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Flag of Coocoostan
Motto: One Goal, One Passion, Coocoostan
Region The East Pacific
Capital Coocoobad
Official Language(s) English, Russian
Leader President Tammy Hagans
Population 86,351,500
Currency Gropek(GPK) 
NS Sunset XML

The Democratic Republic of Coocoostan is a rapidly developing nation in The East Pacific. The country has begun a period of unprecedented growth in the last five years, emerging from the third world and with a more open model of government, into the first.

The nation has many different subdivisions and currently consists of 1 Republic,5 Oblasts, 4 Provinces, 1 State, 1 Federal City and 1 Territory. Coocoostan is a free and open democracy, with elections mandated annually by law.

Coocoostan’s Capital, largest city and cultural epicenter is Coocoobad, a city of 26.4 million people. The city is such an attractive destination for movement within the country that you require permission from the Interior Secretariat to move there unless you meet certain requirements(see Coocoobad for more information).


Coocoostan came into existence on the 8th of December, 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when a provisional government was established under the control of Maxim Kaygorodov.

Kaygorodov began an aggressive campaign to remove outward signs of communist influence. He began to remove communists from government agencies and began to remove entire branches of the old bureaucracy. Coocoostan’s first test came in 1994, when opposition parties began to demand elections. He acquiesced and in October of that year, won a vast majority in the People’s Assembly. He would continue to forge a democratic state and in his third term (1998-2002), a massive influx of immigrants from around the Pacific Rim began to move in. It was this group of people that began to slowly change the face of Coocoostan. In 2001, the Trans-Coocoostan Highway was completed, replacing the old A1 with a four-lane expressway from Coocoobad to the Packilvanian border. Kaygorodov sold off many government-owned companies and allowed private industry in such fields as Air Travel and Oil.

Coocoostan entered the United Nations in 2005 .As well, Kaygorodov abolished the People’s Assembly in the same year and replaced it with a Parliamentary Congress, all 32 members of which were directly elected. He lost the election to Tammy Hagans of the Labour Party in December of that year. The first year of the Hagans presidency saw the establishment of over a dozen foreign embassies and consulates, a reorganisation of the military and territorial purchases of Aubrey(giving the nation a harbour) as well as San Andreas and a military occupation of Darrowmere (defeating the forces of the Trinkomali Clan). Furthermore, a Democratic Reform Act saw the implementation of proportional representation, as well as the expanding of the Parliamentary Congress to 215 members.


The Economy of Coocoostan is growing at an exponential rate, particularly in the Information Technology sector. It is widely speculated that the economy could enjoy a period of massive growth if allowed to trade with Kelssek, a regional power and immediate neighbour. However, this is forbidden by the International Fair Trade Agreement, of which Kelssek is a signatory. As a result, there is a widespread movement within the country to ratify the agreement. The economy has also fallen victim to several oligarchs, who control multiple business interests bought in the aftermath of independence in 1991.


Coocoostan has a wide variation in it's Geography and climate. In the north, the climate is generally warm and dry in the summer and cold with snow in the winter. In the south, the climate stays generally warm year-round, with heavy rain common during the winter. Coocoostan is a relatively flat nation, with only the Ondak mountains in the North and Mount Chiliad and the remainder of the south east as exceptions.


The National Animal, the Ibex, at sunset in the Ondak Mountains.


Coocoostan is a society in a period of significant social and ethnic change. Within the past ten years, a massive influx of English and Chinese immigration has changed the face of society. Within the past year, two large groups of Africans, as well as additional persons of English, Hispanic and Kelssekian origin have rapidly transformed the society further.

Ethnic Breakdown

  • English- 27%
  • Coocoo- 26%
  • African- 25%
  • Chinese- 6%
  • Ondak- 6%
  • Russian- 4%
  • Hispanic- 4%
  • Kelssekian- 2%
  • Arab- 1%

Less than 1%: Bedouin, French, Native-American, German

It is interesting to note that while within Kelssek "Kelssekian" is not considered an ethnicity, it is within Coocoostan, to guarantee the citizens of Aubrey Federal City, purchased in 2006, certain rights guaranteed to them in the purchase afgreement.


The variety of food within Coocoostan is as varied as its people. Beef, chicken and vension are staples, while pork is largely avoided outside the home, as the large Islamic population makes it impractical. Most fruits and vegetables are avaliable. The shift from outdoor to indoor markets has been underway since 1991 and with the exception of the former Darrowmere, is largely complete.

Traditional dishes are most prevalent among the Coocoo, Ondak and Russian ethnic groups, who largely share Soviet traditions. As such, Samovars and tea houses are extremely common, with some serving both Russian and English teas. Hispanic, African and Halal cuisine are also widely avaliable, depending on the area of the country.

Western-style fast-food restaurants are prevalent in San Andreas and are becoming widespread in the North of the country, with only Darrowmere being the exception.


One of the most treasured aspects of Coocoostani independence is freedom of Religion, which is readily exercised by the populace. Orthodox Christianity is the most prevalent, with other forms practiced as well. Islam is also popular, particularly amongst Coocoo, Ondak and Arab residents as well as many Africans. As a result of the Communist-era, many Coocoostanis are not religious, although there is a deep and passionate divide between Atheists and Agnostics.

Religious Breakdown

  • Christian
    • Orthodox-45%
    • Catholic-5%
    • Protestant-2%
  • Islamic
    • Sunni-14%
    • Shi'a -4%
  • Jewish-2%
  • Non-Religious
    • Agnostic-22%
    • Atheist-8%


The official languages of Coocoostan are English and Russian, with the latter on the decline in significance. Russian was established as an official language under old demographics, wheras now, Russophones comprise a much smaller group of the population and several parties have proposed scrapping Russian altogehter. Arabic, French, Spanish and Ondak are also spoken, although much less than the official languages.


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Members of the Coocoostan "Fighting Ibix" national hockey side congratulate each other on a goal scored against Kangarawa in Liberty City, Free Pacific States, during EPHC 5.

The Coocoostani love of sport is also widespread, and reflects a current trend of professionalisation amongst athletes. Major national leagues exist for Hockey, Football, Arena Football, American Football and Baseball. Other popular sports include Rally, Boxing and most Winter Olympic events. Coocoostan intends to compete regularly in the winter and summer Olympics and sent a delegation to the 2nd Winter Olympiad for a fact-finding mission.

Within the East Pacific, Coocoostan is regarded as a power in Hockey, having placed 1st and 2nd in East Pacific Hockey Championship 4 and 5 respectively.


The main media conglomerate within Coocoostan is the Brodcasting System of Coocoostan(BSC), which is State owned. BSC operates 8 television channels(English, Russian, Sport, Business, Culture/Arts, Government, Kids and Foreign Service) and numerous radio stations

As well, Coocoostan Television Network(CTN) brodcasts nationwide. There are also many independent local stations.

There are several national newspapers. The Coocoobad Post(English), Ekran(Russian, Coocoobad) and Coocoostansky Sport(In both Russian and English) are amongst the most popular. Most communities over 10,000 people have a daily newspaper.


Holidays in Coocoostan are few, with only three national holidays.

  • January 7: Christmas

The holiday of Christmas within the Orthodox church. Most of the minority of other Christians do not celebrate Christmas, although their rights to refrain from working on December 25th are legally enshrined, as are certain rights for Muslims during Ramadan.

  • May 9: Victory Day

Commemorates the victory of the Soviet Union over Germany in the Second World War and serves as a memorial to the many Coocoostanis killed on the eastern front.

  • December 8: National Day

Commemorates the signing of the Belavezha Accords, officially dissolving the Soviet Union and creating the Commonwealth of Independent States, of which Coocoostan is not a member.


Federal Government/Politics

The Parliamentary Congress(PC) is unicameral, with 215 Members of the Parliamentary Congres(MPC) being elected annually by law. The seats are distributed by population and elected by Proportional Representation amongst the various subdivisions. The head of state and head of the government is the President, who is elected seperately. The current President is Tammy Hagans, of the Labour party, who was ratified by the PC to continue as president in November of 2006 after finishing second in the October 2006 election. Stalemates in government are avoided by requiring the President-Elect to be ratified by the PC within two weeks of winning election. Should they be unable to do so, the next candidate comes up for ratification until ratification passes.

Coalition government is common, with the current New Era Coalition(NEC) consisting of the Green, Labour and National parties and on occasion the Unionist party. The opposing coalition consists of the Heritage, Independence and Federalist Parties.

Political Parties

(Seat Count Current as of October 31, 2006)

  • Green Party(49)

The Green Party has enjoyed a steady upswing in popularity under it's newest leader, Craig Blain, a former MPC and now Secretary of the Interior. The Party is largely socialist in its approach, with the Environment and Labour as two key issues. It is a member of the NEC.

  • Labour Party(46)

The Labour Party had its first President elected in 2005, as Tammy Hagans became the 2nd President of Coocoostan. The party is primarily focused on improving working conditions and wages while still having a growing economy as well as furthering a centre-left agenda. It maintains government through the NEC.

  • Heritage Party(43)

The Heritage party is Coocoostan's centre-right party and has declined in recent years, although that is expected to change. Madeline Tang is leader, but after winning the Presidential election in October 2006 and then failing to be ratified as president, it is expected she will face a third leadership vote.

  • National Party(37)

The National Party ruled Coocoostan from 1991 to 2005 and is largely responsible for many of its institutions. It is the key member of the NEC, as its views are the closest to the other political parties. The current leader is Phillip Arnold, who was Secretary of Defence under the first Hagans government.

  • Independence Party(24)

The Independence Party is Neo-Conservative in ideology and led by former Naval Officer and Radio Host Veronica Bergan. The party is beginning to make an impact with voters and is being courted by the Heritage Party for a merger.

  • Unionist Party(8)

The Unionists were one of two major political parties in San Andreas, purchased under the San Andreas treaty of October 2006. The former Governor of San Andreas, Michael Galley, is current leader and was the negotiator of the sale.

  • Darrowmeri Nationalists(5)

The Darrowmeri Nationalists are one of two political parties from Darrowmere(The Southwest region of the country) and are strongly in favour of consolidating their position within Coocoostan. The current leader is Rashid Abdullah, a former Brigadier General in the Army of Darrowmere and the Coocoostan Military as well as a transitional leader of Darrowmere.

  • Other Parties include the Workers of Darrowmere(2) led by rebel leader Bertrand Munta, and the Federalist Party(1), from San Andreas, which favours the separation of San Andreas, to reconstitute its own country.