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Flag of Mengistua
Motto: Islam
Region Arab League
Capital Mengistua City
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader Emperor Haile Siad al-Bashar
Population 600 Million
Currency dinar 
NS Sunset XML

The Islamic Kingdom of Mengistua is a Kingdom ruled under Wahabbi law. The Kingdom is currently in a civil war.



Mengistua was colonized by the Italians and British at the turn of the 20th century and 1 million people died in their reign. In the post-World War II era, the the two countries combined their colonies into one under the British authority. However, a lack of stability and horrible infrastructure led the British to decide the colony wasn't worth the effort and grant it independance in 1962.

Independance and War

Following independance in 1962, the Italian regions and British regions tried to seperate each other, however, the Somalis and Arabs who dominate the country, did not want this to occur and thus a 3-way civil war began with each nationality having it's own Capital. This began to subside in 1968 when the British and Italians signed a treaty, however, this led to a merger of their factions and the civil war resumed between the Somali and European sides. Finally in 1978 the Somali/Arab faction won and set up the Empire, consisting of both nationalities. The Emperor took the name "Mengistu" and was praised as a hero by much of the West, but severly lacked popular support due to an on-going famine in the country.

Famine and Dissent

The famines began and continued for much of the 1980s reaching a peak in 1988 when it is estimated that a fifth of the population starved to death. Despite the massive flood of food-aid from the West, it is thought that the Emperor kept the food for his administration and the military, which was his key to holding power. Political Parties, which had been banned at the beginning of the Empire began to appear and organize in opposition to the Empire. The main party was a Somali nationalist party which wanted to seperate from the Italians and British. They succeeded in theri aims when they gained military support in the region and declared independance in 1989.

Second Civil War

The Emperor Mengistu led the Empire in fighting the seperatists in a 9 year war which reunited the country. The Emperor began to base himself around the Sunni Muslim Somalis, a 20% group which guided his policies. Haile Siad al-Bashar inherited the Kingdom in 2004, a Kingdom with many problems and ethnic disputes between the Alawi, Shia, Sunni and Christians.

Third Civil War

The Third Civil War began in 2005. The Alawi, Shia and Christian military officers revolted and gained control of the Southern half of the country based in Qunaytirah. The Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party of the Alawi, Hope Movement of the Shia and Black Panther Militia of the Christians united to fight the government. The Islamic Kingdom of Quezadria sent in 300,000 troops to aid the government, however, after a call in the name of Arabism, Karuchea has gone into the Rebel zones with 250,000 troops to aid them. This threatens to turn the war into a Karuchean-Quezadrian war rather than a civil war in Mengistua and many analysts fear it will increase the Alawi to the role of a ruling minority since the government of Karuchea is Alawi.

Politics and elections

There is no currently active constitution and the country is in chaos as a result of the Mengistuan Civil War


The economy collapsed following the Second Civil War and now during the Third is even worse. All of both economies are centred around war efforts with everything else secondary.


Wahabbi Islam is a minority, but was the ruling government. The rebels plan on making the state a secular one, ruled by secular law.


Crime is a horrid problem thanks to the Anarchy in the country. However, both sides are bringing it under control.

Foreign Policy

Mengistua was isolated for decades except for from the West who frequently gave food aid. Now the Government has strong support from Quezadria as the Rebels have support from Karuchea. The Arab League has not taken action and is split on a decision since all sides are within the Arab League.

National Anthem

The old national anthem "Long Live the King" has been banned from use in all southern areas in the country, "The Internationale" is served as the anthem of the country in the Southern rebel areas.


The Internationale
Arise ye prisoners of starvation
Arise ye toilers of the earth
For reason thunders new creation
'Tis a better world in birth.
Never more traditions' chains shall bind us
Arise ye toilers no more in thrall
The earth shall rise on new foundations
We are naught but we shall be all.
Then comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face!
The Internationale
Unites the human race.


Compagni avanti il gran partito,
noi siamo dei lavoratori,
rosso un fiore in petto c'è fiorito,
una fede c'è nata in cuor.
Noi non siamo più nell'officina,
nella terra dai campi al mar,
la plebe sempre all'opra china
senza ideale in cui sperar.
Su lottiam l'ideale,
nostro al fine sarà,
futura umanità
Un gran stendardo al sol fiammante,
dinnanzi a noi glorioso va.
Noi vogliam per esso giù infrante
le catene alla libertà.
Che giustizia venga, noi chiediamo,
non più servi, non più signor,
Fratelli tutti esser vogliamo
nella famiglia del lavor.