Comrade Shane

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Neo Soviet Republic
"In memorium to the Peoples Revolutionary Party"
RegionNationStates Communist Party
Population4.306 billion
Official LanguagesEnglish, Italian, Russian, Albanian
Current Head of StateChairman of the People's Revolutionary Party, Comrade Shane M.
CurrencySocialist Rouble
National AnimalAlbanian Eagle

Comrade Shane was one of the most influential Communists in NationStates history, crossing paths most frequently with longtime friend and ally, Comrade Martin. He is also well-known for black nationalism and radical Islam. -Edit by Shane- No I am not...

Comrade Shane, A Brief History

Comrade Shane often worked alongside Comrade Martin, whom he appointed as the Commissar of General PRP Affairs for some time. After the invasion of the Stalinist-led region, Soviet Union, Comrade Martin was superficially demoted to Commissar of Extra-Regional PRP Affairs in order to placate angry PRP military commander Mikhail Zhirinovsky, who left in anger.

Shane was PRP Security Chief and later Chairman after a government reformation and the institution of democracy, which was in reality a justification for Shane's and Martin's regional leadership duo, despite Martin's numerous attempts at destabilizing their dictatorship by calling regional referendums on their roles, which never amounted to much. Comrade Shane was often the voice of reason, keeping the calm, or attempting to do so, while Martin was the hothead. The two were important for PRP regional development, orchestrating key invasions such as the 1969 and 1989 ACA Wars.

After a moderator attack, Shane lost The New Soviet State, his main nation. Mikhail, with whom Shane had kept limited contact, donated Shane's current nation to him, Neo Soviet Republic, which he has dedicated to the memory of his first created region, the Peoples Revolutionary Party. Martin's proposed Socialist Convention succeeded in uniting many regions in to the NationStates Communist Party, where Shane currently resides today serving previously on the now-disbanded Central Committee of the NSCP, and was the Secretary of Party Security and Intelligence (Formerly Secretary of Domestic Intelligence) for a period of time , until resignation under corruption charges. Comrade Martin leaked to Lenin1924 about how Comrade Shane had changed the results of one election resulting in it being a tie.

Much though today abounds about what part Shane will play in the Partys future. His adminship of the forum has come under threat and it is likley that he will be without a place in goverment after the upcomming election. If this is the case it will be the first time since the creation of the NSCP. However what can not be doubted is that he will have an active part in the future of the NSCP