Clothing Supply Pact

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The Clothing Supply Pact was the 7th resolution or repeal sponsored by Gruenberg to reach the UN floor and the time one of that nation's resolutions failed to pass. Previously Gruenberg had sponsored Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines", but this resolution showed stronger support in the proposal stage and in the UN debates. Designed to reduce international trade barriers on clothing goods, the opposition to this resolution came from the larger regional delegates. Some nations pointed out that reducing trade barriers would have negative effects on their economies. Love and esterel provided a comprehensive voting analysis breaking down UN Delegate support from the UN member support for this resolution to support the conclusion that the larger regions were responsible for the defeat of this resolution.

Resolution Text

Clothing Supply Pact
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade Strength: Mild Proposed By: Gruenberg

The United Nations,

Believing access to good, suitable and durable clothing constitutes a basic need,

Shocked at the plight of those lacking access to adequate clothing,

Wishing to improve the availability of adequate clothing to all,

Also wishing to promote international trade and industry:

1. Requests that nations secure for their people access to adequate clothing;

2. Defines "textile products" as: - any items of clothing, textile or fabric; - raw materials used towards the production of such goods (for example, crops or wool from sheep or goats); - any machinery or equipment used in the manufacture and processing of such goods;

3. Requires the removal of all protectionist barriers on the international trade of textile products, including tariffs, import quotas, customs and excise duties, import/export taxes, and subsidies and subventions, subject to the exemptions of clause 4;

4. Declares that nations may apply for exemptions to clause 3 in the following cases:

- to ensure the stability of industries supplying essential products (such as military equipment or specialist clothing);
- in times of severe economic crisis, where such measures are required to ensure a stable clothing supply;
- to collect revenue for the sole purposes of economic recovery following severe collapse;
- to prevent price dumping of goods from non-UN nations;
- to suspend trading with nations against whom they are at declared war;

5. Declares it the right of nations to impose cultural, safety, ethical or other regulations on textile products and their manufacture, provided any such regulations are administered in a non-protectionist manner;

6. Authorises the UN Free Trade Commission to arbitrate any trade disputes arising from the interpretation of this regulation, specifically in the implementation of clauses 3, 4, and 5;

7. Encourages UN member nations to pursue similar agreements with non-UN nations;

8. Sets a timeline for implementation of ten years from the passage of this resolution.

Votes For: 7,620
Votes Against: 6,780
Voting Ended: Thu Sep 21 2006

Voting analysis

During the course of the UN debate the Love and esterel newsagency Vagatorpost.lae closely tracked the actual UN Delegate votes and shared its analysis of the UN voting trends with the General Assembly.[1] Vagatorpost found that more UN members and UN Delegates actually voted in favour of this resolution. However, due to the nature of UN Delegate endorsements granting the UN Delegates from large regions addition votes, the UN Delegates from the larger regions were able to cast enough votes against the resolution for it to fail.

Additional materials
