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Forum: Canada Forum
Population: 302 nations (as of February 8, 2006)
Delegate: Carbanousa
Founder: Predecessor of The True Domination
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Bienvenue au Canada. The Non-Crappy Region!

This region is a true constitutional democracy. All decisions affecting how Canada is run, as well as how the delegate votes on UN resolutions, are administered through our off-site forum.


Main article: History of Canada

Canada is the land of ice, snow, beer, doughnuts, hockey and universal health care. At Nationstates, Canada was created late in the year 2002, by a predecessor nation of The True Domination.


Not much is known about the region's early history, as that historical information has died along with the region's initial inhabitants. Reports of the early days of the region indicate it was sparsely populated.

Pre 2004-Constitution Era

It is known that by April, 2003, the region was at a healthy 175 nations, and was led by a delegate called Taiga. By April or May of 2003, Las Chupacabras became delegate, and imposed Canada's first constitution on the region. Elections were held, electing 14 members to the inaugural government.

After an eventful first month, rule under the Las Chupacabras constitution began unravelling under the weight of its large size. [1] The True Domination briefly succeeded Las Chupacabras as delegate and elections were held. Due to regional disillusionment with the government structure, only four ministers were elected, and not a single cabinet meeting was called during this second government.

The True Domination left the region for a stint with the Rejected Realms Army in August, 2003, allowing Las Chupacabras to once again become the delegate, only to return later and attempt to take over the delegacy from a clearly disinterested Las Chupacabras. A nation called the Queendom of Tofiti also vied for the delegacy. In quick succession at the end of August, 2003, saw three delegate changes in three days.

The True Domination remained in power until January 2004 and under his stewardship, the region of Canada stagnated, with little growth in population and no activity in Canada's forums. Near the end of The True Domination's reign as delegate, Canada began making attempts to integrate itself on the inter-regional scene. Bweezystan staffed an embassy in The South Pacific, and began discussions on reviving the region's government structure through a new constitution.

2004-Constitution Era

Bweezystan became delegate of Canada on January 13, 2004. Shortly thereafter, the new constitution was unanimously approved by a referendum. Riding the wave of renewed activity in the region, elections were held in February, 2004, electing Canada's first functioning cabinet in over six months making way for the new government structure that is still in effect today.

Under this new structure, and with renewed enthusiasm from a solid core of a dozen nations, the region began to grow and prosper. Embassies were opened in regions such as The North Pacific, assistance was offered to The South Pacific when it was subject to a coup attempt by El Sabah Nur. Recruitment attempts began in earnest, greatly increasing the region's population and activity.

Basic laws were also enacted, governing ejections from the region, an intelligence agency was created, and Canada's defence system was improved.

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