XML feed

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The NationStates XML feed

The XML feed is provided to NationStates players as a fast and convenient source for basic data about nations and regions, without having to derive it from the main pages. It is available to XML-enabled applications such as GDP Calculators, which can provide players with a quick and convenient source for information about the game.

It should be noted that the XML feed specifically does not include a large number of the game's national statistics variables. This was a conscious decision by Max Barry and the Mods, as too much information has the potential to make the game less fun. The feed is accurate, but should not be considered complete.

Some players have been known to use scripts to collect XML regional and national information and store it for future reference. A number of interesting conclusions can be reached by careful comparison of dated XML feeds. This is considered legal, but not definitive, in-game information, as it can be easily edited outside the game.

National XML feed

To access this feed, take the following URL and paste it into your browser window and change 'YourNation' to whichever nation you would like to see.


National Feed example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>  
 <NAME> nation </NAME>  
 <TYPE> national title </TYPE>  
 <FULLNAME> Fully qualified name </FULLNAME>  
 <MOTTO> Your motto goes here! </MOTTO>  
   <CIVILRIGHTS> Civil Rights Rating </CIVILRIGHTS>  
   <ECONOMY> Economy Rating </ECONOMY>  
 <REGION> Region </REGION>  
 <POPULATION> Population in millions </POPULATION>  
 <TAX> Tax percentage </TAX>  
 <ANIMAL> National Animal </ANIMAL>  
 <CURRENCY> National Currency </CURRENCY>  
 <FLAG> URL for flag </FLAG>  
 <GOVTPRIORITY> Government Spending priority </GOVTPRIORITY>  
   <ADMINISTRATION> % of Government spending </ADMINISTRATION>  
   <WELFARE> % of Government spending </WELFARE>  
   <HEALTHCARE> % of Government spending </HEALTHCARE>  
   <EDUCATION> % of Government spending </EDUCATION>  
   <SPIRITUALITY> % of Government spending </SPIRITUALITY>  
   <DEFENCE> % of Government spending </DEFENCE>  
   <LAWANDORDER> % of Government spending </LAWANDORDER>  
   <COMMERCE> % of Government spending </COMMERCE>  
   <PUBLICTRANSPORT> % of Government spending </PUBLICTRANSPORT>  
   <ENVIRONMENT> % of Government spending </ENVIRONMENT>  
   <SOCIALEQUALITY> % of Government spending </SOCIALEQUALITY>  
 <LASTLOGIN> date in ?? format </LASTLOGIN>  
 <LASTACTIVITY> time in minutes </LASTACTIVITY>  

Regional XML feed

To access this feed, take the following URL and paste it into your browser window and change 'YourRegion' to whichever region you would like to see.


Regional Feed example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>  
 <NAME> region </NAME>  
 <FACTBOOK> The text of the World Factbook entry </FACTBOOK>  
 <NUMNATIONS> number of nations present in the region </NUMNATIONS>  
 <NATIONS> nation1 : nation2 : nation3 : nation4 </NATIONS>  
 <DELEGATEVOTES> number of votes the Delegate gets </DELEGATEVOTES>  
 <FOUNDER> Founder </FOUNDER>