Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association (Einmyria)

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koe-emblem.jpg You are now browsing an article about the Kingdom of Einmyria.

The Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association
Formed 1961
Founder HRH King Alexei
President L. A. Bighorn
Vice-President B. K. Wonderfall
Secretary O. P. Callenfels
Treasurer Q. E. Chang
Members 2,500 (Oct. 2007 est.)
General Conference Every 2 years
2-6 February 2008,
Hotel Rendezvous,
Eyric City,
Kingdom of Einmyria
Abstract Deadline 2 July 2007
Participation Deadline
5 January 2008
Official Membership Website
Journal Website
Contact Address
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
12 Scholars Crossing,
14213 Quetzal City,
Kingdom of Einmyria


The Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association (short form: Einmyrian Anthropology) refers to:

  • a scholarly tradition.
  • an Anthropological school of thought.
  • an association for Anthropologists in the Kingdom of Einmyria.

The association publishes a monthly journal, the Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association Monthly.


While the first scholars that became the foundation for Anthropology came to flourish in the early 1800s, Einmyrian Anthropology as a separate theoretical tradition came to being in 1961 within the Kingdom of Einmyria as one of the acts of HRH King Alexei, by establishing a separate training program for Einmyrian Anthropologists for the pursuit of Anthropology. Since it's establishment, it is custom for one member of the royalty in each family to be part of the Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association, the major Anthropological Association in Einmyria.

Since the government has decided to explore space, the Association has shifted it's tenets to become one of the first associations to include the study of extraterrestrials. As the Anthropologists are civilians and non-military, it is hoped that they can be the first of Einmyria's ambassadors to space by way of joining other nation's teams into space. Einmyria currently has no space program of it's own, having considered it too expensive.


The branches of Einmyrian Anthropology

Similar to American Anthropology's "holistic four-field" approach, there are four main branches of Einmyrian Anthropology: Physical Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, Social/Cultural Anthropology, and Archaeological Anthropology. A subset has been created of those four fields under the umbrella of Extraterrestrial Anthropology.

Physical Anthropology

Einmyrian scholars are reknowned for their study of aggression and tool-use in primates.

Linguistic Anthropology

Einmyrian scholars are transcribing various Einmyric dialects and noting their language shifts.

Social/Cultural Anthropology

It is thought that 30% are studying classic ethnology (tribes) internationally, 35% are studying modern Einmyria, and another 45% are studying the anthropology of policy in the FEA as well as the United Nations.

Archaeological Anthropology

The major project for Archaeologists in Einmyria has been the Ruins at Oricon, led by King Alexei.

Extraterrestrial Anthropology

Six members of the graduate programs in Extraterrestrial Anthropology have just joined the Einmyrian retinue at Destiny, the capital of The 'Bama-Bound Moon Colony of Lunar Destiny. It is hoped that they may join international deep space missions in the future, and help humanity learn of the true Other.

Education and Museums

When not in the field doing research projects, Einmyrian Anthropologists have a variety of jobs, including teaching Anthropology at various educational levels, curating at various national museums throughout the nation, or being consultants for various multi-national corporations.


  • Einmyrian Anthropologists have been known to be vocal advocates for minorities and the poor, often creating problems with corporations. So far the government has mediated the debates in an effort to work out an amicable resolution.
  • Einmyrian Anthropologists have engendered the problem of compulsory military service towards Einmyria's minority religious, and since then the government has allowed Einmyrians to choose between several options.
  • Einmyrian Anthropologists have been accused to be grave robbers and tomb-raiders by people who claim that they are descendants of the excavated, as well as antiquities dealers. The government has since formed an ethics committee as well as a cultural conservation department to assure that no foul-play is involved.

koe-emblem.jpg The Kingdom of Einmyria koe-emblem.jpg
Main Article: Einmyria

Literature and Media: Y Magazine
Tourism: Einmyrian Tourism Authority - Ruins at Oricon, Ex Libris


Royalty: HRH Queen Joanne, HRH King Alexei
Ministries: Foreign Affairs, Energy and the Environment
Personnel: Alexander Leeuvenhoek, Roselle Fairbanks, Bernhard Bollpoll
Organizations:Royal Einmyrian Anthropological Association

Other articles within Category:Einmyria
