Gearhead Cowboys

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Revision as of 14:54, 7 October 2005 by HotRodia (Talk | contribs)

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Gearhead Cowboys
Flag of Gearhead Cowboys
Motto: Save a horse, ride a cowboy!
Region The Heartland
Capital Cowbopolis
Official Language(s) Texan
Leader Tribal Council
Population 2 billion
Currency gear 
NS Sunset XML


The below articles were taken entirely or in part from the Encyclopedia HotRodia, 18th Edition, which was published by the HotRodia Publishing Corporation. These articles contain information that was current at the time of writing. For information on the past events in HotRodia, see the History of HotRodia.


The governing body of the Texan Biker Tribes is the Tribal Council, a group of tribal leaders that represent their respective tribes in addressing matters of inter-tribal disputes and cooperation. The tribes themselves address all matters that are internal to the tribe, and individual worth, freedom, and dignity is held sacrosanct, thus there are very few laws of any kind.


Gearhead Cowboys is a nation that was a result of a small group of motorcycle-lovers in HotRodia deciding to start their own community after they experienced discrimination against them because they preferred motorcycles over cars, which most HotRodians consider ridiculous. The Texan Biker Tribes are located in The Heartland region and the nation is composed of numerous tribes of nomadic motorcycles riders gathered together in a anarcho-communist collective.


The people of Gearhead Cowboys are all members of one of seven tribes:



