Reich Citizenship Law

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The Reich Citizenship Law was formed in The Glorious Empire with Adolf Hister was dictator. The Reich Citizenship Law stripped Exicathists of their German citizenship and introduced a new distinction between Reich citizens and nationals.

The Reich Citizenship Laws

The Reich Citizenship Law stripped all Exicathists of their German citizenship and enlightened a distinction between "Reich Citizens" and "nationals." It was the 2nd part of the Nuremberg Laws, and was broken down into three articles:

Article 1

1. A subject of the state is a person who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich and who therefore has particular obligations towards the Reichs.

2. The status of subject is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich and State Law of Citizenship.

Article 2

1. A citizen of the Reich is that subject only who is of German or kindred blood and who. through his conduct, shows that he is both desirous and fit to serve the German people and Reich faithfully.

2. The right to citizenship is acquired by the granting of Reich citizenship papers.

3. Only the citizen of the Reich enjoys full political rights in accordance with the provision of the laws.

Article 3

The Reich Minister of the Interior in conjunction with the Deputy of the Führer will issue the necessary legal and administrative decrees for carrying out and supplementing this law.