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Flag of Kedalfax
Motto: I may be drunk, but you're ugly and tomorrow I'll be sober!
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Region Simtropolis
Capital Newland, ND
Official Language(s) English
Leader Hon. Francais Sebuu
Population 91 million
Currency Kedalf 
NS Sunset XML


Newland Province(ND) Capital:Newland Delon Province(DE) Capital:Delon City Halen Province(HA) Capital:Halen City Mountain Territories(MO) Capital: Weis City Woodland Province(WO) Capital: Woodland City


Fast facts:

Type: Centrist Democracy

President: Hon. Francais Sebuu Vice President: William Racton Secretary of the Interior: Albert Lansing Secretary of the Exterior: David Greene Press Secretary: Heywood Jabuzov

Governor of Newland: Jerry O'Reily Governor of Delon: Jason Jones Governess of Halen: Jennifer Collins Governor of Mountain Territories: James Foster Governor of Woodland Province: Raymond Bell

The government of the Federation of Kedalfax is a centrist democracy. The president has almost no power. His job is mostly to be a figure head for the government. All laws are voted on by two seperate but equal organizations known as Congress and Senate. In Congress, there are two representatives for each province. They are elected once every four years. In the Senate, there is one representative for every million citizens in a province. Each province must have at least two representatives. However, since no province has ever had less than three million residents, this is just a safeguard. Senators are elected once every four years. For a law to pass, it must gain the majority in Congress, and then be passed on to Senate, and get the majority there. If it fails to get the Senate majority, it is passed back to Congress, where 4/5 must agree. If it passes, it will go back to the Senate, where it must get at least 1/3 of the votes. Then it is passed to the president, who can veto it. If he does, it will go back to the senate, and will need 1/6 of the votes. If it gets through all of this process, it goes to one last step. If it is a law regarding civil or political freedoms, it goes on the ballot in the next election. It must gain the popular vote here to pass. If it is not, it will pass without going to citizen vote. Elections are staggered so that the President is elected in a year divisable by 4, Senators and Congressmen are elected the next year.


The Federation of Kedalfax split off from the Communist Union of Kedalfax on June 4, 1991. Coincidentally, this was the 21st birthday of Hon. Francais Sebuu, the leader of The Federation of Kedalfax.
