct Socialist Movement; 40%
  • Free Market Movement; 10%
  • Buddy Capitalism Movement; 15%
  • Fascist Movement; 5%
  • Absolutism Movement; 5%
  • Margin; 5%


In Command

"Get it out of my way. Now."

-Monarch CEO; Nokona

"A true opinion on any matter can only be determined by searching the subject from all points of view. It is by this quote that the Governing Charter of Fodmodmadtol is made known to the World."

-Prime Minister; Yishi

The Governing Charter of Fodmodmadtol

Guaranteed to all People of the Server. For the People of the Socialist Server, in order to provide a commonwealth of the People, to insure tranquility, to insure justice, to insure protection, and insure the rights to life every citizen deserves, do ordain this Governing Charter for the Socialist Server and the United Districts over which its Federal authority falls.

Article One-

All Districts shall stand United under this charter for the common good, yet if it is evident a District believes in a reasonable difference with the Server, than that District shall be allowed to Cede from the Server and sever all ties. Each District has the right to provide for its People as the People see fit, and that shall not be hindered by Federal authority. Federal laws regarding the People will prove to be fairly feathery, as each District has the right to decide laws by which to govern by. It is assumed though, that each district under Federal Authority, shall have a void of laws and conduct a state of Anarchy. Any Federal Authority by which to seek some order within these Districts is ordained to keep the guidelines projected that are guaranteed to all People of the Server.

Article Two-

To provide a commonwealth of the People, a Server shall be established which will collect the makings of the People as a mass, and contribute it to a common stock. This common stock will be re distributed to the People as they see fit.

Section one- The People of each District have the right to speak to the Commonwealth on any issue they wish to have addressed regarding what the Server provides. This can be held on a Community level, District level, or Server level, in that successive order. In this way the People can speak directly with the Commonwealth and communicate their ideas without distortion.

Article Three-

To insure tranquility, Federal Bureaus shall be established which will coordinate all functions of the Peoples economy, to regulate and track all economic progress and recession in specific areas of the economy. These Bureaus shall be led by a Minister accepted by the People. An assembly of all Bureaus shall be dubbed the General Cabinet.

Section one- A Minister of any Bureau shall be chosen by the People, an election held whenever it is seemed necessary, and brought to the attention of the Server by the People. Elections shall be held at the Peoples discretion alone, and thus the faith of the Bureaucracy is placed.

Section two- These Bureaus shall coordinate Departments as they see fit to keep order to the economy, and organize a hierarchy within themselves to govern order of these Departments. All Departments shall report to the Bureau they are descended from.

Article Four-

To insure justice, High Courts shall be established which will settle disputes between the People, and the Nation as a whole, to regulate all moral progress and recession in general areas of society. These Courts shall consist of a Tribunal of Judges accepted by the People. An assembly of all Courts shall be dubbed The Justice.

Section one- A Judge of any Tribunal shall be chosen by the People, an election held whenever it is seemed necessary, and brought to the attention of the Server by the People. Elections shall be held at the Peoples discretion alone, and thus the faith of the High Courts are placed.

Section two- The Tribunal has District Authority to pass judgment as it sees fit; Following no Federal Code and adhering only to the guidelines projected that are guaranteed to all People of the Server; Yet a Moral System decided on the People of the District, that does not stand as a regulation but as a guideline to follow in deciding a judgment.

Section three- Any Person or People of the Server has a right to bring a case before the Courts, for judgment regarding the actions of a Second Party.

Section four- For affairs that are regarded more than Domestic, the High Courts of all Districts shall assemble in a Justice, and confer on the said matter to pass proper judgment.

Article Five-

To insure protection, the United Districts of the Server under a single Bureau, and accepted by the General Cabinet as well as the Justice, shall each provide military service for the Server in times of war. To protect the Values that the people hold close to their hearts, it is expected they come forth in time of war to aide the Server, although no mandatory drafting shall be instated to force any Person to fight for ideals which they do not believe.

Excerpts of a summary drafted by the Late Co'od Arch'Juscte Nyx

Late Ruler of East Fodmodmadtol

It is taken that the people of the Server, are to live as they choose, but not to the point where they would disrupt the life of another. It should be taken the Server is there to do what its name implies, to Serve [ the people ]. It is to coordinate the peoples economy in a way which all can benefit, and none are left out. Yes, there will be those who will try and exploit a system conceived on [ a commonwealth ], and yes they shall have to be dealt with. That is for the Courts, The People, to decide who is a Dreg. To protect the ideals that you live by, living as you see fit, it is excepted that you fight for it if times are threatening your peace, and not roll over to allow another to spear you in the heart.


Oiseau Arch'Juscte

Corruption and Chaos

The Clover Rebellion

Welcome to Earth.

Death of a Spectre

Heir to the Throne

High Imperator of The New Roman Empire.

A Monarch

... Its a sprawling, circular room, of magnificent Old-School Imperialist opulence. Italian porcelain tile of warm earthly hues, cathedral plaster ceilings adorned in a fresco of the tortured Saint Sebastian, magnificent Corinthian columns of marvelous red rising fluted around the edges of the room, arches between to lead out onto an open verandah on all sides. In the middle of this spectacular shrine, there was a shallow circular platform, rising just a few inches above the floor in the same rich material of porcelain. In the center of this platform, there is a nest of pillows situated. Ornate, luxurious things, bold colors and creeds, indefinably variegated. Above this hangs a banner, long and white and falling to just a few feet above the arrangement of comfort, bearing- Oddly enough- The Seal of the East Fodian Theocracy.

Many Servants, distinguishable by their ordinary black uniforms, hustled through this most sacrosanct area to other places within the Villa. Also, Employees, differentiated by their stiff corporate dress. A dull murmur was always masking The Great Hall, it living up to its title as a hub of the Villa. [ Being Great, and whatnot. ]

The Sun, of course, looked upon this with an ordinary eye. ...