Olympic Games (removed)

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Resolution History

Hersfold, with the help of UN Forum regulars, was understandably proud to have his Olympic Games proposal in queue. In anticipation, he posted a Voting topic and headed off to bed. Sometime during the night, he received the following telegram:

From NationStates Moderators, To Hersfold : Your proposal, "Olympic Games" was deleted for containing Game Mechanics requirements, specifically: "This committee shall be elected on the NationStates forums by nominational process. This vote shall be completed and a committee of 7 members will be elected two weeks following the passing of this proposal."


This decision was discussed at length in this moderation topic, and The Most Glorious Hack made the following ruling, which was added to Enodia's List of Illegal UN Actions:

UN Resolutions cannot affect things outside of the game itself. The forced creation of something in the forums violates game mechanics.
The UN cannot create a forum-based entity.

This was later expanded by Cogitation, as follows:

Keep in mind this is strictly a roleplay question. As far as the in-game United Nations and UN proposals are concerned, the people who sit on "committees" don't hail from any nationstate, but rather magically pop out of the ground as fully-formed, mature adults loyal only to the United Nations. Nations cannot be allowed to sit on "committees" because it's a game mechanics violation; UN resolutions may not have specific effects on specific named nations (such as appointing "Cogitation" to the "Ways and Means committee") nor transfer specific effects to other specific nations (such as appointing a new nation to the "Ways and Means committee" every 3 months).
In roleplay, you may pretend that nations sit on committees, but this has no bearing on the UN proposal that "created" the committee.
As a parallel to most other roleplays; if a 5 million population tries to roleplay itself as a superpower, then the nation is called a "godmodder". But that doesn't mean that valid roleplays have any bearing whatsoever on the numerical statistics of the nation in question. Similar deal here: You can roleplay that the "committees" "created" by UN resolutions are staffed by UN member nations, but those roleplays have no bearing on the UN resolution, itself, or any of its effects on numerical statistics.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Game Moderator

Text of the Resolution

Olympic Games
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength: Mild Proposed By: Hersfold

THE NATIONSTATES UNITED NATIONS, in order to promote international well-being and athletic competition, shall hereby form an International Olympic Committee to organize and help host a bi-annual NationStates Olympic Games.

This committee shall be elected on the NationStates forums by nominational process. This vote shall be completed and a committee of 7 members will be elected two weeks following the passing of this proposal. This committee’s duties shall be as follows:

  • To decide among a list of volunteers to host the Olympic Games
  • To assist the host in the organization and completion of the games
  • To organize the sign-up process for the Games.

The elected host nation's duties shall include:

  • Providing adequate competition facilities, housing, security, transportation, training facilities, and neccessary anemities for the athletes participating, as well as their coaches and staff.
  • Report upon the results for each event in the Games
  • Do the above in a prompt and responsible manner

To prevent over-crowding of the host nation, there shall be no more than 200 UN member nations participating in each games.

An Olympic Games shall take place every 6 months, alternating between Summer and Winter Games. In each, sporting events that define that time shall be played according to the rules of their respective international organizations. The events to be played may be decided on by the committee.

The winners of each event, shall be awarded a Gold Medal unique to each games. The second place finisher(s) shall receive a Silver Medal of the same design, and the third place finisher(s) a Bronze Medal. In the event of a tie for any of these positions, 2 (or more) medals shall be awarded at that level.

These Games are to promote international well-being and sportsmanship. Before competing, athletes are to swear by this creed:

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered, but to have fought well."

Any athlete found cheating, either by violating the rules or by use of performance-enhancing substances, shall be disqualified and stripped of their earned medals and any set records. Any athlete found missing any required drug testing must take another, or be disqualified.

Additional Materials