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Flag of Lezaria
Motto: May your magic never falter.
Capital Tinemocun
Official Language(s) Kalorese (English), Zarhian
Leader Streyka Chelseer
Currency hanna 
NS Sunset XML

Lezaria is the name of a planet in the Tau Ceti system (the star locally known by the name Yallia), originally colonized by humans from Terra sometime during the 22nd century. It has two moons, a large silver moon called Thondorron, and a smaller greenish moon called Halladan.


Lezaria is made up of a number of semi-autonomous regions, and is led by a governing body called the Lezarian Council, made up of one democratically-elected representative from each region, plus one Head of Council elected by the council members. The current Head of Council is Streyka Chelseer, a half-elf vampire belonging to one of Lezaria's most prominent families.

Previously, Lezaria was led by the Council of Races, made up of one representative of each of Lezaria's major races and species. However, this system was deemed inherently flawed, in part because the five different indigenous races of elves each received their own seat on the Council. It was replaced with the current system several years ago by the were-panther Thorn.

Lezaria's government tends to be sensible and liberal, imposing few restrictions upon its people. In the words of Council Head Streyka Chelseer, "Why should elves care what orcs smoke?" There was some outcry among the trollish population over the recent banning of their favorite sport, Goblin Toss, however the goblins were quite relieved.


Lezaria has three continents called Zarhanna, Kalor, and Albrynnia. The capital city of Tinemocun is located on Zarhanna, the largest continent. There are also two major island chains called the Sunrise Islands and Domgad-Festig. Lezaria is terrestrial planet slightly larger than Earth with a gravity of 1.4 G's.


A number of different races and species inhabit Lezaria, many of them originally having been modified humans, while others were of geniunely alien origin. Elves make up the majority of the population, easily two-thirds of the people on the planet. The five major races of elves on Lezaria are the song elves, wood elves, snow elves, red elves, and Windriders. The rest of the population is made up of a variety of humans, dwarves, gnomes, trolls, dragons, orcs, goblins, and merfolk, as well as a smattering of others too varied to list here.

Lezarians tend to make heavier use of magic than technology, although they do not entire shun the latter. The gnomes, in particular, have given rise to the reintroduction of such technologies as lasers and spaceships once again which had been lost in the period since its colonization.

Lezaria's national animal is the zephyl, a species of winged monkey indigenous to the forests of Zarhanna. Female zephyli have silver-feathered wings, while males have gold-colored wings.

The primary currencies used in Lezaria are a copper coin called a hyesma, a silver hewdar marked with a hawk, and a gold coin called the hanna.