San Adriano

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San Adriano
Flag of San Adriano
Motto: Strength in smallness
coming soon
Region Uhuhland
Capital San Adriano
Official Language(s) Wymgani, Italian, English, Dutch
Leader Princess Serena Eu
Population 429
Currency sanadrianese lira 
NS Sunset XML

The Sovereign Village of San Adriano is a tiny landlocked nation entirely surrounded by the Imperial Autocracy of Uhuh-Topia. It is located both near the coast and near Uhuh-Topia's border with the Plutocratic Kingdom of Uhuh-Ropa. San Adriano has been a fully sovereign State for centuries, and its inhabitants are mainly of Italian, Wymgani and Uhuh-Topian descent.

San Adriano has a total surface area of 0.32, making it one of the smallest countries in the world. There are no official languages, but Wymgani and Italian are spoken by most Sanadrianese, with English and Dutch, the languages of neighbouring Uhuh-Topia, coming close behind. The population is predominantly atheist, though there are a few Catholics, and a minute number of people who follow other religions; San Adriano has a single, multi-faith prayer building used by all.

The country's political system comes close to being a form of direct democracy, despite there being officially a monarchy; Sanadrianese politics are discussed below.


Until the late sixteenth century, the Ropa-Topian Empire is thought to have held sway over much of the southern coast of Uhuhland, though some areas remained autonomous or semi-autonomous. It was a loosely controlled area that a small group of Italian explorers reached, and colonised, in 1529. San Adriano, named after an earlier explorer, was founded as an Italian colonial village. It maintained itself as a community, mostly free from Ropa-Topian intervention, for about seventy years, then began to break apart as the settlers' descendants died or moved elsewhere. The colony's last links with its homeland was broken as vessels ceased to visit.

In the early and mid-seventeenth century, Wymgani explorers from the Ariddian Isles were voyaging through the continent, charting its coasts, journeying inland and making contact with continental natives. In 1639, Wymgani explorers discovered San Adriano, a forlorn, partly abandoned village, and some settled there with the consent of the villagers. Together, Wymgani and prior Sanadrianese rebuilt a living community and, in 1641, proclaimed San Adriano as a sovereign state. Various other small to medium-sized nations existed in the vicinity, and San Adriano began to establish formal contacts with several of them.

In 1723, the Empire of Uhuh-Topia was founded, when Delmer the Conqueror forcibly united a number of lands under his rule. San Adriano was not invaded, for reasons that are still speculated on today; some suggested that the mighty emperor was simply amused by the tiny village-State, and allowed it to endure for that reason. The village was, however, now completely surrounded by a major foreign power. Borders were formalised, and the two nations exchanged diplomatic representatives. San Adriano remained fully autonomous and independent.

In the early twentieth century, the region was rocked by two major conflicts, the two Ropa-Topian Wars, and San Adriano found itself on the front line of the fighting. Prince Federico promptly declared San Adriano to be a neutral State, and, remarkably, its neutrality was not violated by either side. In the second half of the twentieth century, the country's population continued to increase, very slowly, and successive governments remained stable and democratic. The nation's economy was fragile, but governments focused their efforts on social rights, even long before the advent of communism in Ariddia, the Wymgani homeland. San Adriano strengthened its diplomatic relations with Uhuh-Topia and with Ariddia, and remains a peaceful, stable nation to this day.

Geography & climate

San Adriano has a mostly temperate, often wet climate, leaning towards tropical. Its tiny area is relatively flat.


San Adriano is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. The Constitution, amended for modern democratic reforms in 1795, stipulates that political parties are authorised, but the population is, in practice, too small for formal parties to emerge. There are some loosely structured political movements, however.

The monarchy is hereditary, established as early as 1648. The monarch, though, has no real political power, and serves mostly as a figurehead to strengthen the nation's legitimacy. The current head of state, Princess Serena Eu, is 26 years of age.

Political authority officially lies in the hands of Parliament, which has seven members, elected by every citizen aged sixten and over, except the monarch, who is not entitled to vote. In practice, all important decisions are submitted to referendum, and debated in public meetings in which any Sanadrianese may take part. There is no other government in the formal sense, although committees of experts are sometimes appointed by Parliament or the people to study specific issues and implement new laws.

As from the early nineteenth century, Parliament and the citizenry have become increasingly focused on social issues, and on promoting equality and decent living conditions. In accordance with Wymgani traditions and culture, environmentally responsible policies have been paramount ever since the country's birth.


San Adriano has a few informal sports' clubs, but its population is too small for it to compete internationally in most. It has, however, got a national football team.

Sanadrianese have developed various games and sports of their own, which they practice for entertainment and to celebrate national events and holidays.


As a fully sovereign State, San Adriano maintains formal diplomatic relations with various foreign nations. Below is a partial list of diplomatic representatives to and from the country. Due to San Adriano's small size, embassies to the Sovereign Village are located on Uhuh-Topian territory; in some cases, ambassadors to Uhuh-Topia are accredited to San Adriano. Moreover, San Adriano is an observer at the United Nations.

  • Wosh’e FAVALLI, ambassador to the People's Democratic Social Republic of Ariddia
  • Keith TAYLOR, ambassador of the People's Democratic Social Republic of Ariddia

International codes

International Codes
Internet code (TLD):.sna
Sports' code:SNA
Telephone dialing code:2133