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Forum: Africa's Forum
Population: 119 nations
Delegate: Phazania
Founder: United Faiths
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Africa is a region that contains a small NationStates roleplaying community.

Africa is a region that is significantly smaller than most other major regions for example The New Meritocracy or Europe. Africa is a very unique region in the sense that all regional activity is much more aggressive, however involves less war than say Europe. Although diplomatic conflicts are common, the region is built around the African Union and this organization which houses every nation in the region often averts wars among its nations. Although is has become increasing popular to disband from the African Union history has shown that these isolated nations tend to fall against a united Africa, most noteably so when the Union of Soviet SR disbanded from the African Union in late 2003, early 2004.

The level of play in Africa isn't exactly unique, although completely different in it's own way. Heavily influenced by the Europe region of NationStates, Africa sports fictional flags, imaginary countries based on real countries or in even some cases historical regimes, and international sporting events such as the olympics.

Although Africa is geographically one continent, the Africa region includes the Eurasian continent specially Europe and the Middle East.

Nations of Africa

  • Akhtendum - The East African superpower, this highly religious nation feeds off the Nile and the Suez Canal. Akhtendum controls Egypt and the Sudan.
  • Astoria - The superpower of Northern Europe based out of West Germany. A Democratic Republic, Astoria has a large amount of political power in Europe.
  • Azaziel - The superpower of the Mediterranean Sea, mixing Greek and Italian civilization. Based out of the island of Crete, this highly militant nation is a mirror image of Ancient Rome.
  • City - State - What once was Israel-Palestine is now a collection of city-states unified together in common defense and foreign trade.
  • Djiboutian States - The neutral East African economic superpower lies on the Arabian Penninsula and derives much of its wealth from fossil fuels (oil, natural gas).
  • Green Free State -
  • Hiiraan - Next To Akhtendum, Hiiraan is not the Largest but most Economicially Sufficient nation in East Africa. Hiiraan Also Controls One point of the Great Nile River and has the 8th Largest Oil Producing fields.
  • Israel-Palestine - The old nation that is now the City-State. Home of the great Tatiana Metanova, Israel-Palestine was known to be one of the most peaceful nations in Africa.
  • Malawi -
  • Phazania -
  • TreLanka -
  • United Faiths -
  • Wereak -
  • Wickedville -
  • Varderas -

The African Union

The African Union (AU) was established by the governments of Africa as a recognition that the political hierarchies of each state rule at the pleasure of the people. AU members are committed to respecting the soveriegnty of all states and work within the organization to promote values of cooperation, coordination, and democracy.

Following is the Charter of the African Union followed by the signatories. Becoming a signatory is an extreme priviledge and responsibility. Nations typically engage in national debates and hold referendums and legislative votes to determine if the AU is right for their country. Africans are proud to have an overwhelming majority of the macrostates in the African Union. To join this prestigious organization, please contact the country of United Faiths.

The AU headquarters are located in Bujumbura and the organization encompasses the entire geographical area of the former state of Burundi.

Nations who have signed the Charter: Hiiraan, Ahktendum, Astoria, United Faiths, Djiboutian States

External links