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Flag of Risa-Aramour
Motto: "House Of Risa United For All Times!"
Region The Exodus
Capital Capital Free State
[Risa capital - Colombo
Aramour capital - Sajavailza]
Official Language(s) English [official], Risian, Aramourian Ris, Spanish
Leader Prime Minister Jose Jkalz
King Swja
Princess Kiani
Population 5 million
Currency RA Pound 
NS Sunset XML


Incorporated out of the former territories that made up Chicanada, the Kingdoms of Risa and Aramour are situated in a tear-shaped country that lies along the West Exodus Ocean on the West Continent.

The Kingdom of Risa sits along the Northeast edge of the nation and wraps down to the old claims of Douala and Jaxx. The Northern River flows out of the Seat of the House of Risa, Colombo and heads north to the coast, following the Risian Mountains until it exits near the port of Peace Harbour.

The Kingdom of Aramour occuply the lower 1/3 of the nation. Home to much of the farmland as well as exciting vistas from the Southern Range, the South Flank river spills from Colombo into Aramour, winding through the heartland of the country until it reaches the old Spanish/Belgian city of San Felipe. Aramour's capital is the seaside resort city of Sajavailza (Seaport).

The Commonwealth agreed to use a shared area to establish their Government District. At the heart of Risa-Aramour, it is home to the Commonwealth government as well as the Royal Castles of the Houses of Risa and Aramour to use when not in Colombo or Sajavailza

History of the Commonwealth

Development, Division and Invasion of Ris

The Kingdom of Ris, to the northeast of Isla, was a self-sustained kingdom founded by Prince Sani The Right in 1 RAK (1423 Chicanada Year).

In 200 RAK, King Hjazki saw a son born, Prince Jea. However, Jea was born to a prostitute and classified a bastard by Temple authorities who ordain the Kings and Queens of Ris. Prince Kjl, a distant cousin to Hjazki became King in 207 RAK, but not with a united kingdom. Those loyal to Jea and the true bloodline revolted and took King Jea and Queen Consort Anastacia south. This would lead to the founding of the Aramour lineage, which has for three centuries proclaimed they are the rightful heirs to the Governess Palace and the Kingship of Colombo.

War between the kingdoms began almost as soon as King Jea fled, with Risian and Aramourian supports waiging battles for nearly 70 years before comming to a tense truce to deal with British, Spanish and Belgian explorers who had begun to explore and conquer territory claimed by both sides.

The Rise of Chicanada and Greater Risa

The Kingdom of Ris began a period of purchasing lands back from Belgian and British invaders as a means of avoiding conflict. In addition, the lands were technically Aramourina in claim, meaning an enslaving of the populace - while allowing the Aramourian Royal Family to maintain freedom to avoid a breakout of war and possible conquest by European groups. In 360 Ris purchased the lands of Cana and Isla from Belgium and formed the Incorporated States of Risa. In 382 the ISR and Great Britain agreed to allow Township into the ISR as a Republic of Isla. After the Great War of 392, the ISR began discussing disolving the current structure and forming a new union. In 144, at the behest of Cana, the Conferedated States of Chicanada were signed in Cana City, Palm Colony. In 498 ECE, the Confederacy of Chicanada became the Federated Cantons of Chicanada under a new Canton-region system. In addition, the Risian Kingdom was officially declared de facto rulers of the Risian Kingdom Autonomous Region and make all major decisions while staying part of the FCC.

Establishment of The Final Homeland

At the end of 509, the FCC began a transfer of regions to Atlantian Oceania. The Aramour and Risan kingdoms chose to remain in The Exodus, and formed the Commonwealth of Risa-Aramour in the former nation's lands. The two Kingdoms, after centuries of warfare, finally began to see a strong peace and unity as their peoples began to establish their Commonwealth.

Organisation of the Kingdoms

There are three official districts in the Commonwealth - the House of Risa, the House of Aramour and the Capital Free State. Each district is then divided into fiefels for proper political and economic standings.

  • House of Risa fiefels
    • Colonia
    • Grand Colony
    • Hiberan
    • Jzjalzi
    • Kjzil
    • Palazia
    • Paradise
    • Socentral
  • House of Aramour fiefels
    • Jea
    • Karabo
    • Sajavailza
    • San Felipe
    • San Mathew
    • Zain'aa
  • Capital Free State fiefels
    • Aramon
    • Central District
    • Risia

Federal Government

The Federal Government, as well as the Houses of Risa and Aramour, are maintained in the Capital Free State (official name). Two cities exist within the area - Risia and Aramon. Risa maintains their throne at Aramon and Aramour holds court in Risia, as part of terms of the creation to prevent civil war from breaking out.

Assmebly Of The Kingdoms

The Assembly is voted in for up to three 4-year terms. The 300 Assemblypersons are voted on throughout the Commonwealth, with 135 seats going to the Risa and Aramour districts and 30 seats going to those who reside in the Capital Free District.

The Prime Minister serves as head of Government for the Commonwealth and Head of the Assembly, and is approved by holding 175 seats by the coalition or party in power. It is expected by the Kingdom Houses that the Prime Minister will shift between the two regions during each election cycle to be fair for all.

Supreme Council

The Supreme Coucil is created out of 9 associate judges, four appointed by the House of Risa, four appointed by the House of Aramour and one voted on by the Assembly. All judges serve life terms and can only be replaced through a removal push from both Houses or censure by the Assembly. They decide on major issues as well as the validity and fairness of laws and statues in the Commonwealth.

Government Makeup, 509-512

Assembly Seats

  • Aramourian League
    • 75 seats
  • House of Risa Alliance
    • 75 seats
  • Union-Liberals of Risa-Aramour
    • 75 seats
  • Commonwealth Democratic Party
    • 25 seats
  • Communist Alliance of Risa-Aramour
    • 20 seats
  • Party Conservative
    • 15 seats
  • Holistic Party of Peace
    • 10 seats
  • TransNational Alliance
    • 5 seats

The Government in power holds 175 seats:

  • Aramour League
  • House of Risa Alliance
  • Commonwealth Democratic Party

Most assume the AL and HORA chose to work together to create a solidarity as Risa-Aramour begins finding its way in the world. Many expect the Commonwealth to follow it's fellow nation Chicanada in moving to the center and supporting the Union-Liberals in 512.\

Government positions

  • Heads of State - King Sjwa of the House of Risa, Princess Kiani of the House of Aramour
  • Prime Minister (Head of Government) - Sjwa Lkanzi (AL)
  • International Affairs Minister - Hjai Kloemi (HORA)
  • Forces Minister - Garrison Aslan (HORA)
  • Economic Minister - Jose Jimenes (AL)
  • Trade Minister - Karali Yjol (CDP)
  • Judicial Minister - Pennance Ojian (HORA)
  • Banking and Internal Commerce Minister - Yalinx Clain(AL)
  • Energy and Conservation Minister - Headin Fjian (CDP)
  • Labour Minister - Heli Apoli (AL)
  • Environmental Minister - J'zalos K'laoni(HORA)
  • Education Minister - Haiden Miller (CDP)
  • Urban Development Minister - Susannah Jorden (HORA)
  • Agriculture Minister - Wollen O'zalo (AL)

Political Parties

  • Aramourian League (AL)
  • House of Risa Alliance (HORA)
  • Union-Liberals of Risa-Aramour (ULRA)
  • Commonwealth Democratic Party (CDP)
  • Communist Alliance of Risa-Aramour (COM)
  • TransNational Alliance (TN)
  • Party Conservative (PC)
  • Holistic Party of Peace (PEA)


Comming soon.


Religion is the backbone of the Risa-Aramour state. A majority practice the traditional faiths that were founded by Prince Sani the Right in the years preciding the Formation of the House of Ris.

Officially sanctioned religions

  • Temple of Ris (90%)
  • Christianity (7%)
    • Catholicism (99.6%)

Officially protected religions

  • Monaghanism (3%)


Football Risa Aramour

FRA is the official organisation that oversees the National Development in Football. FRA will also be in charge or organising and maintaining clubs to compete in Domestic Football under the FRAL name. The league is expected to begin play in 510.

International Play and the NS World Cup

Risa-Aramour hopes to send its first team to compete in the NS World Cup in the 27th edition.

AS Risa is the only Risan-Aramourian club to compete internationally, as it made the final 8 in the inaugual NSFA Cup.

Other Leagues

The Risa-Aramour Sports Federation is looking to begin competition in hockey, American Football and more winter sports in the future as the nation develops.

Misc. Info

January 2006 = 509 RAK Year. The calendar is based on the founding of the House of Risa, making that Year 0 RAK.