Bloodpotato the Bloody

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Revision as of 18:19, 10 July 2005 by GameJunkieJim (Talk | contribs)

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Bloodpotato the Bloody
Flag of Bloodpotato the Bloody
Motto: There Are No Executions, Only Exterminations
Region The Seventh Column
Capital Neo Sodom and Neo Gamorrah
Official Language(s) Spud,Sept
Leader Some weird Spud
Population Growing
Currency twitch 
NS Sunset XML

The Holy Empire of Bloodpotato the Bloody was founded long after the Seventh Column was already colonized on a nation known as The Republic of Peace and Serenity. The war lasted for about 8 minutes because The Republic of Peace and Serenity surrendered because they were pansys. Bloodpotato being the kind, merciful god he is decided to enslave the entire male and child population and make the women his wives...except for the ugly ones who he uses as fish food for his great white sharks and playthings for his giant anaconda. The Slaves have no citizenship and therefor aren't counted as part of the population so noone really knows the true population of The Holy Empire. The regular population are brainwashed right at birth and forced to buy things made in The Holy Empire so the economy never runs dry. The army is known as the Deathpotatos and they are revered for their boldness in combat and their pure badassness. Each soldier is armed with 2 automatic weapons (Smgs or Plasma Rifles), a flare gun, a sawed off shotgun, rocket launcher, or a sniper rifle depending on their training, and a chainsaw. Even more badass are the Deathpotato ninjas who guard Bloodpotato himself but nobody really knows anything about them because anyone who sees them are killed immediatly and eaten. All cars are nuclear powered and the rivers have long sense been polluted by radioactive waste. Diplomatically Bloodpotato's stance is unknown because he is ruthless and unpredictable, but most country idolize the country because they wish they could have an economy that is that good. more to be added once the nation decides to publicize a bit more.
