Lox Land Island

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Lox Land Island
Capital Schimpol
Largest city Schimpol
Official language English
Government Self-governing Dependent Territory
Thomas Douglas
Steve Gringe
Mike Yinan
Self-Governance granted 24 May 2003
 • 1996 Liverpool England census
 • 2004 census
3.41 million
7.045 million;
 • Total
 • Per capita

L£67.192 billion
Currency Liverpool England Pound ()
Time zone Heartland Prudentia East Time (HPET; HPT+1)
Internet TLD .lox.len
Abbreviation LOX or LLI


Lox Land Island first gained prominence in The Heartland for the wrong reason, after being hit by a tsunami in 1967. It has also been used as a military base by Liverpool England, to the extent that there was a total no-fly zone over the whole island for three and a half years from 1984-87, and again later for a month and a half in 2001.

In 1999, when the then-Greater Imperial Kingdom of Liverpool England dissolved after a referendum vote, four nations broke away from the Kingdom to become sovereign nations, while Chacor was formed as a disputed settlement of land between Liverpool England and Oddslavo, one of the breakaway nations. Lox Land, however, is too close to the mainland, and has never been able to break away for fear of military intervention, despite the obvious international repercussions should such a thing happen.

On the 14th of May, 2003, Liverpool England Parliament sat for an emergency session to debate the status of the Island. From 1999, it had functioned as part of the central Government in City Centre. Sports teams from the island also took part in Liverpool England competitions, and all people who would currently be eligible for citizenship were Liverpool England citizens, with five of them going on to represent Liverpool England at international football level.

The result of the sitting of Parliament was a vote to grant the Island self-independence. The motion failed due to the huge number of abstentions - a hundred and eighty out of three hundred seats, failing the bill 71-49-180 (a one-thirds majority, or 100 votes, which in modernd ay would be 150 out of 450, is needed for an emergency bill to pass).

Seven days later, on the 21st, Parliament was again called to vote on self-governance for the Island. This time, the 180 abstentions had reduce to eighty - a hundred less - and the Emergency Bill was passed, albeit by a close margin of 104-116-80, which in normal times would have failed the bill, but the four extra aye votes had granted self-governance to the Island.

On the 24th of May, 2003, at midnight, Lox Land Island was declared self-governing by Marc Newells in City Centre. Officially, the Head of State is still the Prime Minister of Liverpool England, with a Governor appointed by the PM, but the highest authority aside from the two on the island is the Lox Land Representative, currenlty Steve Gringe.

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