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The Holy Empire of Stevid
Venitie Adoremus! Venitie Adoremus! Dominatum!
Flag of Stevid (Rubet Excommunicate)
Official Language English
Capital Stevid Capita,
Head of State Prime Minister David Conroy
Foreign Advisor MP George Williams
Internal Advisor MP Jenny Harris
Population 6 Billion+
Founding Colonisation, Late 16th Century
Government Type Democracy
National Animal The Coyote
Currency Pound
National Map [[1]]
Naval Craft Classification HMS (His/Her Magesty's Ship)
Internet TLD .svd
Calling Code +554
Official Religion Roman Cathlic Church

Welcome to Stevid. An old, prosperous nation, full of life and bustling commercial districts. Rich with natural resources and more money than it knows what to do with. A loving Capitalist Government that tries to put a brave face on anything. Yes, it has to be Stevid.Right from it’s first step into the modern world, Stevid has come a country that people quickly began to notice, not only for commercial interest but also for long term, standing international relationships that would last for nearly fifty years. Stevid’s first arrival on the big stage of world politics and international affairs was when they joined the United Nations. A small nation lost in a world of depression, filth, corruption and violence. And were welcomed with open arms. It was joining the United Nations that Stevid first began to get noticed and quickly started making many friends from across the world and joining (Short Term) Alliances before Stevid properly found it’s feet and left the UN. Now finally geologically located in the region of Imperial Armies in the Pacific Ocean, Stevid set it’s way out into the world stage. Becoming engaged in wars and peacekeeping missions, colonisation and re-building of a fallen Empire, forming secret pacts and “in the open” pacts with various nations- Stevid had found it’s feet and is now one of quite a few leading nations on Naval Warfare and Technologies.For more in depth information of Stevid, click on the provided links.

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Breif Historical Overlook

Historically, Stevid is a distinctively British nation with distinctive British origins. The major origin of Stevid will be mentioned later. But the first days of colonisation were to mark Stevid as a great nation for the rest of its history. The first and most obvious part of Stevid’s admired history is of course colonisation day. The day the British first landed on an almost totally deserted island with lush forests.

Colonisation day was really the most momentous day since the formation of Stevid as a colony/Nation- since that time there was generally nothing happening in Stevid apart from the building of the Docklands Naval ports (Soon to become world famous when the Navy is founded into the modern industry) and the formation and building of the Capital City, Stevid Capita and the second biggest city Sunderland.
Stevid’s monarchy started in 1678 when King Thomas I took the throne when Stevid was granted independence from the British Empire and since then there has been twenty different monarchs. The current one is King James the III. He has three heirs, two of which are males; Prince David of Rubet; Princess Jane of Hanna Stone and Prince George of Cadia. The monarchy has had along tradition of being members of the military- the ruling monarch has the title of being the ‘’High Lord Admiral of the Royal Navy of Stevid’’, first in line to the throne Prince David is a Commander in the Royal Navy; Princess Jane is a Medical Officer in the Army and Prince George is an Officer in the Territorial Army.
When Stevid became a fully modern and computer based nation, it quickly took to the world stage and began doing it’s bit to influence the world just that little bit more. Both individually and through the United Nations, Stevid began communication and interaction with those outside its main areas of influence. This meant going to war in the direst of instances and peacekeeping mission in volatile areas of the world that required direct intervention.
Stevid has prided itself on its modernised Royal Navy- since the times that the British colonial fleets that sailed around Imperial Armies Stevid has always had a naval force that had been recognised world wide and still is today. It was during the opening decade of Stevid’s ascension in world politics that the Government decided to be one of the first members to join the OMP(Organisation of Maritime Powers) becoming the four member of this alliance and also becoming the third most powerful Navy in the world that was officially recognised by the OMP. This was because Stevid processed one of the few classes of ships that was able to stand up to the Doujin-class Super Dreadnought, but that is now a long lost and distant memory. Time is costly in the military and over time the OMP became less inclined to do what they set out to do and even defied ignorance that Stevid was actually a member. Tired of these hypocrites and low runners that were dragging down the once mighty alliance, Stevid resigned its commission in the OMP under unjust pressure.
Stevid now is a still a powerful nation but government priorities have changed over time and Stevid has stepped aside for nations with more money and better technology to provide better maritime security- the problem was that it was falling to the rogue nations as Stevid stepped aside.
It soon became clear to many nations around the world (including Stevid) that hypocrisy was the main dominant factor in the world- afraid Stevid would become dragged into this corrupt world and their regimes, Stevid left the United Nations and became one with the Imperial Armies Region only to find it sprawling with hostile nations and a piracy on the high seas surrounding the region. Since then and to this day it has become the only home Stevid has ever seen or known despite the quarrels many neighbouring nations have with each other.

The Stevidian Empire and Commonwealth

For the best part of three to four hundred years, Stevid was part of the British Empire and today is a member of the British Commonwealth. However, now due to it’s independence, Stevid began to construct it’s own Empire under the guidance of the British Consulate office in the capital city both in Stevid and in London. Stevid first began building its Empire in the early year of 2002. Member states numbered in few as the ranged from, Stevid (Founder), Adaptus Astrates, Dead Fox ‘’’(Deceased)’’’, New Province Colony, Rubet Island ‘’’(expelled for one year)’’’ and Kurona. Despite the small size, it was none the less and Empire- a mutual agreement with all member states of the economy, military. The Stevid influence had marginally increased in the world, few countries could claim they had an Empire at all! Stevid had the rare privilege to say, “We have an Empire.”

Despite the Empire, Stevid’s reputation for having an Empire didn’t influence anyone in particular; the Empire was insignificant compared to others. But none the less, it was an Empire. The Most important asset to the Stevidian Empire is the oil rich nation of Adaptus Astrates. Adaptus Astrates North Sea Oil Corporation provides Stevid with oil on a vast amount and since Adaptus Astrates has always claimed itself a totally neutral nation and freedom of the seas has always secured Stevid’s Oil supply. Adaptus Astrates is a long-term partner of the Empire and extremely valuable to the whole region for it’s oil. Stevid's own offshore prision and small military base is simialar to the way Britian maintains the Falklands, The North Hanover Islands Dependency are a chain of sparsely populated islands in the Empire only 500 nautical miles South East of Kanami and is used as a maximum security prision on one of the islands to hold enemies of the state and terrorists.

Stevid’s Empire crumbled away before the eyes of the foreign office. The already small Empire was going through a rough phase of what was inactivity. Member nations weren’t exactly pulling their weight towards the Empire- only Adaptus Astrates gave money to the Foreign Office to continue the Empire’s operations and assets over seas- other nations did not. It didn’t take long for the Stevid Government to see the Empire was pulling Stevid down and so almost immediately disbanded the Empire and all member states were declared independent. The Empire turned into a Commonwealth and so it stayed for nearly thirty years. Stevid’s Commonwealth acts pretty much the same way the British Commonwealth does today apart from the fact that the Empire was finally revitalized after a long period of slumber.

During the newly re-formed democratic government, a weather satellite spotted a massive colonial island. News of this massive island travelled around the world extremely quickly. The Stevidian government equally quickly jumped at the opportunity, Stevid would be in direct control of the colony and all the resources that it processed. It took less than a month to send out colonial naval forces and air forces to claim a section of the island, and in the time span of about two months- Stevid had gained a huge territory on the island and mining of the resources began almost immediately. Building of political buildings and the building of whole towns and cities have now finally been completed. It was named the ‘’’New Province Colony’’’ and from that day on, the Empire was revitalised. The Stevid Empire returned back to the world larger than it had left.

The Empire itself has never gone to war on the whole, many of the nations in the Empire regard themselves as neutral and so it operates more of the past Commonwealth than the Empire. However the Imperial Ministry in Stevid Capita has no objections to this seeing as the Empires policy of no longer forcing nations to fight their battles for them. There are few nations Stevid can’t take on, so the Empire now is seen as just a political statement by the new government.

Flags of The Empire


This is the first flag ever hiosted above the government house in Stevid. It remained this way for hundreds of years.


Second of the Flags to be hoisted was this one above. It was hoisted one minute after the first. It represents British Dominace and it\'s reign in Stevid.


This is Adaptus Astrates Flag. It has been a long term member of the Stevid Empire and the Commonwealth since it was first founded. Their economic help and desire to serve has gotten them a close seat next to the Stevidian Government


This was the Third and final colonial flag to be rasied on the first day representing the British Navy that first discovered the nation. It was, for a short period of the Twenty-first Century, Stevid\'s National Flag.


This is Stevids current national flag. Similar to the first one except without the diagonal red cross from corner to corner. This is because of the expulsion of Rubet Island from the nation of Stevid for one year due to the puppet government there was found to be harbouring \'\'Red Cell\'\' Terrorist members.

Origins of Stevid

The origins of Stevid are not widely unknown to those who have close ties and international bonds with Stevid. Stevid is distinctly British and 87% of the population have family origins linked to the United Kingdom stretching back hundreds of years. As mentioned earlier, Stevid was formally a colony set up by British members of the Royal Navy as colonists expanding British wealth, Power and Influence throughout the world. Stevid was discovered by these pioneers and was quickly colonised by the British and it took no more than three months before civilians were living on this pacific island.

When Stevid was discovered, it was totally uninhabited. This was probably excellent news for the British colonists seeing as they needed try and quell any rebellious natives that might challenge British authority over the island. The fact that Britain didn’t face opposition meant it was an easy prize for British over their rivals such as the French in Africa, the Spanish and Portuguese in the Americas. With the colony secured, British immigrants straight off the boat from merry old England landed and properly colonised the island and began to spread out across the island and multiply throughout the land.

Seeing as Stevid IS more or less 100% British, the accent and dialect used by the natives is distinctly English and very standard English at that too. But as soon as Stevid was granted freedom of independence by the British Empire three years after the Second World War, Stevid began to fend for itself. Following help directions from the British consulate in the capital city, the Stevid began shaping a new image of Stevid in the form of their predecessor colonists that came from Britain. As far as Stevid is concerned, it is very much like modern day England. A green and pleasant land with rolling hills, a governmental parliamentary house of Commons and Lords were issues are debated and laws passed and legislations briefed, a Royal Family and Royal Palace, a Royal Navy with an illustrious history. It’s all very similar and that’s the way the population wanted it, a little England, a part of England was to be everywhere in the world and Stevid was to be England’s little part of the Pacific continent.

Common British patriotism and distrust of outsiders is not widely uncommon in Stevid on par with traditional Britain. The tensions between the British population in Stevid and the French, German (especially now in current Stevid International affairs), Italians, Spanish, Dutch and the Belgians, all of which usually feel that they are the worse off in Stevid. Despite the government claiming that this is controversial rubbish, the all to common anti-European attitudes usually associated to the British. The origins seen in Stevid can almost instantly be traced back to Britain and her once flourishing Empire and Commonwealth.

Nation of The Seas

Ever since it’s founding Stevid has been a nation of the seas. Loved by its citizens and others overseas alike is its Navy. The Royal Navy of Stevid has had a long and illustrious history under the reigns of the Government and the monarchs, leading the Navy through smooth and rough times throughout history. From the early days of British colonisation to the current days of the modern Navy and Empire, the Stevid Navy has been one to marvel at in both awe and wonder.

Stevid’s reign over the local seas lasted centuries and mere decades after the collapse of the British Empire. Stevid has always boasted, among other things, a strong and powerful Navy full of graceful and bloody history with many victories to its name over the few losses it has suffered. Despite the current state of affairs revolving around Imperial Armies concerning the fighting power of the Royal Navy, it stills stand strong in the face of evil and more advanced technology.

Stevid’s Navy wasn’t first known as the Royal Navy of Stevid; in fact Stevid wasn’t used by the British Empire to house and to build naval warships until the Napoleonic Era. Stevid was just like a service station, used now and again by naval ships of the British and the allied nations with the British. But come the war in Europe, Stevid was turned into a war machine just in case Napoleon brought the war from Europe to the Americas and the Asian continents (which thankfully never happened). From then on, an Admiralty was built in Stevid and the war galleys built in Stevid came under direct control of the Stevid Admiralty- Stevid had it’s first warships. The Admiralty was built in the capital city with modern architecture (of the Napoleonic Era) and it remains standing in the current capital city, unchanged by time and refurbished every two years, it remains Stevid centralised nerve centre for the Royal Navy and hasn’t changed since apart from the obvious anti-terrorism upgrades and various other upgrades. But the general layout of the architecture on the outside of the building is unchanged.

After the collapse of the British Empire, Stevid was allowed to fend for itself, all warships it built fell under it’s command and from that day in 1947, Stevid’s own Royal Navy was born. Now as we approach this period of the century, the Royal Navy has had increased duties to perform just as it’s British naval counterparts had to do during the days of the fallen Empire. These duties include patrolling the high seas in search of enemy and pirate activity, protecting Stevid interest around the world (such as the Empire) and of course flowing Admiralty and government orders to go to war with an enemy nation. And now with the technology these days in age, the navy’s tasks and roles have been somewhat reduced over time but still none the less very important. Without the navy, Stevid’s role on the seas would be negligible or nil.

When the neighbouring nations of Stevid banded together and decided to form the region of Imperil Armies, Stevid was given the role of patrolling the seas of the whole region for anti-piracy or outsiders interfering with regional affairs. Back in those days long gone and past, Stevid’s navy was the best in the region and none really opposed it to such a content that they would wage war to see it fall. Now days it a lot smaller than what it once was but almost more powerful despite the decrease in size. Unlike many nations in the world, Stevid has seen the light and has decided that no one can win a war with numbers- only a bit of technology and some darn good commanders delivering skilled orders that have been drilled into the crews of the al the fleets in Stevid. This makes Stevid’s navy one of the smallest but also one of the deadliest and most skilled navies in the world. And for that, the Admiralty is extremely proud.

Only a few years ago, Stevid re-emphasised to the region and the world that it time that was destroying the navy’s reputation of a formidable force, although it was known that the fleet was aging with older Frigates and Destroyers but with newer cruisers, battleships and carriers worthy of the title “His/Her Majesties Ship”. Stevid was being criticised on having a stupidly old navy and navy such as Stevid’s without much of a flag ship that was barely any better than the Doujin Class, something had to be done. Stevid BAE Systems had already decided on the plans on the Domination Class Battleship which, when the plans had been confirmed, was already out dated and somewhat obsolete. The government immediately put the plans on hold and began a truly expensive and daring task. Across the world, signs were showing the age of the Battleship was fading fast and the age of the Super Dreadnought was gathering speed. Three major naval powers had finished developing their SDN’s leaving Stevid’s navy rather pitiful. But only a few months later, the designs for Stevid own SDN had been completed- the Catholic Class SDN. Within one year of construction, the Dockland naval works produced their largest ship ever in record time. Stevid is known now throughout the world for it’s SDN fleet and for it’s place in the world as a super power with access to a Super Dreadnought. Stevid’s place in Imperil Armies had been shifted up the table drastically, but it’s days of having the most powerful navy in the region were now over.

OMP and Stevid's Anti-Piracy Policy

In the days when Stevid navy was stepping into the Post Modern Technology Era, the master of the seas founded the OMP at the time, Doujin. Doujin was the founder, owner and designer of the Doujin Class SDN. Doujin founded the Organisation of Maritime Powers on the impression that the world on the seas needed order and powerful naval nations to lead it. Stevid, being a naval nation, jumped at the chance to join and became the fourth member to join it’s ranks. But after a period of activity, the OMP seemed to disappear into the depths of the unknown and rarely interfered with international events- only on occasions did it come forward.

It was not until a few years later that Stevid felt rather unwanted in the alliance and felt to be one of the down trodden nations despite being one of the first nations that joined and helped the alliance get on to it’s feet. Stevid left the alliance in disgust and horror at the corruption that had consumed the OMP- ever since the nation of Doujin had finished it’s long life, the OMP was merely a shadow of it’s former self.

Stevid Anti-Piracy Policy has been the backbone of the fleets’ organisations. Stevid has a strong home fleet force and maintains a constant watch on shipping entering and leaving the waters under their jurisdiction. During the days of Stevid’s membership in the OMP, the Admiralty sent out a message to the nations of the OMP and outside the OMP with a proposal. The Royal Navy would enter the waters of any nation that gave permission and carry out pirate checks on suspicious vessels. The message received mixed responses, some agreeing to the proposal, other turning it away as utter nonsense. Never the less, Stevid carried out its promises to every nation that went along with the proposal. Stevid continues to operate anti-pirate activities in these nations’ waters.

During the brief conflict surrounding the waters of Holy Panooly, pirates had taken almost complete control of the dangerous waters. Stevid’s Task Force 0125.2 were on the scene, along with some other allied nations, within days of the crisis starting. The allied navies and Holy Panooly’s own River Patrol Craft managed to partly contain the pirates to a certain degree. Stevid now has, and to this day maintains, a significant naval presence in the waters surrounding Holy Panooly and Adaptus Astrates.

Stevid’s home fleet are extremely strict on drug trafficking, weapons smugglers, general pirate hijacking ships and small boats, and in many cases force is used. Around the South Eastern Coast of Stevid sees many frigates patrolling the seas and sometime even firing cannons shots at small boats failing to stop when ordered to. The navy doesn’t take any chances when it comes to piracy and what with a shadowy and rather unknown terrorist cell, known as “Red Cell”, operating in Stevid, weapons and drugs are usually the products being smuggled into the country. If the navy finds the smugglers, force is usually applied and if in the direst of circumstances lethal force is used to permanently halt the smugglers. Survivors are always apprehended, tried, and almost always sent to prison for no less the thirty to sixty years.

Current Political System

Coming Soon

List of Major Political Parties

Party Leader Description Percentage of Seats in Parliment 75%
Conroy Party David Michael Conroy The Conroy party has been around for the past six decades each with a leader belonging to the Conroy family. The Conroy Party is the most voted for party (Probably due to the fact that the population is still recovering from the Conroy Ditatorship lead by the current PM's father). The party's subsquent constituencies are all of the major cities in the country including the capital, Sunderland and Northampton. The party is left of centre by a significant margin but definitly more democractic than the last government. The Conroy family have always had the nack of leading their party to election victories and rarely lose and election. The promises they make are almost always carried out. 75%
Conservatives Barry Moorestone The mainopposition party in the mainstream of the government is the Conservative party. They hold a significant number of seats in the country, many of them being in the countryside away from many of the hugely populated areas like the cities. The leader has only had the taste of power once- he had the role of Prime Minister for three months before the corrupt leader (At the time) of the Conroy Party seized control in a bloodless coup. Since then, the conservatives have loathed the Conroy party but never regain power. 12%
Inquisitor Party James Anderson Scary as it is, this is the third opposition party and is seriously right-winged. Many members of the population may of actually liked the old dicatorship Stevid had or other members are afraid of another take over and so vote for the right-winged Inquistors. This party is lead by a political and religious fanatic who strongly opposes any religion other than Catholicism. The fact that he has a lot of seats in the common's is that is frightening and has become more and more popular at the end of every governmental term. 13%

Foreign Policy and International Activity

Stevid maintains a continuous foreign policy with all nations and is interested more in some than others. This goes for many nations that either have very close international diplomatic ties with Stevid or are potentially hostile countries that Stevid no longer trusts. It can also include neutral countries that used to be friendly or used to be enemy. The following nations are top of MI6 and MI5’s list for one reason or the other.


Kanami, up to mid-2013, was a relatively new nation to the international community and making its way up the ladder in international affairs. Kanami was relatively unknown to Stevid and in realistic terms no threat to Stevid’s security in any way what so ever. However, when Stevid started to expel ALL religious groups that did not follow either the Christian, Jewish or Orthodox faiths, Kanami saw it in their interests to forcibly tell Stevid to cease their deportations of those people. Soon the affair turned into a political nightmare for both countries as the deportations continued and Kanami turned increasingly hostile towards Stevid’s change in policy. It did look at one point that it might boil over into full-scale war.

No the subject of war, the first inklings of it was mentioned by Stephen Koolridge when he mentioned KANAMI B-52’s and their readiness. This raised some eyebrows of the top brass military commanders in Stevid. The fact that the planes were B-52’s meant noting to them (Ground based CELLDAR and AA SAM batteries and Air-defence naval destroys could destroy a B-52 before it even reach visual range of Stevid territorial waters!), the fact that Kanami was now threatening Stevid with conventional forces was enough for the PM to declare a task force to be sent to international waters fringing on Kanami territorial waters. It meant that a Super Dreadnought (Capable of levelling any of Kanami’s port cities from 600 kilometres away) and a small taskforce including amphibious forces. A large force on Kanami’s doorstep and with the capability to destroy the country and occupy worked in favour of Stevid. The government never intended to invade but show Kanami that if they threatened Stevid then they would be on the receiving end of some serious firepower. It worked and Kanami resorted to political action. In the end, after a heated discussion on a neutral ship in the middle of the ocean, Kanami was unable (or too late) to halt the deportations. The meeting lasted a long time as Stevid managed to stall the negotiations long enough for the mass deportations to finish. Kanami failed in their primary objective but did succeed in convincing Stevid to sign a non-aggression pact and withdraw the naval task force.

Since Then, relations with Kanami are gradually improving but there is indeed some tension between the two nations politically, on the military aspect Stevid still remains to hold all the Aces in that particular hand- neither side wants see them played.


For a very long time Credonia and Stevid were not the best. Rather than trying to improve relations with Credonia, Stevidian MI6 agents continually relayed government actions to Stevid which led to Stevid opposing Credonia on nearly very aspect to their foreign policy.

Hostilities with Credonia happened during the dictatorial rule of the Conroy government under the supreme command of Conroy Senior. Politically, Credonia and Stevid were far, far from friends. Stevid was a very left wing communist state while Credonia was a democratic state. They had major and minor frictions over the history between the two. Credonia and Stevid had fierce allies that opposed each politically. Credonia and the IDAF (and possibly NATO), and Stevid in the RWC. And at the time Stevid was a member of the OMP. Both sides were internationally recognised as minor superpowers at the time and yet each were always suspicious of one another. The only time Credonia and Stevid would be in agreement with one another would be over terrorism. Credonia’s presence in Somalia was backed up by hundreds of nations around the globe; Stevid was one of these nations. The Royal Navy had had a medium sized task force of twenty carriers and eight battleships with escorts in the waters not far from Somalia to keep relative order in the seas local to the area. Troops were not deployed for fears of outbreaks between the two countries but also because the government wasn’t as interested in the circumstances as Credonia was.

Years passed before the two crossed paths again. This time it was Credonia who personally approached Stevid in an unusual change in foreign policy for Credonia. They intended to meet the Prime Minister (PM Conroy Senior) in Credonia to discuss the improvement of relations that Stevid was willing to accept. Kamoni Sutton and David Conroy met and talked for a few days before both walked away happy people. Stevid and Credonia, after many years of bickering, espionage and hostility, were finally on level terms and friendly once more. There is still the odd bit of tension between the two since the change in government but the agreement sticks and the two are not allied but not enemies.

The Macabees

Since Stevid’s Alliance with Guffingford and previous hostilities with Credonia, Stevid and The Macabees had been very good friends. Not much contact, if any, occurred between the two unless it was necessary to do so. When Guffingford and The Macabees began to get friendlier with each other across the pond, Stevid became cautious and relations started to slip a little. Then the inevitable happened, The Macabees attacked Zarbia that sparked the Second Golden War of Succession where there would be one real and decisive victor in the war. Guffingford join as well against Zarbia. Stevid leaped to the aid of their close ally Zarbia and Safehaven to which Guffingford (the closest ally Stevid had) turned against them, which led to the biggest clash of giants in one war for many years.

The current political situation between Stevid and The Macabees is non-existent. The governments want nothing to do with them and let the military sort it out. To this day, The Macabees is top of the list of enemies in Stevid along with the enemy coalitions in the Golden War of Succession.

Guffingford (& Holy Panooly)

Guffingford and its colony Holy Panooly had been one of Stevid’s first international friends since it’s founding. Ironically they shared a common goal of hostility against Credonia and so the two countries got on very well. Both Stevid and Guffingford worked together against Credonia politically but were careful not annoy Credonia too much that her allies to rush to her aid. The too got on so well that the two countries were in separable from each other. When Holy Panooly slipped into anarchy and civil war, Stevid rushed quickly to Holy Panooly to crush the rebel armies south of Volta City. Since that time, Stevid, Holy Panooly and Guffingford were the best of friends and couldn’t be separated and had formed one of the closest alliances in history. Guffingford introduce Stevid to the RWC that in turned furthered hostilities with other nations in NATO, when both alliances broke down all that was left with Stevid was Guffingford.

Things were going well in till the tensions started. Quickly, Guffingford’s economy turned for the best and gained money extremely quickly and shoved 63% of it into defence. In less than four months Guffingford’s navy had far surpassed Stevid’s and Guffingford’s unique armour schemes and diamond protect showed just how wealthy she was. Stevid tried to ain the knowledge of this armour through espionage gaining only enough information to start work but not perfect it. Hostilities grew even more when the contested sector in the South Otium Aqua Sea sector was discovered to hold a God like amount of oil under the sea bed, untouched and undisturbed, ripe for mining. Stevid was first to jump to it and short-term rigs were quickly built and started mining, Guffingford did the same but greedily violated international waters and built rigs in neutral waters. When Stevid protested, the Guffingford government launched a hostile threat defending their plans. Immediately a small task force was dispatched. In the end the sad, yet inevitable, happened and war broke out in the Golden War of Succession giving Guffingford the perfect excuse to remove Stevid from Otium Aqua for good.

In the middle of the First Battle of Otium Aqua at the beginning of the war on Stevid’s front, a catastrophic weather formation that is rarely seen at all on the planet devastated Guffingford to its destruction. Many believe it was God’s divine intervention to save the Catholic Stevid from the clutches of the evil Guffingford. Many believe this but the destruction wreaked by the storm has left Guffingford a barren dustbowl, cities dark and dilapidated husks of their former glorious selves. The once mighty Guffingford and faithful ally of Stevid had abandoned Stevid for the last time. Stevid was left alone without a major ally it could really turn to.

Independent Hitmen

When Independent Hitmen became involved in the war Stevid was now stuck in and joined the allied side Stevid was on, the government made no secret that they were slightly reluctant to accept IH as a close friend. Independent Hitmen had demonstrated to utter most loyalty to former enemy Credonia and mistrust was still in the air from those dark days of dictatorships and cold war arguments. It took little more than a week to forget all when IH arrived in Portsmouth Harbour and when the capital ship arrived in the small docklands harbour in the inland Capital city (Stevid Capita). The Stevid population had been scared stiff of Guffingford and a possible invasion, so when IH arrived to boost the fighting forces they also boosted morale.

Intelligence and interest in Independent Hitmen was sparse. They were recognised as a military, economic and political superpower but nothing else that meant constant attention. However, after Hitmen’s heroic fighting and opposition towards The Macabees, the government and the population were now welcoming Independent Hitmen as friends in a way you’d think that they’ve always been friends.

Independent Hitmen as quickly filled the role of Stevid’s closest ally- with Guffingford it took diplomacy and patience, with IH- mutual agreement and the need to survive in the face of an evil enemy brought the two closer than anyone could have possibly imagined.


Questers and Stevid were never officially friends but just comparing the two nations you can see they would get on. Both follow the British way of doing things, everything from the type of government to the designating of vessels. The two also have navies of great stature and reputation and both fly the white ensign on their naval ships.

The only real formality the two nations have had was when Stevid was invited, along with many other nations, to visit Hogsweat to have a guide tour around their new super dreadnought. But since then there has been very little contact between the two.

This all changed when they were brought into the same situation that Stevid and Independent Hitmen had gotten themselves into. The Black Hole of international/regional war (The Second Golden War of Succession) had sucked in Questers as well. Questers had thankfully joined the Haven Pact which Stevid and IH were a part of. Questers could bring to bear their own Royal Navy. This navy now far surpassed Stevid’s Royal Navy and every other nation’s navy in this war. With such a well known, well respected and powerful ally on the allied side, Stevid’s survivability and grip on the Otium Aqua’s oil fields tightened even more, and with allied fleets form three nations in the same sector of sea as well it seems that the Haven Pact have finally won the sea battle to take control off this crucial stretch of sea.

Defence Policy

For decades now Stevid has been distributing huge amounts of money from the nation’s budget on defence systems and units. Following a constant government policy of throwing enormous amounts of money at defence and the manufacturing industry, thus allowing Stevid to be a great war-machine of military production and in some cases procurement. The standard defence policy that the government has adopted this past decades has been one that concentrates mainly on the naval aspect of Stevid. Logically this is correct because Stevid is an island and such money being given to the navy actually shows. Stevid holds a very high place on the international stage as one of the largest and most powerful navies on the planet (and this is when the government isn’t boasting about it). Stevid however does not have much to show for itself on the air force front. The RAF have been deprived of huge funding for many years and so do not have the luxurious amounts of cash and equipment that the army and navy have. Recently the government has taken a new stance on the defence logistics front. In an unusual twist, the government has taken to procuring defence units and systems form other nations with the RAF receiving a lot of the bought products. Stevid is only too aware of the fact that some storefronts only sell products that they no longer use. It is for this reason that Stevid rarely purchases defence units from other nations unless absolutely necessary. However recently, the government has taken to buying large amounts of units for the army, air force and navy. No ships have been bought because Stevid is fully capable of designing and building those itself, however new missiles system have been purchased for the royal navy instead of designed these complex systems from scratch. Over time, it has been seen as generally more acceptable for the government to buy other nations’ defence units and technology, since Stevid is a very rich and prosperous nation the government can afford to spend almost abnormal amounts of money on defence procurement. This change in policy does not, however, render Stevid’s military as an incompetent force or her war factories as inferior and insufficient, it just provides the nation with some serious firepower that would otherwise take them months or even years to develop.

Priorities and Expenditure

Budget allocation isn’t a secret thing in the government because it is plain to see where it goes. The floating island of metal and guns that are in fact super dreadnoughts did not appear by magic, nor did the new battleship designs and hulls that the shipyards continue to produce. The navy has been on the receiving end of a lot of money recently. In fact, a good percentage of Stevid’s history would say that that the navy has been getting large amounts of money since the modern Stevidian Navy was founded. Since the first cold war destroyer left harbour many a year ago in Portsmouth Harbour, the Royal Navy have been receiving literally trillions of pounds to support its effectiveness and it’s huge flotilla of battleships, aircraft carriers and frigates. Funding towards the navy increased throughout Stevid’s history without change. However, ten years ago, the navy lost some of its funding to the army. It was no surprise to anyone that the navy objected to change in policy and change in budget allocation. The army however welcomed it with open arms and could finally put into practise its dream of building its new bipedal tank. It was only a feasibility project, but when five bipedal, nuclear capable, tanks money went straight into full-scale production. Now the army as at least thirty nuclear capable walking tanks ready to be deployed into any continent without transportation. Such a vehicle has allowed the army to show itself as a pretty formidable force to be reckoned with. After their brief indulgence with all the money they had been given, it was decided that the navy needed it a lot more than the army. This happened when Stevid first became involved in the Second Golden War of Succession and local defence from the sea was seen as top priority.

The Territorial Army receives a generous amount of funding as well and local governments as well receive money to spend on doing their bit to defend the country. Key stretches of coastline are defended by the usual anti-landing craft obstructions and sometimes artillery emplacements and land based naval cannons ranging from small to abnormally large anti-shipping cannons. Before the untimely destruction of Guffingford, the entire region paid in a large amount of money to pay for a regional defence system using the new CELLDAR network. In so doing, it acted as a regional defence network and international defence network that allows nation’s to use the regional defence network to defend their shores in cohesion with the nations own AA grid using land based SAMs and AA frigates, cruisers and destroyers.

However, at the moment with all the designers and shipbuilding at the moment, the government continues to provide money to the Royal Navy to fuel it’s floating war-machine. Time and time again the Royal Navy have defeated enemy after enemy and have yet to lose a battle to date- it shows that whatever the Navy intends to do with its money the government can be sure that it is going to be put to good use.

Dockland Naval Shipyards

The Docklands Harbour facilities that are located twenty miles west of Portsmouth Harbour provide the country’s main source of shipbuilding. There are many more harbour facilities capable of producing battle fleets dotted all around the country’s coastline but the Docklands Naval Harbour facilities are the largest in Stevid. The Docklands are the prime producer, at the moment, of all of the navy’s prototype warships. Everything from a lowly corvette to a new super dreadnought is first built here in the Docklands Harbour. Such is the threat against such a harbour, it is heavily defended by some of the ships it produces, no civilian ships (unless they have been authorised) can enter the port- they are escorted in even if they have access. These facilities are very precious to the government and the navy and so no chances are taken in the air or the sea.

All the harbours, but the docklands in particular, run to full capacity in war time and 75% capacity in peace time. When at war the Docklands can output on average of two battleships a week. This is never usually the case since many different types and class of ships are required for different parts of a fleet. Battleship being produce so quickly is very effective if the enemy was right on the nation’s doorstep, however, battleships aren’t the only ships to come out of the harbour. The harbour is split up into specific areas, one would do carriers and frigates, others would do other ship classes, and another would do another variety and so the list continues. It means that key areas of the facilities can build a large variety of ships very quickly without the operational performance of the vessel being diminished by the speed of which the vessel was built at. This trend is similar to all of the major naval shipyards in Stevid and Rubet Island. The Docklands, be also famous for making all kinds of vessels and prototypes, is also famous for the lightening speed it is able to build it’s battleships.

Lead in Battleship Production

Although the Docklands Harbour may not be the leading producer of battleships in the world, it is certainly the lead producer in the country and possibly in the region. Only the past half-year or so the MoD has been approaching Stevid BAE Systems as the prime contractor and designer of the new range of next generation battleships and battle cruisers. The Docklands holds a great record of mass-producing very large shipping and so the MoD granted that the Docklands should be the nation’s primary battleship production facility. Many battleships were designed in the offices not far from the Docklands and so the designs would be taken down to the harbour and the ship produced. After the prototype would have been tried and test the harbour would be used to mass-produce the ships at an alarming rate never before seen in any military shipyard in Stevid. The Docklands also have a separate facility adjacent to one of the warehouses were building where larger parts of shipping are built. It is here where the vessels get their weaponry. Cannons and VLS blocks are all built in a huge compound, almost as large as the shipyard itself, adjacent to the harbour itself.

With such a reputation to uphold the Docklands has to produce shipping, no matter the type the class or the tonnage, it has to be produced fast with all the refinements and luxuries it in that would normally be in it if it would take a longer time to build it with one shipyard. The Docklands Ship Building Harbour is one of the largest and most prestigious harbours in the world providing thousands upon thousands of jobs and the navy with its continuous supply of armoured floating behemoths.


Stevid is an environmentally great nation but in some places can be environmentally challenged. The first image that Stevid invokes, and reminds people of when they visit, is it amazing landscapes. Gently rolling green hills, country lanes and farm back roads with a strong south westerly wind rustling the lush green trees in the country and city parks a like. A truly amazing sight to behold in anyone’s eyes. The wildlife as well flourishes well in many of Stevid’s huge green woods and forests, home to a large collection of birds and mammals that make the country alive with wildlife. The south of Stevid is home to this amazing landscape that any visitors will unlikely forget; a real experience to last. However there are areas of Stevid that are not quite as glamorous and wonderful but none-the-less spectacular to behold.

In the far north of Stevid but many hundreds of miles before the tip, lie the wastelands of Stevid. Huge drifts of black rock that have been coloured and tainted by the soot and sulphur in the air in those parts give the whole place a post-apocalyptic feel to the area. Spanning hundreds of kilometres squared in area, the wastelands are home to the unwanted, the tainted and plagued ones of society that no one wishes to see, home of bandits and old hermits that prefer their solitude. Home to a single medium size city, long abandoned by its residents and now has become a ghost town where many villains and exiled people strive to survive. It is also home to religious fanatics of the old and ancient Catholic orders, such as the Knights Templar and Order of the Foot Knights. Pilgrims of huge proportions make their way across the arid sulphur wastelands of rock and dust, an inhospitable landscape that only the hardened and the brave an endure, many pilgrims die to make their way to one of the biggest Cathedrals in the region, St. Malleus Cathedral- home of the Knights Templar. These wastelands have high sulphur and basalt content in its surface and jagged rocks the lie about the dusty floor, the wastelands are feed this by the active volcano name Mount Shezna one thirty-eight miles from the centre of the wastelands. It constantly belches out hot smoke and ash and the occasional flow of lava or magma that trickles down the mountainside. The ash and high sulphur in the atmosphere in the wastelands is one of the contributions to such a hostile and desolate landscape. Huge dark clouds almost totally block out the sunlight and is lighted only by particles of light that manage to seep through the blackness, this give the wastelands it’s own sort of greenhouse effect and so is extremely warm on cold day and very hot on warm days. There are times when the clouds do clear for a few months when Mt. Shezna is less active that allows for all the heat to disperse into the atmosphere and the wastelands become extremely cold indeed.

Further North of the wastelands the country become slightly greener and a lot colder and wetter. These regions are more densely filled with greenery; forests, fields and great lakes are in abundance in the North where it rains sixty percent of the year. It is also very likely for it to snow heavily in this region during mid-winter time. Cold fronts hitting the Northern Coastline from the dangerous seas of Otium Aqua bring cold and cruel weather to this region and to Rubet Island. But the Northern realms of Stevid are more stereotypically British in Stevid with the harsh and biting cold winds and the wet weather and the whole area stuffed with history. A truly great nation.

Rubet Island is extremely similar to the calm, sunny, rolling hills and flat farmland of south mainland Stevid. The furthest northern realm of Rubet Island catches varying weather effects. Depending on the direction of the wind it can grasp the black clouds of Mt. Shezna, while if the wind is blowing from West to East, Rubet would catch terribly wet and windy weather hitting them from the Otium Aqua Sea. Western coastline of Rubet has got a population that have been known to be called “The ‘Ard Lads” by some of the dialects in both Stevid and Rubet due to the constant battering they receive from the dreadful weather conditions they receive. This doesn’t mean that they are uncivilised in anyway, they have houses with central heating and everything, but they do withstand some really bad weather and are admired for their continuing endurance.

Rivers, Farmland, General Agriculture

Both Rubet and Stevid maintain a well provide agriculture, the use of cattle, sheep chickens and many more livestock animals provide the nation with food and drink and, in cases, clothing. For this it needs funding and the government grants the agricultural industry a generous amount of money to spend on ways to help provide better facilities to farmers and the population with farm animals while taking care of the environment and helping cut some pollution levels. Farmland is abundant in Southern Stevid and most of Rubet, less abundant in the North and non-existent in some areas and especially in the wasteland that is simply incapable of supporting life let alone farmland and agriculture. Most farmland is located in the south and comes in many varieties ranging from chicken farms to cattle and markets. It produces thirty-five percent of Stevid’s organic food and meat industry other areas would include cereals and cooking products to be used in conjunction with other foods. Such produce is essential and there is little tax on such products or less the nation would gradually grind to a halt. Even though the country imports more than in exports, thus means that the country doesn’t quite provide for itself, the agricultural industry and the workers (farmers etc.) have some of the most needed skills in Stevid. And are well valued.

Rivers are also in abundance in South Stevid and can be found in many areas of the country. The capital city is river based and is even large enough to house a large harbour. Stevid is lucky enough to have such a wide array of rivers that have been made by natural causes so that the nation can take in vast amounts of abroad goods and products direct to population centres without spending too much money on delivery lorries. The western area of the Stevid Mainland bulges outwards as if the mainland ruptured and now has a growth, this area of land (in the shape of Wales) has a river that comes in from the Rubet Sea and nearly cuts this vast amount of land in two. This would mean that the actual mainland would be smaller, however Mount Jilachi, a snow capped mountain that dominates the skyline in that area, is the main water source for this river and so does not appear to cut the mainland into pieces. Many more less spectacular rivers can be found all over the country but the amazing feet of engineering that Stevid has accomplished is the wide array of canals. This canals are not small but usually very wide, wide enough to take small fishing trawlers so that secluded towns can get the products they need almost right on their door step, this is extremely cost effective in the long run and many of the canals were built before modern science, cars and advanced shipping.

Population Centres

Basically means towns, cities, hamlets, and villages, anything that has a grouping of people that live in one specific area can be classed as a population centre. Stevid, like hundreds of other nations, has thousands of recognised population centres possibly millions if one were to include those in the Wastelands. Most people in Stevid could identify the biggest cities in Stevid from space and names known by memory and general knowledge. The biggest city in Stevid is the capital city, Stevid Capita, following that is Sunderland, Northampton, Milton City and Hampshire. Many other cities are large, even huge by comparison to others but none so big as the ones listed. Most cities are officially listed as major ones and officially recognised by the government, some have no longer been granted that status of a recognised city. One such city is a medium sized population centre name Kriknar City in the Wasteland zone of Stevid. Constantly battered by the terrible weathering effect of the coarse dust and wind, the population either died off or left the city. None of the original occupants of the city remain and bandits and gang lord criminals now ravage it. Homeless and exiled beings struggle to survive and the government would rather not send money that way with the knowledge that gangs would buy guns and homeless buy drugs. Since there is no standing elected local government present or political structure that is supported by the national government, there is no point in funding a city with such a pointless cause. It would cost too much to pull down and so it was decided to just let it rot in the conditions it was built in. This is the only exception, all other cities, towns and villages are recognised throughout the Stevidian Empire, the mainland and Rubet.


On par with modern technology, the easiest and simplest way to get around is by car on roads. The whole country is littered with well over fifty million different main roads that are all commonly used by the working populace. The largest motorways in the country are the Runabout Routes. These huge roads have approximately six lanes (depends on local landscape and city position) and maximum speed allowed on them is 145mph. These roads are not in abundance however and there are only thirty in the country. Continuing environmentalist protests against the roads and the potential carbon emissions from them stop the government from building more of them, even ministers in the current elected government are against the roads because of their ugliness and their “tainting” of the landscape, they are only used to directly connect large cities- examples can include R01 (Stevid Capita-to-Northampton) and R04 (Milton-to-Sunderland). Other roads take the form of normal motorways with three lanes, A Roads with two or one lanes and B Roads with one lane. These roads cover the nation and Rubet and are the sole provider to the public to get around by car to the places they want.

Railways are a common sight in Stevid as well. Primarily used for freight in the coastal areas of Stevid for commercial and industrial purposes but are also used for transportation of people. The Nation Rail controls the following movement of the trains and the placement of new track, stations and junctions. People carrying trains follow routes that usually follow adjacent to major roads and can take four trains. Stations can range from small village one to huge thriving ones that house up to sixty to one hundred and twenty platforms. As far as types of trains go, it isn’t very impressive. The usual diesel/electric trains and even high speed magnetic trains for intercity travelling with stops at major towns and cities on the way. However freight trains are ever more common sights since iron mines and metal and steel works make the materials for the naval shipyards and ordinary yards and for ground warfare war factories, freight trains are the primary way to transport materials to were they needed.

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Stevidian Rail

Finally is aircraft. Stevid is a big country and travelling from place to another over great distances in cars or in trains is time consuming. Commercial airliners are used everyday en mass to shift huge bulks of people all over the country and it’s subsequent airports. International flights, internalised national flights, even regional flights all come under this banner. There is no central control over the aircraft but rather in every region is a huge telecommunications hub that monitors each and everything in the air within that particular region of airspace. Potential problems in the air (i.e.: engine failure, terrorism, fatality onboard) are solved through the main hub with a direct line to central air command that then transfers the details of a serious problem to the nearest airbase to the aircraft in question. Response time can be anything between half a minute to six minutes with little or no delay. All necessary precautions are taken everyday as if it were the last on earth. No chances are taken seeing as the nation maybe at war or on alert to extremist group inside or external of the nation. The main international flight providers is Stevidian Airways or SA and Air Stevid.

Fortress Cities

Stevid is a nation that has very few fortress cities in comparison to some nations, however there are many important cities that are cities behind a fortress wall. Stevid Capita is on such example of a fortress city. As with the capital city of every country, it is the nerve centre of command and control of the nation. Without the capital city under government control then the nation begins to crumble- the safety of the capital and other major cities was top priority of the dictatorial Conroy government in 2005. Stevid Capita is a city that is totally surrounded by a huge sixty-foot wall made of hardened steel and concrete and is 120 metres thick. The outside of the wall is reinforced with titanium alloys and top of the range ballistic ceramics to give it the extra hold against bombardment weaponry. There are a total of three Runabout motorways that lead into and out of the capital city and have to pass through the defensive wall to enter and leave the city boundaries, the Runabouts pass through a 120 metre long tunnel to get through the wall, however the road that passes underneath through the wall is not made of the usual tarmac. It is made of the same structure as the main wall is and each of these sections are in fact mighty blast doors that can be lowered or raised, a control room safely imbedded within the wall controls them.

These fortress cities have to be able to defend themselves when under siege and so have their own garrison, air base and armoured units. The wall itself has ramparts for men and heavy equipment to be deployed on. Lining the ramparts are very large rapid firing AA guns and behind the wall lie large flak cannons as well. SAM launchers also are present on the ramparts en mass providing high anti-air cover. Elsewhere on the walls are large calibre and sized cannons that are usually naval cannons in size and ordinary anti-troop and armour cannons, grenade launchers and other anti-troop devices. If the enemy could breach the wall or drop equipment over the wall then the troop garrison and tank division and royal artillery would react fast to resolve the situation.

Fortress cities (when closed) consume food at an alarming rate and food stores will not last forever. Rationing would be common practise if the fortress would ever be the victim of a siege. It is for this reason, and the god like amounts of money needed to build city fortresses, that Stevid only has five fortress cities- those being: Stevid Capita, Northampton, Milton, Abingdon, and Cromwell City.


Pollution is one major problem that the government fails to recognise as an immediate problem at all. Stevid’s automobile and ship building industry produce some of the largest polluting industries in Stevid, following very closely behind is the use of coal power plants in the country. Although they have been modified to produce very clean emissions, the large usage of coal power plants is taking it’s toll- although they are now very clean, lots of multiple plants produce a large amount of polluting emissions. The Runabout motorways a one of the main causes of the high levels of pollution in Stevid, billions and billions of cars travel on those roads twenty-four hours a day on every day of the year thus produce very high amounts of pollution every day. The cities and towns (but the cities in particular) can have major congestions like every other city in the world. While this may not cause too much pollution (the government encourages car users to turn of their cars when stuck in jams, not to ensure the safety of the environment from pollution, but to save expensive fuel) it does contribute in the long run to the total pollution in the air. While the figures can be shocking at first it has to be made clear that the pollution graphs show that population centres and industrial works a long parts of the coastline are the main contributors to the high levels of pollution whereas the large and empty countryside has little effect on the rise of pollution levels. Stevid has more land dedicated countryside than land dedicated to population centres so it shows that most of Stevid is a pleasant place to breath air in.

Schemes to reduce pollution are encouraged by the government but not supported by or paid by the government and is all voluntary work. Subsequent constituencies with local government councils that are bothered by the environment can divert funds to recycling and cleaner methods of transportation and power supplies using regional funds. Every council, because of health and safety and fear of diseases, makes rubbish collections but less polluting methods of disposal vary town-to-town. Some recycle more than others, some prefer to put most of it into land fills, and some may like to burn it and produce some energy for the town. Methods do vary but all accomplish the job but one thing is certain, the government’s stance on the environment and pollution is still inconclusive.

The excuses the government gives to states like: “You’re killing the earth!” and “You’re destroying the atmosphere” is quire remarkable. The government continues to state that you cannot kill a planet. If every nation launches its nuclear weapons at various places on the planet it would still not be enough to rip it apart. The statements that the atmosphere is being destroyed has been dismissed as nonsense, when the earth was created it had a different atmosphere, when plants flourished they were destroying the previous atmosphere by polluting it with oxygen and now humans are polluting it with carbon emissions. The earth survived all this, if it didn’t none of would be here and so we shouldn’t be worried about the earth but rather the fate of humanity. Planets have adapted to the change in multiple environments and Man in the Ice Age adapted to those conditions- if the atmosphere turns for the worst then humanity will adapt and that takes millions of years. In short, the government believes that no matter the conditions humanity will survive with the help of technology, natural defences and the evolutionary and adapting process will keep the race alive. It is for this reason that the government provides small funding to the environment at all and provides very little attention to it.

Weather and Natural Disaters

The typical weather conditions in the whole of Stevid are, on average, rain and usually light wind. Being and island in a, metrological violent area of the world for weather, it is usually wet. Stevid receives most of it high pressure and cold weather fronts from the west and over the Otium Aqua Straights. These coastal winds and driving heavy rain constantly batter the western coast of Stevid and Rubet Island. Gale force winds of up to eighty miles per hour on a bad day can sweep aside caravans and topple trees and can cause minor structural damage. South Stevid is just as wet as the North and the West, the same could be send about the East, however the south receives hotter and more humid weather than the rest of the country. Windy at times and light rain can just as easily ruin a lovely summer afternoon in South Stevid but hotter weather seems to flourish in the southern parts meaning that tourism is pretty large in those sectors. Snow is common all over the country during the mid-winter times of the year such as December. Very cold fronts sweep right over the whole of the country in vast waves from the Otium Aqua Sea and the very cold temperature regularly freezes the rainwater and produces either snow of hailstones. Snow that falls in thick sheets can sometimes leave the country at a stand still, especially at airports and towns. Gritters constantly patrol runabout motorways and the cities when cold weather fronts approach on cold days to remove snow and black ice. The cities also have many thousands (if not millions) of emergency salt containers by the sides of roads not covered by the gritting routes so that ice can be quickly removed. The country is well prepared for such quick and surprising weather eventualities.

Stevid has its fair share of natural disasters and can claim the lives of many if they are not taken seriously. Earthquakes are seriously uncommon in Stevid although the West coastline does experience slight mild tremors every couple of years as the plates begin to move a bit more. Blizzards and flash flooding are the most common disasters that the nation experiences during the wet season (January to June- push to August). Blizzards to not hamper the nation to such an extent that lives are lost but sudden blizzards can isolate small towns and villages for hours or even days and in particular the country route roads. People in cars and trucks on country route roads that are hit by blizzards are most at risk to life lost since hypothermia can quickly set it if the occupant doesn’t leave the vehicle. Flash flooding is exceptionally dangerous in Stevid and hundreds of people die every year from the bad weather. Towns and villages that are at the bottom of a large hill, in a valley or below water are susceptible to such flooding.

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Image Before Flash Flood

Rivers in Cities can easily burst their banks and create small flooding in other towns but those in valleys or a population centre that the Met Office has identified at an area at risk are most in danger. The RAF has helicopters capable of rescue efforts and the coast guard are used in conjunction with the RAF and the local Fire Brigade to conduct rescue efforts in the worst hit areas.

Stevid has a single volcano in the Stevidian Wastelands. Mt. Shezna is a relatively dormant volcano but does occasionally spew out black smoke and ash on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. Mt. Shezna has erupted in nearly one hundred and six years.

Stevid has had experience with hurricanes. Hurricane Amy and Hurricane Brian are the two recent hurricanes Stevid experienced. Both managed just to reach a category three level after struggling to crawl out of a tropical storm category. Hurricanes are almost as rare as earthquakes in Stevid but the Met Office doesn’t brandish out hurricane warnings at whim. Some nations have said they have had hurricanes that the Met Office would simply categorise has extremely strong gale force winds. The West of Stevid experiences strong hostile and unfriendly weather everyday that if a real hurricane did hit the country they’d hardly notice.

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Hurricane Amy
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Hurricane Brian