K a r p a t h o s

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K a r p a t h o s
Flag of K a r p a t h o s
Motto: "Eleuteria e Thanatos"
Region Allied States of EuroIslanders
Official Language(s)
NS Sunset XML

Karpathos started out as a resident of Greece. As his NS career progressed he became active in Greek affairs. Karpathos recieved his first knowlege and traing with defending in the SOG (Special Operations Group) forces, this education proved to be valuable.

The first job he was given was to be a house representative to the ADN. After the governement of Greece became active Karpathos join the army and police force. Karpathos always proved to be a willing defender. After thwarting an invasion attempt he was promoted to Chief of Police. Karpathos also made history in Greece to be the first person to be the first person to be a supreme court judge and police officer. Under ALP's administration he proved to be an assit to the defence of Greece.

In time Karpathos became a known name commonly associated with Greece. Then in early december 2004 he was elected President of Greece, along with his posts in Greece Karpathos also held office in Europa as a commanding officer in The Europa Army. Karpathos' time in office proved to make Greece stonger, but it also made it weaker in some aspects. Foreign relations flourished. Reforms swept the region and democracy was at the forefront. Within the first days in office he cut off all relations with the ADN, in a rather bitter exit.

Karpathos took foreign relations to new heights makeing defence agreements with regions such as: Europa, Allied States of Euroislanders, The Proletariat Coalition, New Sparrow, People Republic of the Pacific, China, The European Coalition. Karpathos also re-wrote the constitution 3 times adjusting it to make it more democratic and putting more power in the hands of the people. As time wore on Karpathos became invovled in the internal affairs of many regions and holds to this day various positions. In the ASE he is a Red Guardian, In the Peoples Republic of the Pacific he is the Minister of Mobilization in province M-P, Commanding officer of The Europa Army, Commanding officer of The European Coalition, Co-Founder and Commissar of War and Propaganda in Vesta. Karpathos is now in exile in the ASE, but will return as UN Delegate.