Logical Wits

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Revision as of 16:43, 14 November 2006 by Logical Wits (Talk | contribs)

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Logical Wits
Flag of Logical Wits
Motto: To the streets and fields!
No Map Available Yet
Region Bodycoded Islands
Capital Unknown
Official Language(s) English, French
Leader Imperor Wits
Population 23 million
Currency Monad 
NS Sunset XML

The Seal of the Imperial Bureau.
The ISO code of the Empire of logical Wits is LW.

The Empire of Logical Wits is a large, socially progressive nation, renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate, cynical population is ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

A large private sector is led by:

  • the Cheese Exports industry,
  • followed by Arms Manufacturing
  • and Trout Farming.

Gambling is outlawed, the government is attempting to impose a new national language on the public, organ donation is compulsory, and flash floods that dams could have controlled regularly ravage small towns in mountain valleys.

Logical Wits's national animal is the lama, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the monad.



The internal side of the Empire. This picture have been taken by the first settlers: no building is apparent, because they first settled in the North area of the Island.

Quite simultaneously, people from The Free Land of Sinless Singleness settled into the South of the island.

Llama machu picchu.jpg

A lama (the imperial animal) on the top of a mountain of the Bodycoded Islands.

Early civilizations

(Date 11/06). During the construction of a new Hyper-Mega-Ultra-Super Mall, construction workers have unearthed what appears to be an ancient temple.

The Founding


A night view of the Empire of Logical Wits.



A badge from the first elections in the Empire.

The UN incident


A view of the Unmoderable Peninsule.


10 nov 2006

  • A peculiar confederacy of small-government advocates, regular attendees at Logical Wits's annual Medieval Faire, and the super rich have demanded that the government grant estates and confer titles of nobility upon certain influential persons.
"I can't believe I'm hearing this," exclaims noted civil rights advocate Calvin Hanover. "Those who are behind this espouse a system that grants inordinate amounts of institutional power to the rich and ensures that no one will be able to climb the social ladder. Everyone in society must be granted an equal opportunity to succeed or fail. Say 'no' to a nobility!"
  • Due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries, a recent rash of illegal immigrants have been caught at the borders of Logical Wits, prompting many citizens to call for tighter immigration laws.
Charles Dodinas of the Logical Wits Civil Liberties Union says "We must welcome these refugees from any nation into our open arms, they are fleeing one oppressive dictatorial regime in the only way they know, we must not let them think they're jumping from the frying pan into the fire!"

12 nov 2006

  • Increasing reports of child abuse and neglect in Logical Wits has prompted local pressure groups to call for 'parental licences'.
"The answer to this problem is patently obvious," says Bill Chicago, your minister of Social Welfare. "The government simply needs to give more funding to the welfare department so that we can recruit more social workers to carry out regular checks on parents and judge whether or not they're doing a good job of looking after their children. It'll be expensive, but at least it's a damn sight fairer than licensing parents."
  • After a recent left-wing broadsheet expose of agricultural practices, an outburst of public paranoia has stirred up the organic foods debate.
"I just can't stomach it any more," rants concerned parent Abraham Licorish. "My children's future is being put at risk by irresponsible corporate practices. We must outlaw the use of pesticides and additives by farmers and food producers."
  • An organized crowd of leather-clad individuals, some of whom are on leashes, are protesting against discrimination for those who share their interests.
"We happen to express our love differently, with different hobbies and activities," explains BDSM enthusiast Aaron Falopian, while wearing needle-sharp spiked heels and holding a whip. "Shops exist to cater to the needs of 'normal' people, but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get a quality whip? A little support for our hobbies would be appreciated!"
  • A young mother was recently thrown out of a restaurant in Logical Wits for publicly breastfeeding her baby and 'upsetting the customers'. There are now demands for the government to state their position on the issue.
"We should have a perfect right to feed our babies where we want and when we want without fear of harassment from anyone," declares Catherine Gratwick, a likewise young mother. "Why should women hide themselves away just to assuage the silly attitudes of these narrow-minded fogies? It's totally natural, and much healthier than bottle-feeding for both mother and child so why the fuss? Today, women are afraid to breastfeed in public and the law should be on their side - if not for their benefit, then for that of the children."

13nov 2006

  • Free, youth-orientated martial arts programmes have gained popularity in communities where youth crime is a problem.
"This is ridiculous!" comments police officer, Clint Longbottom. "Teach junior thugs how to fight? Good idea, why don't we teach them how to make bombs out of duct-tape and cheese next? I say we ban this archaic mode of combat which only serves to encourage these punks in their violent ways, and introduce more government funding for the police force! With more cash we could really show the little blighters what discipline's all about."
  • The latest "Harry Potter" book to hit schools across Logical Wits has stirred up the greatest controversy yet.
Teachers union President Klaus Clinton says, "Come on, the book is fantasy! And it's a damn good read. I'd like the government to issue a statement of support for our teachers and librarians, so kids can enjoy good books without interference from religious wackos, like Christians."

14 nov 2006

  • The various branches of Logical Wits's military brought their budget petitions to your attention and, as usual, they are all asking for widespread increases over the rest of the military departments.
"You're all thinking too small!" exclaims Freddy Broadside, an avid Star Wars fan. "What we need is more research into the possibilities of space weapons! Big laser cannon and satellites with complete annihilation power! And cool spaceships! Boom! Rat-a-tata! Bang! Bang! It'll be expensive, sure, but think of the power! THE POWER!"
  • Concerned mothers and nervous school-leavers are petitioning the government to abolish compulsory military service.
"Our children are forced to be trained to murder!" protests Al Utopia, chairman of the Parents Against All Things Violent organisation. "For too long now the government has been snatching away our children and training them to become killing machines. This arcane practice must be banned at once! Sure, some of them could end up breaking into cars or terrorising old people, but hey, kids will be kids, right?"

The Organization

Imperial Hierarchy

The Mighty Emperor of Logical Wits is assisted by some administrative organs:

  • Counsellors, which are concerned by internal affairs
  • Emissaries, which manage external issues

The Logical Studies Units

In a brillant message to the Internation Community, the Emperor of Logical Wits annonced the creation (and granting) of Units dedicated to Logical Studies. They are Commonly named LoSt units.

The Emissary of LOST units has his own seal

The Emissary of LOST units has his own seal.

External links