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The Society of Athamasha (Latin: Societas Athamashae; Spanish: La Sociedad de Atamasa; Esperanto: La Socio da Atamaŝa; Asham: Klatamne Athamasha; Dutch: Sociëteit van Athamasha; German: Die Gesellschaft Athamashas) is a large, well-developed nation with strong socialism tendencies.

The Society of Athamasha
National motto: Non Cantandum Magnopere Si Cantari Bene.
Region The Mediterranean
Official languagesLatin, Spanish, Esperanto, Asham
Capital Athamasha
Largest Religion Ibrahimism
Tech Level Modern Tech
Consul-General Caius Katojo
First Senator Othona Gabriel
Community Unity Day 21 July 674
Society Day 28 Nov 1098
Currency New Olomo (ANO)
National Animal Emu
Anthem Quam Sua Libertas Ad Honesta Coegerunt Arma
Internet TLD .CAA (depreciated); .SAA (pending)


On 21 July 674 IC (Island Calendar), Athamasha's many ethnic groups agreed to form the international state -- called the Community -- of Athamasha. The initial constitutional arraignment was very simple -- but later it became more complicated. Around 8 May 1064 IC, the Community collapsed into ideological factions which battled each other until 28 Nov 1098, at which time the Society faction was triumphant.


During the Community era, the Socialist Party was the largest, followed by the Free Democrats. Other small parties included the Libertarians, the Patriot's Coalition, the Platonics, and many other small ones besides.

The current Society is run by the Society Coalition, which includes the Peace and Socalism Party, the New Dawn Party, the Communist Party of Athamasha (Marxist-Leninist), and the Unity Party. The opposition, is, as of yet, small and disorganized and consists mainly of the Free Athamasha Party, the New Free Democrats, and the Fascist Union of Athamasha.


The word Athamasha (Atham-asha, "Jupiter Island") originally referred the main island of Athamasha. The country is now spread out over this island, still the main one and a few others nearby. Because of strict planning laws, almost the entire population lives in the fourteen extremely dense cities: Athamasha, Urbs Diva, Jeru Nostra, Katloko, the Municipality of the Stars, Klatshkla, Alekema, Athamasha Secunda, Byzantium Novum, Athamasha Tertia, Los Castellos, Nieuw Rotterdam, Templa Astribus, and Porta Avium. The few who do not are either members of the defeated Naturalist faction, criminals, or state-appointed farmers.

Large Corporations of Athamasha

  • Tkalamasha CSP -- Asham for "death runners." Their main product is the TM-900 assault rifle, which is inexpensive and extremely reliable. They also produce a wide variety of other personal armaments. Tkalamasha's products are generally unknown outside of Athamasha itself.
  • Nuntii Athamashae CS -- NA is Athamasha's private-run news service. It had a brief foray into international relations with its NA International service, but that closed down during the Factional Wars of 1064-1098 and looks unlikely to reopen.