New Amsterdam

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New Amsterdam
Nation: Laneria
Function: Largest city, de facto capital of the Commonwealth of Peoples
Population: 9,140,000
Leader: Mayor Ian Barr
New Amsterdam is the largest city in Laneria and one of the largest cities in the Commonwealth of Peoples. Although Madero Cabello is substantially more populous than New Amsterdam, it is also much larger geographically. With its 321 square miles (approximately 830 km²}, New Amsterdam is the most densely populated city in the Commonwealth.

New Amsterdam is an international center of business, fashion, medicine, culture and entertainment with a large collection of galleries, theaters, musuems, media outlets, corporations and financial markets. The city is also the de facto capital of the Commonwealth of Peoples, serving as the headquarters of the Commonwealth Commission and the Commonwealth General Assembly.

New Amsterdam is sometimes known as the "Untiring City" because it is perceived to be active at all hours. People from all over the world come to New Amsterdam for economic opportunity, culture and the cosmopolitan lifestyle. Although previously infamous for its crime, New Amsterdam is currently experiencing a record low rate of violent crime.


New Amsterdam was founded by Dutch settlers who landed in 1624. The city was granted self-government in 1632. The Nabarrans took the city in 1642 but let it keep its original name. The Dutch briefly retook the city in 1646 before permanently and officially ceding it.

During the Lanerian Revolutionary War, the people of New Amsterdam were largely ambivalent. Throughout the war, the city remained under Nabarran control and it was the last naval port abandoned by the Imperial Navy after the war was over.

New Amsterdam was the seat of the Lanerian Government from 1782-1793 and the capital from 1793-1802. In 1832, the opening of a canal to the Lanerian Great Lakes allowed New Amsterdam to overtake the other major Lanerian cities and become economically dominant. However, this dominance did not come without a price. A notoriously corrupt political machine set itself up under the aegis of the Democratic Republican Party, basing itself in Titulaer Hall and relying for support upon recent Irish immigrants. During this period, radical trade unions were brutally repressed, African-Lanerians were kept out and organized crime was allowed to flourish by corrupt police. It wasn't until the election of William Lamb in 1939 on a reform ticket that the city was cleaned up.

In subsequent decades, the growth of the suburbs led to a decline in the city's population. Rising crime rates, declining manufacturing and white flight led to serious social problems. Racial tensions exploded in the late 1990s after a number of dramatic police shootings. All of these shootings involved African-Lanerian fatalities who turned out to have posed no real danger to police. In each case, police and city authorities held that police responded to the situation based on the knowledge they had and made the correct decision given the circumstances as they were aware of them. Many on the left and in the African-Lanerian community disagreed, feeling that the shootings were manifestations of police racism and never would have occurred in white neighborhoods. The resulting racial tensions erupted into mass protests in 1992, 1994 and 1996, as well as sustained criticism and distrust and occassional acts of violence.

The city's problems improved dramatically after the election of Federalist mayor Ian Barr in 2002. Since Barr's election, unemployment and crime has declined, wages have increased and racial tensions have eased.


New Amsterdam is located in northeastern Laneria on the southeastern tip of New Holland. The city's total area is 468.9 square miles (1,214.4 km²), of which 35.31% is water. Most of the city is located on three major islands: Linschoten Island, Melchers Island and Savelberg Island. Balen is the only borough of New Amsterdam located on the Lanerian mainland.

New Amsterdam's importance as a trading city largely comes from the natural harbor formed by New Amsterdam Bay which is surrounded by Linschoten, Melchers and Savelberg Islands as well as the coast of New Dover. It is sheltered from the Atlantic Ocean by the narrows between Savelberg Island and New Dover.

The Haan River flows from the Haan Valley into New Amsterdam harbor, becoming a tidal estuary. Unfortunately, the estuary's fish population has declined drastically in the last hundred years do to pollution. Environmental efforts have brought about a partial recovery in recent years but fish populations are still too low to allow commerical fishing.

The city's land has been altered substantically by human intervention in the form of land reclamation projects which have pushed back the sea substantially in some areas since Dutch colonial times. Much of the natural variation in topography has also been evened out, either intentionally or as a natural result of dense human habitation over a long period.