Federal Zedoljev

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The Zedoljan Soviet Federated Tschazanovite Republic (Z.F.Ts.R) (Zlevic: Zêdóliĩskaŷ Sóvĕtskaŷ Fĕdĕrál’naŷ Şĉazanóvistskaŷ Rĕspublíka) is the namesake and dominant Republic of Greater Zedoljev and by extension, much of the Union of Soviet Tschazanovite Republics. Now referred to as Federal Zedoljev (a shortened version of its full official name to distinguish it from Greater Zedoljev) it is often called the “Rodina” (“Motherland” in Zlevic).

Today the borders of Federal Zedoljev bare great similarity to the original borders of the People’s Republic – Zedoljev before the Wells-Ville Accord - and officially it is regarded as the same entity that has existed in the same area for nearly 2,800 years.

'Zêdóliĩskaŷ Sóvĕtskaŷ Fĕdĕrál’naŷ Şĉazanóvistskaŷ Rĕspublíka
Zedoljan Soviet Federated Tschazanovite Republic (Z.S.F.Ts.R)'
federalzedoljevflagsm7ke.jpg zedoljancoasm4rv.png
(Flag) (Emblem)
National motto: Suditĕ mĕnŷ moĕĩ statistikoĩ, budĕt Vĭ?
(Zlevic: Judge us by our statistics, will you?)
National anthem: My Motherland
Region PEEL
Capital Zendivostok
Largest city Goranks
Official languages Zlevic, PEEL Standardised Language
Government Soviet Democracy
Aleksei Ivanovich
Damek Mironov
 - Celebrated

Eponya 111, (575CE)
Currency Denari2 (Ð) (DEN)
Time zone
 • Summer (DST)
Morbo Bridge Time (PUTC+0)
Morbo Bridge Summer Time (PUTC+1)
Internet TLD .zd
Calling code +005
All dates in the STS Calendar unless otherwise stated
1 Date in Evanovich Calendar - no fixed date in STS Calendar
2 Denari is singular


main article: History of Zedoljev

Early Colonial Period

Roughly 800BCE (STS), expeditionary forces of the Urallian Empire landed on various areas around the Morbo Strait. The Empire was using the Strait as passage for traders to travel from the Urallian Homelands in the West, to vital trade partners, the Servivians, in the East. The Great East-West Current flowed through the Morbo Strait, and by utilising this unique current, Urallian traders could make the journey in a matter of months when it should have taken many years. However, until this point, Urallia had completely overlooked the area around the Morbo Strait, and did not really consider moving its already considerable Empire into over-sea territory. However, when these Urallian traders fell under attack in the Morbo Strait, and the adjacent Sea of Seymour, it was decided that the Empire must do something to protect this vital trade route. After a period of impractical and costly naval escorts, it was decided by the Senate that Urallia would invade the area, and control the area directly around the Morbo Strait to protect their traders. It was considered that the benefits of not only having a secured trade route but perhaps a stop-off on the way, and possible new resources in conquered lands, would greatly out-strip the initial cost of such an invasion.

Forces initially landed on six separate land-masses or major islands and gave them names. They were: Ogsiliya (now part of Buscemistan), Ivdel’ (Now part of Djorvak), Modaviya (mainland Tweeklandia), Graznaya (New Asia), Rolandiya (New Europe) and the island group of Zedoliev – which is now Greater Zedoljev

Initially Urallia was only interested in having a military stranglehold of the Strait, however Urallian families staying in camps in the conquered lands often wrote home telling of their enjoyment of the area, and soon individuals took it upon themselves to colonise the lands. It was decided that the islands of Ogsiliya, Ivdel’ and Zedoliev should be a “haven” for Urallian colonists, and brutal “cleansing” of the lands was started. Soon much of southern Zedoliev was completely devoid of native inhabitants, and the natives of Ogsiliya and Ivdel’ were ruthlessly deported or killed off. It was also decided that other areas of the Morbo Strait would be subjugated by Urallia, with the natives being assimilated in Urallian customs and ways, or face the might of the Urallian army. However, many did choose the path of resistance. Opposition in the north of Zedoliev by Tuets who had claimed the island as theirs (ironically about only three hundred years earlier) forced a rethink and it was decided that the Tuets would be “appeased” and slowly assimilated. Another group who resisted were those native to Modaviya, and they would be at almost a continuous and brutal war with the Urallians the entire time the Urallians were present in the region.

Zedoliev, being the largest island group out of the three “havens” benefited the most out of colonists, and was reserved entirely for Zlavs, the hierarchy of Urallia, despite it being the furthest away from Urallia out of the three. It was also very well placed to serve as the “stop-off” for the Urallian traders, and a powerful port was created, tucked away securely in a bay, guarded by several islands, offering great protection for the Urallian merchant and military ships. It would soon be transformed into Zendivostok – the most significant Urallian city in the whole area, and eventual capital of the modern state.

Mid Colonial Period

Zendivostok soon grew in statue, and successive Governors put a lot of resources into making it an important and noteworthy asset of the Empire. One case of this was the Great Library of Zendivostok, constructed under the reign of legendary Governor Tarkitev – opened in roughly 520 BCE (STS). The library was said to hold a million texts from around the Empire and the Morbo Bridge, and was a centre of learning for not only the Urallian colonies but much of the Morbo Bridge. It served as one of Zedoliev’s greatest draws for over nearly two millennia, before being destroyed by fire in 1413 CE (STS) New settlements began to spring up around Zedoliev – for instance Toragrad and Maryavostok, and also Zvezdanaya which was become the second city in Zedoliev – located much further north. Zedoliev prospered in this time – it was considered the golden age of the Colony.

According to local legend, in roughly 95 BCE a small group of horsewomen arrived from the Homeland, hoping to stake out their own private land in Zedoliev. They were said to once have been part of the entourage of the Messiah Gods, and sought to settle in an area where they could practise their religion in freedom and safety. They settled on Vostok island, and set up a riding community that young Urallian women were keen to join. From that, morphed slightly by the country they found themselves in, this community would become a society – the Asseniya – one of the most fearsome warrior groups in the world, as well as a cornerstone of Zedoljan religion, tradition, and military pride.

It was during this period however that the Urallians also attempted to settle on the island they called Sibir’ (New Cyberia). After initial attempt to cleanse the island – like they had in Ogsiliya and Ivdel’ – local resistance kicked up and it was decided to withdraw from Sibir’ only two years after they arrived. Despite never-ending resistance on Modaviya and in other places, this was the first time the Urallians actually had to give up an entire island, and though not strictly related, it could be seen as the early beginning of a long and agonising end of Urallians in the region.

Late Colonial Period

Servivia had completely collapsed and some in the Urallian Senate considered abandoning the Morbo Bridge completely. This idea was narrowly defeated in the Senate, and for a brief while, Zedoliev served as a relay base for Urallian operations in Asgard – the Great Eastern continent, where scout forces investigating the collapse of Servivia had a bitter run in with the people of Athria. While Urallia defeated the Athrians, she was finding enemies in too many places and was beginning to run out of soldiers to fight them. It was considered that Zedoliev was too vital to give up; however, some of the other colonies in the area were not so vital. Large portions of Urallian controlled land on New Europe was abandoned, and Ivdel’ came under heavy coastal attack from the north, which persuaded many colonists to attempt to flee back to the Homelands. In the north of Zedoliev it self, fighting caused the Urallians to slowly lose hold of large tracts of territory, eventually leading to the repeated enemy attacks on, and the abandonment of Zvezdanaya.

As attacks increased in the Homelands, including the near fatal assault by the Darmenians, the Urallian Senate decided that there were more important areas that needed greater protection, and abandoned Modaviya and Rolandiya completely. The Urallian colonists in Rolandiya either chose to flee to Zedoliev, or tried to group together on the far northern tip of the Continent – in the area that would eventually become Nurdbotia. On Graznaya, the Urallian armies were facing serious opposition from Tuets and Slimoans from the north. While the Urallian Senate denied sending any reinforcements, a senior Urallian General, Borogan, took himself with a mere five legions to the far west of Graznaya, in an attempt to march against the rear of the Tuets and Slimoans, using the assumption that almost all of the two powers’ armies were employed against the Urallians to the south. However that area of Graznaya was poorly charted and Borogan landed too far north. There he was set upon by the ancient Bloodians who killed Borogan and destroyed much of his army. With this last gambit to save Graznaya soundly defeated, despite Borogan’s actions not becoming public knowledge for centuries, most people already knew that Urallia’s days were numbered. Within a few years of the suspected day of defeat of Borogan, the Urallian armies in the south were obliterated at the Battle of Adelhard.

Soon after the Battle of Adelhard, the Battle of Brezhik Point decimates the remnants of the Imperial Navy left in the region. However, just when Zedoliev seems as doomed as the rest of the Empire, two figures arise that were to seal its survival. The first of which was Bukharin

Disunity Period

Royal Zedoljev

Parliamentarian Zedoljev

The People’s Republic of Zedoljev

The Zedoljan Soviet Federated Tschazanovite Republic


main article: Zedoljan Politics

See also: Zedoljan Constitution


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">[fedzedregionssm8dn.png fedzedregionssm8dn.png]
Respective States of Federal Zedoljev

The Federal Zedoljan Soviet has jurisdiction over the following States:

There are also four Greater Cities in Federal Zedoljev. They are:


<div" class="plainlinksneverexpand">[fedzedgsm5at.png fedzedgsm5at.png]
Map of Federal Zedoljev




Culture in Zedoljev

Miscellaneous topics