Determined cows

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Determined cows
Flag of Determined cows
Motto: Besty's back... Tell a friend
No Map Available Yet
Region Lancre
Capital Lawn
Official Language(s) Old Bestivillian
Leader Emperor Besty the Majestic
Population <1 billion
Currency Backside 
NS Sunset XML

Determined Cows is where the lucky 5 million Bestiville citizens evacuated to before the nuclear explosion. It is directly next to the smouldering remains of Bestiville.

Determined Cows and the world

It was thought that Emperor Besty stayed in the Tower of the Majestic when he'd ordered that Dregruk bombed Bestiville. He was one with his nation, and went with it.

However, the truth of this rumour is now being debated, with a person thought to be Besty appearing around the place. Did Besty get out? No one can truly be sure...

Anyway, after laying low in world politics for a little while, it seems that DC has began it's climb to power. The Majestic 7 have been reformed, and a new tower is being built in the centre of the nation.

Determined Cows and the military

After losing all spy equipment in the nuclear blast, the Bestivillian spy network is still very much just rebuilding. A plea for equipment has been sent to other nations, so that DC can develop.

Most of the Bestiville army was evacuated to Determined Cows, and despite the lack of equipment, they are still the well trained bunch that they used to be.

Determined Cows and sports

A lot of the Bestiville football team was left behind in Bestiville, probably because they were a bunch of incompetant morons who rarely won anything. The BLF (now DCLF) president, Tony Ignoe, is gathering together a team to appear in the next Lancre Cup. They are training now.

And the Fish Fight

Because of the trouble, the fish fight between the leaders of Dregruk and Bestiville has been put on indefinate hold. When Emperor Besty reveals himself, it may just start again. Or will it?

The Determined Cow

Because of the people attacking them with sticks, no Bestiville bears managed to get across the border. The Determined cow is a creature found roaming the new lands, and are what the nation was named after. They look just like a normal cow. But don't be fooled, they are pure evil. A cross between the Flightless Hippo and the Bestiville bear probably. Stay away from them at all costs.

Old Bestivillian

What follows is a quick guide to speaking Old Bestivillian, a strange dialect of English.

Aal Reet- Hello, how are you? Aye- Yes. Gannin- Going in the general direction of. Toon- Town. Man- Any person who is slightly irritating.

Despite the fact that the national language is Old Bestivillian, many of the citizens speak in very good English, and are particularly skilled at writing.