The Chosen Nations

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The Chosen Nations
Flag of The Chosen Nations
Motto: "Who dares wins"
Region Europa
Capital Themis
Official Language(s) Chosen English and Chosen Latin
Leader The Chosen and Holy Emperor Clemintine XVII
Population 343 million
Currency Tanista 
NS Sunset XML

Major Cities

Themis is the capital of TCN, and is a huge and diverse city. It have the nations best university - The Chosen Regional University - and many people flock to Themis as tourists. The historic city of Rhea, and formar capital city of TCN - is stunning. It have many of the old government buildings, and is full of history. It is in Rhea that "The Chosen Archive" is situated. In "The Chosen Archive" is the most extensive collection of documents anywhere in TCN. Although strictly not a city, the MRA (Multi Regional Assembly) is a vast expanse of land, and is where the national government is situated. Also in the MRA are the various HQ's of the TCAF divisions (TCAiF, TCLD, TCHG, TCNa, TCSF).

Geography of TCN

TCN lies near the center of Europa, and so enjoys hot, mediterranean weather. It rarely rains, and the sun if ofter beating down. The north of TCN (north of Saone) is mainly desolate and rocky, but attracts many visitors, who come to marvel at it's beauty. There are 2 majour rivers in TCN, The Sholo River (Source: Extreame NE; Mouth: W Coast, parrellel to Saone), and The K'Elo River (Source: 45 miles NW of MRA; Mouth: W Coast, nr. Hastlehoth). The K'Elo River runs through Hastlehoth, whils The Sholo River runs through no majour cities.


As mentioned above TCN enjoys glorious sunshine, and heat most of the year. For this reason there are no green forests.

TCN Government

The political System of TCN is a Monarchy system, where the Ruler has absolute power. "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" is the title given to the ruler of TCN. Upon inheriting the throne of TCN "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" is ruler for life. Upon the death of "The Chosen and Holy Emperor", his heir is crowned as the next "The Chosen and Holy Emperor". "The Chosen and Holy Emperor" has a panel of advisors in different areas, but they can only advise.


TCAF (The Chosen Armed Forces) are split into these divisions:

TCAiF (The Chosen Air Force) 
TCLD (The Chosen Land Division)
TCNa (The Chosen Navy)
TCHG (The Chosen Home Guard)
TCSF (The Chosen Special Forces)