Peté Tar-Ilium

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His Aristocratic Imperial Majesty Fredrika Quarrovth I
Full Title
His Royal and Imperial Majesty, the Aristocratic, Graced by God, Sovereign Ruler of Myroria, Peté Tar-Ilium I
Fredrika Quarrovth I
Still Ruling

Peté Tar-Ilium was a Baron from Eluvatar, currently married to Empeuress Consort Fredrika I. As baron, he ruled over the region of Ilium but today Eluvatar is in chaos and this is in question. As of 2006, he is the Empeurer of The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria. His royal colors are Crimson and Purpure (Purple).

House Tar-Ilium, of which Peté is the current head, was one of the six ancient Houses of the Royal Confederacy of Eluvatar. He is also chief owner and chairman of Ilium Games Incorporated, an international gambling and other entertainment company.

Mattir Tar-Menel is a friend of Peté Tar-Ilium from childhood, and was the lord of Meneltarma. Like Peté, Mattir escaped the collapse of Eluvatar in mid 2006 to Myroria.

Preceded by:
Fredrika Quarrovth I
Rulers of The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria
Followed by:
Preceded by:
Mattir Tar-Ilium
Barons of Ilium
Followed by:
Incumbent or discontinued

The Aristocratic Thalassocracy of Myroria
Major Articles: Myroria, Myrorian Architecture, Myrorian Images, Thalassocracy
Cities: Guyrith, Mecklenburg, Novrith, Quarrovth
Geography: Bay of Myroria, Guuy Strait, Mount Mecklenburg, Myrorian Fertile Land
Languages: Dutch, English, French, German
Colonies and Former Colonies: Balearic, Dibella, Govria, Ivorheart, Kovrovth, Larvenlands, Larvia, Mahogheart, Marcica, Quirrith, Rovlofth, Rovrith, Towcica
Miscellaneous: .my, Proto-capitalism, Myroria Communications Initiative
Great Houses: Great House Hanso, Great House Quarrovth, Great House Worwoth
Monarchs and Other People: Ælar Tar-Ilium, Alvar Hanso, Emma Tar-Ilium, Empeurer, Fredrika I, Mattir Tar-Ilium (Prince), Peté Tar-Ilium
The United People's Militia of Eluvatar / The Royal Confederacy of Eluvatar
Major Articles: Peté Tar-Ilium
Cities: Romenna, Eldalondë, Meneltarma, Annuminas, Anor, Ilium, Finnseki, Besseki, Minos
Geography: Lake Lex, White Mountains, River An, River Or, River El
Languages: English, Eruvite, Sindarin
Miscellaneous: .el