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Member Nation


Flag of Maraque
Motto: Freedom. Prosperity. Justice. Liberty.
No Map Available Yet
Region Atlantian Oceania
Capital Northern Maraque-Vorencia
Official Language(s) English (100%), Maraquean (99%), German (97%)
Leader Emperor Jovan S. Norris
Population 4.88 billion
Currency Mara 
NS Sunset XML

The Beginning

On November 22nd 2004 the Democratic Elective Monarchy of Maraque was born. After more than 2,000 years of intense civil war and revolution, the country had finally found peace and was formally established, even though its roots traced back thousands of years.

It all started in 4 CE when the Atronite Empire was at its peak; two territories, namely Maraque and Corona were becoming more and more uncooperative in their ways and the Atronite Empire declared war on both regions. The wars ended up lasting a quarter of a century to 29 CE; a war in which more than 280,000 people died on each side. The outcome of the war was in the Atronite Empires favor, and control of the regions remained under Atronite control for another 1,975 years when in 1945 CE the people of Corona and Maraque once again rose up against their occupiers and war was officially waged. In 1991 CE Corona was declared an independent state after their forces flushed out the Atronites in what was called an astonishing turn of events.

After the Coronians successfully defeated the Atronites in their lands, they decided to send forces into Maraque to help them fend off the Atronite forces that were ravaging the underpowered Maraquean forces. Soon after the Coronians joined the battle, the Atronites retreated in surrender and Maraque was officially declared independent in 2004 CE.

After Independence

The Coronians and Maraqueans, feeling lucky, decided to end the Atronites once and for all, and in a stunning series of events launched the biggest assault on the central core of the Atronite Empire and crushed it to the ground. The Coronians and Maraqueans now controlled the entire continent of Javaani and were establishing huge settlements all across the lands and allowing immigration to the lands that the Atronites once so harshly ruled over.

The peace soon ended in 2005 CE when the Coronian King, Malesh Hieshan, was angered by the Maraquean King, Stephen Norris, for banning the display of religious symbols in Maraque. The Coronian King thought it was a gross hypocritical action in a country that preached religious tolerance and respect, and in the spring of 2005 CE a land assault was initiated upon Maraque.

The Maraquean Army, a vastly superior force to the Coronians, was able to defend the border from further invasion and King Stephen Norris declared a state of war between the two states, in which a force of 50,000 Maraquean troops were called to duty to annihilate the Coronians once and for all. 50,000 troops marched courageously into Corona, which had a force of 30,000 waiting at the border. In the fall of 2005 CE Maraque had declared victory, and the Coronian King was assassinated in a public execution on the Coronian Palace steps. King Stephen decided to install a democracy in the region, and allow it to be semi-autonomous; with the agreement that Corona could become a part of Maraque at any moment in time should the King deem it so. The agreement was signed in December of 2005 CE and was in effect the following month in 2006 CE. The official name of the region would become Maraquean Corona.

Better, Worse, Worser

Unfortunately things went sour when the elected President, Keshvad Nouvari put aside his constitutional powers and passed bills without Congressional approval and declared Corona a sovereign state free of “Maraquean imperialism.” The comments grew grave criticism from Coronians and Maraqueans alike that deemed his behavior unacceptable and irresponsible. Many Coronians called for Maraquean intervention, others just wished for internal intervention in the way of a military coup.

Unfortunately nothing was done until Independence Day 2007 CE when the Maraqueans launched a surprise missile strike on the Presidential Palace in the Coronian capital of Coronian City, killing Keshvad Nouvari. Jubilation spread throughout the entire region as word got out that the Maraqueans were the initiators of the attack. New elections were called and a new President, Dorian Lucanto, was elected the 2nd president of Maraquean Corona on December 1st, 2007 CE.

The Maraquean relationship with Maraquean Corona improved substantially, but that didn’t last when in the summer of 2013 CE the Coronian government took in a Maraquean fugitive named Sean Orshane who was the wanted for crimes against humanity for his role in a violent Christian fundamentalist group that has been wrecking havoc across the Kingdom, particularly in Hythoria, a Christian stronghold.

The standoff resulted in a team of secret Homeland Security agents infiltrating the Presidential Palace and kidnapping Sean Orshane and returning him to Maraque with the help of the Avisronite government. The ending result was the severance of all diplomatic ties and a boycott of all Maraquean made products. King Stephen then did what no one thought he would do; he ordered the immediate unification of the state of Maraquean Corona with the fatherland.

As soon as King Stephen signed the order, the Presidents own bodyguard detail arrested him and he was flown to a Maraquean maximum security prison awaiting trial on charges of harboring terrorists. The verdict would soon reveal that he was guilty and he was sentenced to life in prison and ordered to pay a fine of MRA10 million which he would pay through forced manual labor.

Peace At Last

In the fall of 2013 CE the King ordered a referendum in the province of Maraquean Corona asking the people whether they would like to be declared an independent state; the vote, which yielded results of 48 million Yeas, 56 million Nays found that a majority of the people wanted to remain a part of the Kingdom.

Within the next year the Kingdom would become an Empire, with the Kingdom acquiring several overseas territories that included several uninhabited islands and regions of other continents. The Kingdom of Maraque was now known as the Secular Empire of Maraque, and that angered many of the religious faithful in the country, which numbered only 1.5 million in this country of almost 5 billion citizens.

Also during the year, the Emperor would implement a Congress and assign a post of President and Vice President, which would deal with domestic issues, while the Emperor would be the arbiter of all foreign issues. This new freedom was welcomed openly by the people, and soon enough their first President was elected; Isaac A. Pakhesh. Preident Pakhesh ran on the promise that he would expand the civil rights of every citizen, guarantee economic prosperity in a country already widely wealthy, and a mound of liberal ideas that went over well with the predominantly liberal-minded population.

The Congress was also predominantly liberal, with the Maraquean Liberal Party taking just about 75% of seats in all three houses. 2nd was the Maraquean Conservative Party, then the Maraquean New Socialist Party and the Maraquean New Capitalist Party.

The new President did not disappoint on his promise of economic prosperity; Personal income rose from MRA38,000 to nearly MRA43,000 in the first five months of his presidency, providing a very secure safety net when he seeks reelection in 2020.