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Flag of Kantoriuma
Motto: Our Semiperimable-membraine will pwn j()() all
No Map Available Yet
Region Xindus
Capital Kantoria
Official Language(s) Kantorian, Leetspeak
Leader His Leetness Chris Kantor
Population 260 millon
Currency Byte 
NS Sunset XML


The Holy Empire of Kantoriuma is a prosperious and rapidly growing nation. Its economy is a powerhouse, and despite being a dictatorship, the nation has very good civil rights, but political freedoms are rare.

Kantoriuma is a large nation, located in the Northern Coast of Xindus.


Kantoriuma was founded on January 20th, 2006. Like fellow nation Pallazia, it arrived in Xindus after the civil war in Socklend. Kantoriuma is also one of the most corrupt and extreme nations in Xindus, based on a recent United Nations survey. Kantoriuma is the most popular nation in Xindus, as most tourists choose it as their destination and three nations chose it to be the United Nations delegate. The rapidly-spreading religion of Kantoranity has its roots in Kantoriuma.

Very recently, Kantoriuma participated in the Battles of Woodfall, resulting in a Kantorian victory. However, this had led to the Woodfall Swamp Controversery.


It is unclear on how a government is chosen. It is clear, however, that the nation is a dictatorship. Kantoriuma's government is similar to Pallazia's, as whatever the leader says, goes. Those who speak out are pubically executed. There is some uncertinity on how the dictator is chosen. Some speculate that the current dictator assassinated the previous one, like in Pallazia. Others suggest a top aide to the dictator appoints a new leader, while others suggest birbery. The dictator is very secretive on how he becomes the leader, and he is not to be questioned. The leader also serves as the ambassador to the United Nations.

The current dictator is Christopher Kantor.


Kantoranity is the official religion of Kantoriuma, and nations Pallazia, and Nation of Quebec. Kantoranity was founded by Chris Kantor in 2006, as an alternatative to Christianity. Christians who were fed up with the mainstream version immediately converted (though most were converted by force.) Kantoranity follows the Old testament more closely than the teachings of Jesus. There exists a God, Jesus is His chief prophet, but Chris Kantor is the one and only Messiah. When one follows Kantoranity, they must emulate Chris Kantor to please him and God. The religion requires three prayers a day, as well as four hours of devotion to Warcraft 3 and Star Trek. Kantorites tend to view non-believers as Heretics and distance themselves away from them. It is believed that the faithful recieve Chris' leetness and semi-permimable membrane. They believe one day the continents, (actually giant Kantor Frogs) will one day attack the world and rid it of evil and non-believers, creating a paradise for the faithful when their work is done.


Unlike other nations in Xindus, Kantoriuma does not concern itself with home defense. This is due to the large semi-permiable membrane that surrounds the nation. The membrane acts as a defenseive field in itself. It blocks the nation from all land, air, and sea attacks. The membrane only allows people from within Xindus to enter. To date, the membrane has yet to be breached. Recently, the government's top scientists are researching in developing a force field to one day replace or back up the membrane. Its strong anti-immigration policies also help to keep out potential terrorists and criminals.


Due to the lack of spending on defense, the government is able to spend much more in the military. Kantoriuma also has compulsory military service. Kantoriuma's ground forces are amoung the most powerful in the region, due to everyone in the nation has a defensive and powerful semi-perimable membraine. This allows the soldiers to withstand more shots and pain. The membrane also seems to form around vehicles, which is why Kantoriuma's Air Force and Naval Force are rarely shot down. Currently, there exists Kantoriuma's Holy Fighters (KHF), Kantoriuma Air Force (KAF), Kantoriuma Naval Fleet (KNF), and Kantoriuma Specialized Forces (KSF). To date, about 60% of the population serves in the military.

The battiling forces are lead by the Commander in Chief, who is usually also the dictator of the nation. The Current CIC is Chris Kantor.


Kantoriuma's economy is one of the best in the region. It is a strong powerhouse, as everyone in the nation is a rabid consumer. The government is very pro-business , like most regions in Xindus. However, they favour large coporations rather than small business. This is due to the fact that private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a highly effective black market in Pizza Delivery. The Uranium Mining insudtry brings a great amount of prosperity to the nation. The income tax rate for the citizens is 15%.


Like in Pallazia,the nation emulates the lifestyle of the current dictator. The people are highly intelligent, showing strong traits in all fields of computing, mathematics, and science. However, the citizens seem to lack in reading skills. The people have a great love for Star Trek and Warcraft 3, as there are constant torunaments and LAN parities devoted to them. Magic Cards are frequently seen on kitchen and cafe tables. The citizens dream of running and operating computer stores, as computers are practically worshipped. However a shocking discovery showed that the average weight of a Kantorian is three hundred pounds and they seem to suffer from leg problems. Phisotherapy and breast augmentation are very popular.

Kantoriuma was ranked the second-most unsafe nation in the region.

United Nations on Kantoriuma

Kantoriuma is a very well respected nation both in the region and in the United Nations, despite a recent poll showing Kantoriuma as a corrput and extreme nation with a complete lack of welfare. The UN at first referred to Kantoriuma as a Father Knows Best State, but now referrs to Kantoriuma as a Compulsory Consumerist State. Kantoriuma is a member of the United Nations and is the delegate for the region.