Free Pacific States

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Free Pacific States
Flag of Free Pacific States
Motto: "Peace and Prosperity"
Region The East Pacific
Capital Liberty City
Official Language(s) English
Leader Matthew Terrus
Population 6.2 billion
Currency Federate Credit 
NS Sunset XML

OOC General Information

Free Pacific States is a major nation, both OOCly and ICly, in The East Pacific. He has resided there since his creation several years ago, served as Grand Vizier and EPIA Head, attended the Constitutional Convention, and currently serves as the RP Administrator and as a Barrister.

IC General Information

The Federated Alliance of Free Pacific States is a major power in the East Pacific Region. Although known for it's nuetrality and peaceful nature, FPS has recently begun to take on a more 'assertive' approach to international affairs. Currently, it is led by Matthew Dupree of the Centrist Party, who believes in compromise and cool-headedness in relation to all policies.

OOC History

FPS was originally spawned sometime in late 2002 or early 2003. After about a month, it's player abandoned NS for about half a year, returning to activity in the fall of 2003. After a short stint in the main NS Forums directly after his return, FPS registered and became active on the East Pacific's forums. Ultimately, he would abandon Main NS for the East Pacific, partially because he considered the East Pacific better, and partially because he was dismayed at the new jolt setup of the main NS forums.

FPS would quickly become a major player in the East Pacific, especially in terms of RP. After only a month, FPS would be given the position of RP Moderator in honor of his contributions, and in the fall of 2005, he would promoted to the position of RP Admin. He would be the first to serve in both of these positions.

Though without doubt a good RPer, FPS did not concentrate entirely in that field, however (just primarily). Whilst in the East Pacific, FPS would serve in a number of important positions. He would head the FPIA for two years (before turning it over to Vladistock Island) and serve as Grand Vizier (cheif advisor and first succesor of the Delegate) for around a year (resigning for several reasons* in 2006). On several occasions, FPS would represent the East Pacific to international bodies and in international events (IE: the League of the Pacifics and the World Fair), and on several other occasions would defend EP policies in other regions.

Perhaps FPS' greatest non-RP contribution to TEP, however, was in relation to the EP Charter. Not only did FPS serve as a major participant in the East Pacific Constitutional Convention, but his words would actually bring about the convention itself. During negotiations, he would be the largest proponent of civil rights, and, at one point, even wrote a constitutional draft for consideration. Though the final convention participant to ratify the Charter (due to objections in regards to government power), FPS would ultimately declare the constitutional convention a success.

Today, FPS continues to serve as TEP's Secretary of Information, RP Administrator, and as an EP Court Barrister. In the future...who knows.

*FPS would officially give his resignation as a result of his belief that he'd taken part in a conspiracy that had violated the charter. However, unnoficially, FPS would later state that he had resigned due to his realization that he had no interest in being Delegate, and thus did not want to be the first successor the Delegate.

IC History (Until 1998)

FPS appeared in it's first form in 1926 as the Alliance of Free Pacific States. Made up of seven peace-wanting nations that had just endured a decade long conflict with each other, the alliance was originally created as UN-like organization in order to regulate international relations between the seven states.

As time went on, however, the alliance slowly developed into more (more as a reuslt of the nations' becoming closer to one another then to a trust in the strength of the alliance itself). By 1938, the alliance had become a NATO-esque organization, though it took minimal international action.

In 1939, the invasion of the Alliance of Free Pacific States by imperalist troops of 1 Infinite Loop brought the alliance to it's knees, as the small alliance armies, and the armies of each of the member-states, were quickly defeated. The navies never stood a chance in the first place. In 1946, the remaining forces of the seven nations agreed to combine into one entity: The Federated Alliance of Free Pacific States...on a temporary basis, until 1IL was fought off.

More as a result of the opening of a second front on 1IL by the Lizards, but also partially as a result of the combination, FPS was able to fight off 1IL, though it took nearly a decade. At the end of this time, however, things did not return to their pre-war status as planned. Instead, the people of the seven nations voted to continue on with their current government, creating a new, better constitution, and electing the first FPS Government.

Between the 1960s and 1990s, FPS was primarily isolationist, taking little international action, due to it's need to recover from the war (which had deeply damaged the nation, especially economically). In 1998, Preisdent Matthew Terrus brought FPS into the international sphere, begining the second era of the Free Pacific States.

History Since 1998

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Everything Else

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