Social Democratic Party of North Ahjeezistan

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Social Democratic Party
Social Democratic Party logo
Party Chairman Lady Graham, incumbent Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan
Senate Leader Lord Reid, incumbent President of the Senate
House Leader Lady Pelosi, incumbent Speaker of the House
Founded 1 May 19231,11 November 1943
Headquarters 55 Avenue of Victory
Moss Bay
Political ideology Social Democracy
International affiliation Socialist International
Color(s) Red
Website [1]
1 The Party was founded on 1 May 1923, and contested its first election on 11 November 1943, North Ahjeezistan's first general election.

The Social Democratic Party of North Ahjeezistan, better known as the Social Democrats is a major political party in North Ahjeezistan, founded on 1 May 2006 by Bupney Roytiàr. It advocated a middle-ground between Quenri Reptiàr's communist ideas and British Empire loyalists. Part of the Independence Agreement, Quenri Reptiàr was not allowed to contest the first general election. It defeated the Liberal, Conservative and Liberal Democratic Parties to win the first North Ahjeezistan general election, held on 3 October 2006. It became North Ahjeezistan's dominant political party, and remained so until defeat by Lord Madingley in the 20th general election. It nevertheless remained the champion of left-of-centre thought in North Ahjeezistan, and won the 23rd general election under moderate Lord Tom Allen.

The party entered its "dark age" after Allen's defeat by radical Green Lady Averley in the 26th general election. Throughout Lord Arlonway's Premiership, the party was a weak opposition, multiple times gaining and proceeding to lose the lead in popular opinion. It was the opposition for over twenty years. In an attempt to combat the radical image the Greens had placed on the party, conservative Lord Hillary was elected Leader of the Opposition in the 29th Parliament. She was attacked as having no policies, and simply trying to imitate the popular Lord Arlonway. The accusation stuck, the Social Democrats had their worst result in years.

The party experienced a rennaisance under Lady Graham, who laid out the first platform relevant to the problems of the 21st century, destroying the wishy-washy image of the party, and she went on to defeat Lord Arlonway to win the 31st general election. The Social Democrats currently, as a result of the 32nd general election, the Social Democrats have a minority government, the first in North Ahjeezistan, with 107 seats in the 218 member Parliament. The Opposition Liberal Democrats hold 100, and the minority Conservatives hold eleven. They currently trail the Liberal Democrats in polling, though there are likely to be at least two days until the next general election.

List of Leaders

# Leader Parliament Highest Office Start of service ↑ End of service
1 Lord Shackleford 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 3 October, 2006 12 October, 2006
2 Lord Morrissey 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 12 October, 2006 24 October, 2006
3 Lort Hartley 10th, 11th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 24 October, 2006 3 November, 2006
4 Lord Edinskræ (Green) 11th Leader of the Opposition 3 November, 2006 5 November, 2006
5 Lady Senator Simpson 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 5 November, 2006 16 November, 2006
6 Lord Gúngtonttiàr 18th, 19th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 16 November, 2006 20 November, 2006
7 Lord Yentrick 20th Leader of the Opposition 20 November, 2006 24 November, 2006
8 Lady Averley (Green) 21st Leader of the Opposition 24 November, 2006 28 November, 2006
9 Lord Tom Allen 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 28 November, 2006 8 December, 2006
10 Lord Ludlowe 26th, 27th, 28th Leader of the Opposition 8 December, 2006 21 December, 2006
11 Lady Hillary 29th Leader of the Opposition 21 December, 2006 24 December, 2006
12 Lady Graham 30th, 31st, 32nd Prime Minister of North Ahjeezistan 24 December, 2006 Incumbent Leader

It has three official songs, The Freedom Song, and American civil rights song, Bread and Roses, about a trade union strike in Lowell, Massachusetts, and, as of the 31st general election, Beethoven's Ode to Joy.