Lontorica (geographic area)

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Revision as of 15:11, 19 October 2005 by Commerce Heights (Talk | contribs)

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Lontorica (sometimes Lontorika) is a region of northern Terranordalis and adjacent Atlantian Oceania, generally delimited by the bounds of the Lontorican nation at its peak. It is largely composed of hilly terrain, but with high mountains in the west and a large plain in the south. Portions of Lontorica are controlled by Commerce Heights, Lontorika, and Tingitana, but the central region, Königeland, is claimed by both Lontorika and Commerce Heights. Due to the conflict, much of Lontorica, including Neue Lontorikanische Spezielle Verwaltungsregion under the stable government of Commerce Heights, is being rapidly depopulated in favor of areas such as Jativa and Sokojito.

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