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 The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
 Desto Storhertugdømme af Hamptonamt
Flag of Hamptonshire
Hamptonshire does not currently have a coat of arms.
Udenfor den folkeslag der er ikke frelse.
Extra civitatem nulla salus.
Spoken Languages
 - Official
 - Unofficial

English, Søskendansk
French, Pacitalian, Spanish
Capital cities Obsidia (executive), Hamptonshire City (judicial, legislative)
Ten largest metropolitan agglomerations

Greater Seaburg - 486,000,000
Portshire - 59,000,000
Port Easton - 57,300,000
Hannon - 49,500,000
Fredericksberg - 42,100,000
Antietam-Yespani - 40,000,000
Wessex - 33,000,000
Sandras-Meyersborg-New Kristiania - 24,000,000
Harrkona - 19,500,000
Greater Eeasen - 17,250,000

Sovereign Vacant
Lord Protector Lord Philip Rosecrans
 - Total
 - % water

17,189,595 km²
14.5% water
 - Total (2006)

 - as kingdom
 - as grand duchy
CE 6
CE 1004
Government type Bicameral monarchic cabinet
Nation type Federal constitutional monarchy
National animal
English name
Pygoscelis montefori
Mountain penguin
National flower
English name
Liliacis sangra
Blood tulip
National tree
English name
Quercus amptocerrazula
Hamptonian blue-leaf oak
GDP (2006)
  - Total
  - GDP/C

Currency 1 krone (K) = 100 øre
National Charter of Rights Basic Law of the Grand Duchy and Charter of the Rights of the People
Time Zone GMT/UTC +0700 to +1200
International Abbreviations
 - sport
 - government
CHDI (2006) 0.971 (very high)
Pronunciation Hamp-ton-shy'er
Naval Craft Classification
  - Military
  - Civilian
National Anthem Hamptonia, Gem of the Ocean
Internet TLD .gdh, .gd, .hts, .hl
Calling Code +42

The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire or Hamptonshire, Søskendansk: Desto Storhertugdømme af Hamptonamt, is a highly modernized, developed and democratic nation in Haven. Hamptonshire is made up of more than twenty major islands, two overseas provinces and thousands of smaller islands. The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire is more than four thousand miles distant from the nearest foreign nation.

Hamptonians are a socially liberal/libertarian people with a strong sense of national pride and public reserve. While Hamptonian dress and social customs may seem Victorian to some, that should not be taken to mean that Hamptonians are cold or conservative. Civil liberties, both of citizens and vistors, are highly respected and Hamptonians individually are quite concerned about humanitarianism.

Foreign relations and policy remain a sensitive, and at times dangerous, issue within the Grand Duchy. Centuries of physical isolation have left Hamptonians with an almost inbred tendancy toward xenophobia. While some right-wing politicians and organizations have harnessed this embarrassing remnant of eras long passed, generally Hamptonshire is quite involved in the international arena. The especially close relationship with Pacitalia has helped to further ease isolationist attitudes.

The Hamptonian government, much like most everything else Hamptonian, is both complicated, delicate and ancient. Nearly all governmental power is vested in the Grand Duke but by convention and law the Royal Senate holds the majority of power in modern day Hamptonshire. While the office of Prime Minister has existed for hundreds of years it has been a virtually powerless position. The Senior Cabinet of the Federal Government is the primary executive body of the nation, its members serve at the pleasure of the Grand Duke and the Royal Senate. At present the most powerful position in the government, outside that of the Monarch, is that of President of the Royal Congress. The President of the Royal Congress has much the same powers afforded to the Prime Ministers of nations like Pacitalia and Isselmere-Nieland.