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Flag of Akimonad
Motto: "Ex tres insula unus populus"
See below.
Region Antarctic Oasis
Capital Kent
Official Language(s) English, Akimonad(United)
Leader Commodore Daniel Hausen
Population >150 million
Currency Monetary Unit of Aki 
NS Sunset XML

The Dominion of Akimonad is a large, safe nation located in the exact center of the small chain of Antarctic islands known as the Akimonadian Chains. The country was founded shortly after its discovery in 1876. Ruled by a self-proclaimed "benevolent" dictator, Commodore Daniel Hausen, the country has been made economically, politically and militarily stronger, normally at the expense of taxpayers and their civil rights. Political freedoms are few in Akimonad; the two-party system is biased towards dictator Cmdre. Hausen, probably because the two parties are forks of the original party that put Cmdre. Hausen into office.


Early History

Akimonad was a chain of islands inhabited by indigenous people for hundreds of years. The people lived in tranquility and peace, with little interaction. While the world developed around them, they remained shielded and undiscovered. Monad, the only island to have organized government before colonization, was ruled by monarchs who, as a rule, had names with many diacritic marks and were hard to pronounce. In 1812, the then-King of Monad died, leaving the throne to his cat, and causing pandemonium for several years until the cat was assasinated and the next heir took the throne.

Discovery, Colonization

The three islands that compose Akimonad were discovered in 1876 by explorers from neighboring countries. The islands originally colonized by the British in 1902 - Aki, Monad and Shvin (which today are part of Akimonad) and Aquas, Qua, Undede and Fli (which today are the nation of Aquas737) - were organized as the Septum Antilles Republic of Aki-monad. The natives, as well as many English-Akimonadian separatists, revolted in 1963 in a series of very bloody, nasty conflicts that ended with the British being expelled from Monad Island in 1971. The old, somehow unforgotten monarchy was reinstalled, after 69 years of internal exile on Undede island. The monarch, King Ædáçí X, was the last of his line, and never married.

Aquas Independence, Anarchy

The monarchy was overthrown on October 2, 1989 by separatists from Aquas, Qua, Undede and Fli, who, in the 3-year state of Akimonadian anarchy, declared an independent state. Akimonad was in a state of total anarchy from 1989-1991, until the UN intervened in 1992 and forced a democratic republic to form. Elections were held in 1994, and the new government attempted to seize control of the new Aquas nation, eventually gaining temporary control in 1996 but being forced out of the country in 2001.

The July Coup

In July of 2003, a group calling themselves the "Akimonadian Citizens for Improvement, Justice, Reform, (etc.) of the Republic" corrupted the 2003 Presidential elections to put Commodore Daniel Hausen, supreme leader of Akimonad Military, into office. After the fraud was uncovered, the Akimonadian military, commanded by Cdr. Daniel Hausen, seized the Parliament House in the now-former capitol of Bordeaux and forced a so-called "autonomy," which was revealed on state television. Cdr. Hausen came to power in August, assuming control of every aspect of daily life in Akimonad, and quelling everyone who was stupid enough to dissent. The country has been in control of Cdr. Hausen ever since, although, in the words of state television, "steps are being taken to create democracy." In 2005, Cdr. Hausen secretly executed a split of Akimonad's only political party, in a planned illusion to fool Akimonadian citizens into thinking there was democracy.


King Ædáçí X, the last in the line of Monadian monarchs, died in 2005 of "grief caused by instability and injustice." The government of Akimonad has now been transformed into a hegemony, with Akians strictly dominating over the Monadians and the Shvins. Parliament was dissolved in 2006, with the Parliament building converted to government offices to house the ever-increasing bureaucracy. Cdr. Hausen created and council of advisors in 2007, who help him rule the country. UN and other organizations have both praised and criticized Akimonad and Cdr. Hausen; the main praise being modernization, bringing Akimonad to a near-Superpower state; and the main criticism being the very few civil rights and political freedoms of Akimonadians. Cdr. Hausen says he is "trying to comply with demands for civil rights" and he is "sprinting along the path towards liberty." The "path" has been long, as civil rights improvements are rare. Cdr. Hausen blames "internal strife," referring to several riots that broke ount in 2009 and the escalation of crisis in 2010 almost to civil war. People have been quelled, at least for now, as Cdr. Hausen promises a "reinstallation of Parliament by 2012." Citizens of Akimonad are mesmerized by Cdr. Hausen's "gift of eloquence" and "extremely high rhetoric and charisma."


The economy of Akimonad is a strong free-market economy. Akimonad routinely imports many raw materials that it does not have the land to grow. However, Akimonad gains much revenue from exporting sugar, fruit and diamonds.

Gross Domestic Product: $726,491,749,313
Per capita GDP: $10,684
Population below poverty line: .5%
Inflation: 2%
Labor Force: 77%
Government budget: $302,498,705,575
Industries: Agriculture, Sugar, Fruit growing, mining, shipping, computers, electronics, banking.
Electricity: 95% of country electrified, 2 power plants.
Oil: Consumption: 19 bbl/day.
Exports: Sugar, Fruit, Diamonds, Electronics
Imports: Crops, Automobiles, Industrial Supplies, Capital Goods.
External debt: $900 million
Currency: floeds
Exchange Rate: 1 floeds = $0.61


Akimonad's military has a large, powerful military of 8 million personnel. The military consists of four branches: Army, Navy, Air Force and Space. The Army is well-equipped with state-of-the-art weapons. The Air Force recently completed a $30 billion development project of new stealth planes and technology as well as new explosives. The Navy unveiled it newest stealth ship and is equipped with very new technology. The Space Department, though not strictly for defense, recently started development of its first space transportation system. The military has WMD capabilities, but now plans to use them in the future or, in fact, at all.

Akimonad Navy (AMN):
20 Aircraft Carriers
30 Missile Cruisers
42 Destroyers (8 in construction)
70 Submarines

Akimonad Air Force (AMAF):
300 Bombers (300 ordered)
700 Fighters (700 ordered)
200 Drones (300 ordered_
450 Reconnaissance (150 ordered)
500 Helicopter (200 ordered)
250 Cargo (450 ordered)

Akimonad Army (AMA):
3 million personnel

Akimonad Space (AMS):
750,000 personnel


The government of Akimonad, claimed to be a republic, is actually a semi-autonomous dictatorship set up by Supreme Commodore Daniel Heusen. A legislature is maintained, although it is likely that if something doesn't have Heusen's blessing, it will be ripped up and burned as heat.


The government offices of Akimonad are housed in ten 50+ -story buildings in a 7-block area of Kent known as "Akimonadian Government Zone." Access to the Zone is strictly controlled through the 2 main four-lane access roads, as well as subway station, all of which are fiercly guarded by up to 300 armed personnel at one time. Cmdre. Heusen made certain that his living quarters were in the Penthouse of the tallest (140 floors) building, AMG 1 Plaza. The legislature maintains a chamber and offices in the special House of the Dominic Assembly, a very large but short building located in the center of AGZ. Offices of the many departments, ministries, mission, embassies and consulates are all housed throughout the eight other buildings.

Historically, the capital of Akimonad resided in Bordeaux, a now non-existent city. The original capital building, a magnificent marble building (which was once the largest in the world) was obliterated after Cmdre. Heusen nuked Bordeaux after forced depopulation.

