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Flag of Lugonomeks
Motto: We were here first!
Region Thorin
Capital Stadpræst
Official Language(s) Modern Lugonomekan
Leader Fred Veshar
Population About one billion
Currency Guloran 
NS Sunset XML

The Tribal Federation of Lugonomeks is a huge, devout nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Although a relatively new nation in Thorin, the Lugonomek people are believed to have lived in the region since before the first Thornichi. It has usually been a fairly centrist nation, wavering between "New York Times Democracy" and "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy", save for one brief point in its early history when it was classified as "Democratic Socialists". Its political freedoms have always been good, and the civil rights were at their lowest point at "average". The economy has never been anything less than average, as well. As said before, it is a relatively new nation, but has rapidly risen in power in the region. All members of the legislative branch, as well as the president, are elected by popular vote for as many as five two-year terms. Even the members of the judicial branch are democratically chosen, to some extent.

Linguistics and Nomenclature

Main Article: Lugonomekan Language

Little is known about the Lugonomekan language, except that it is not at all related to the Thornichi languages. "Lugonomeks" is the name of the people who inherit the lands that make up the current nation of Lugonomeks and, historically, much of the region of Thorin. The name in the ancient Lugonomekan language means "the children of Lugon", reffering to a legendary hero whom the Lugonomek people are believed to be descended from. The name of the capital city comes from the Lugonomekan words "stad", refering to a fort or walled city, and "præst", meaning "stillness" or "peace". The name means that people within the city are responsible with keeping peace between the various subgroups of the Lugonomeks. The national currency, the guloran, is named after the gold coin used as currency in ancient Lugonomeks. The name literally means "shining yellow stone". Most Lugonomeks use regular English first names, which keep their original spellings out of convenience, but keep Old Lugonomekan surnames. Their surnames usually refer to the occupation their ancestors traditionally held, or, in the case of nobility, the name of the last arkto (see below) they are a direct descendant of.


In ancient times, the Lugonomeks followed a polytheistic religion, with each tribe associating themselves with a particular god or goddess. Before this pantheon, there was another group of gods. These old gods often referred to as "The Old Ones". They include Dioos, god of clouds and winds, Mater Dhighom (Mother Earth), a fertility goddess, Perkuu, god of thunder and lightning, Hawsos, goddess of dawn, Nap, god of the seas, Valnos, god of the stars and of the dead, Sul, god of the sun and of wisdom, Mena, goddess of the moon and tides, Pashun, god of the forest, and many others.

Nankil and the Flood

In those times, Nap, was angry that the creatures in his domain, the fishes and creatures of the deep, did not rule the world. He convinced Mena and Dioos to help him with this. Alone among the gods, Sul and Perkuu objected. One man on the Earth, Nankil, started to notice strange signs. Great rainclouds were gathering, and the moon was suddenly full after being a crescent and seemed much bigger. He prayed to Sul for answers, and Sul told him of the other gods' plans. Sul told him to build a boat and take his family and another family to the western mountains, which would be uncovered by the coming flood, and wait it out. Nankil told his friend Nafsitum, a fisherman, what he had learned. They began converting one of Nafsitum's boats so that it could be taken on long journeys. When the storm began, they loaded their families in the boats and sailed west. After many months, the storm ended and they reached the western mountains, which were now nothing but islands. They landed on one such island and built a new house there. That night, they went to the shore and began to catch fish. When Nap saw this, he was angered told Dioos and Mena that they must start the flood again. When Sul and Perkuu heard this, they were outraged. "Do you not realize that we live off of the blood of man?" they said. "We cannot live off of fish, and the creatures of the deep. Even if we could, they would not serve us and give us sacrifices! We need humanity!" Sul threw his great shining chariot into the sea, causing it to boil like soup in a pot. Perkuu began tossing down white-hot lightning bolts to make the seas boil away faster. By doing this, he awakened Koormis, a many-headed serpent (or, according to some versions, a nest of serpents) that dwelled in the deep. Koormis came to the surface and attacked Perkuu. Perkuu slayed the monster, cutting off each head with a hurl of a lightning bolt. Finally, the seas retreated to their original positions. As the seas retreated, the fishes and the creatures of the deep who dwelled over the plains returned to the deep, but those in the mountain valleys were trapped. As the seas retreated, they died, and their flesh and bone made the lands in the mountains fertile. As a reward for obeying him, Sul allowed Nankil to rewrite the history of the times before the flood to his liking.

Lugon defeats the bears

About three hundred years after the flood, there was a kingdom in the southern mountains called Hurktomeks. The king of Hurktomeks, known only as "The Hurkto", was frustrated by the constant fighting with the invaders from the north. He wished to make a weapon that would end these invasions once and for all. Together with a band of demons summoned from the lowest pits of the underworld, he succeeded in this goal. He had constructed a weapon that was merciless, self-replicating, and unstoppable. His invention later became known as "the bear". His creation proved successful at driving back the invaders, but at a price. The bears multiplied quickly, and soon were able to overtake their creators. Soon, the entire region was ruled by these monstrosities. The Hurkto prayed to the gods for help, but they were too busy having a massive orgy. Desperate, The Hurkto sent a messenger to his wife's brother, a warrior from the northeast named Lugon, with a plea for help. Lugon agreed to help, and he and his seventeen children fought the bears. They found that the bears were being led one of the heads of Koormis, who had migrated to land and learned the secrets of the world, and had grown bitter against mankind. As a thank-you for driving out the bear menace, The Hurkto handed Hurktomeks over to Lugon and his children. Within a few years of this, Lugon had conquered the rest of the region.

Lugon defeats the gods

The gods, finally done with their orgy and impressed with Lugon's prowess in battle, rewarded him with eternal youth and superhuman strength. When Perkuu killed Lugon's wife for not having sex with him, Lugon waged war on the gods. He and his children managed were victorious and trapped eighteen of the old gods in the depths of the underworld and took their positions, Lugon taking the position of the god of death so he could save his wife. Lugon then divided his now vast kingdom evenly among his children. Eventually, nearly all of the people in the region were descendents of Lugon. Each of the tribes of Lugonomeks are believed to be descended from one of his children, and the god believed to be the ancestor of a particular tribe became that tribe's patron god. By the time of the fall of Stadpræst (see below), nearly all of the Lugonomeks no longer followed the old religion, instead turning to either monotheism or the teachings of various philosophers. By the time of the founding of Lugonomeks, it had no recorded followers, but is still widely studied as fiction.


Before the Founding of Lugonomeks

Before the Fall of Stadpræst

The earliest history of Lugonomeks is lost in mythology. Recent genetic evidence has proven that all Lugonomeks are descended from the same male, who lived around 7000 years before the founding of Thorin (BF) in the northeast of the region. Therefore, it is possible that the Lugon of legend existed. However, there is no evidence that he was the first king of Lugonomeks, nor any evidence that the kingdom of Hurktomeks ever existed. What is known, however, is that by 5300 BF, the Lugonomeks controlled a vast empire spanning over much of the region. At that time, Lugonomeks was a confusing mixture of a republic and a monarchy. The ruler of each tribe was known as "til arkto", meaning "the cheif", and was a monarch, the position being passed to the closest male relative once the current arkto was dead or for some other reason unable to rule. By the time of the fall of Praestad, all tribes had their own parliament under til arkto. The head of Lugonomeks as a whole was known as "til arktosubre", or "the high cheif". Til arktosubre ruled until death, and the new arktosubre was elected from one of the 17 arktos. Upon reaching the position of til arktosubre, til arkto would give up his former position just as he would have if he was found unable to rule. Under til arktosubre was another parliment, with three members from each tribe. Many consider it amazing that a single government was able to control such a vast area of land for nearly two millenia as the Lugonomekan empire did, but in truth the "Lugonomekan Empire" rarely acted as a unified government, and most of the time it was more of a loose confederation of individual tribes. Indeed, after news of new federal laws reached til arktos, they would often refuse to follow them altogether, and til arktosubre would make no objection to this. Of the seventeen tribes of Lugonomeks, seven lived east of the mountains, including the Kawnromeks, Ashromeks, and Leivimeks, three lived in the mountains themselves, including the Deinameks, two tribes, the Sonyameks and Shimonoeks, lived on a large island, and five lived west of the mountains, including the Unleimeks, Yunomeks, and Galethomeks, whose combined territories made up the area that is now Thingamajiggers. About 4600 BF, the Thornichi had arrived in the region, living mostly in the northern mountains. The Lugonomeks coexisted peacefully with the Thornichi for a time, trading crops and goods from overseas for the ores and gems the Thornichi mined in the mountains. Then, about 3870 BF, the constant disagreements between the various groups of Thornichi finally convinced them to go their separate ways. Unfortunately for the Lugonomeks, this meant pushing south into their territory. The Lugonomeks were no match for the Thornichi, due to the Thornichi's use of iron as opposed to bronze and the Lugonomeks' failure to unite. Finally, after many years of struggle, in 3827 BF, the capital city of Stadpræst fell to Stefan I of Romborg. It is agreed by most historians that from this point, Thornichi victory was assured.

After the Fall of Stadpræst

After hearing that Stadpræst had fallen, most of the Lugonomeks decided that the war was a lost cause and surrendered to the Thornichi. There were a few minor battles after the war, but in all of them the Lugonomeks were beat badly. Finally, in 3821 BF, the last remnants of the Lugonomekan army, the Army of North Unleimeks, was forced to surrender in the Battle of Archan. By this time, however, many of the remaining Lugonomeks had accepted that the war was over. They had either fled the region or accepted the Thornichi's rule. By 3800 BF, casualties of the war, both millitary and civilian, and massive emmigration left the Lugonomek population of the region at around seven million, as opposed to nearly ten million as it had been a century before. The Lugonomeks soon became a minority in their own homeland, as the Thornichi were now immigrating into the area faster than ever, and in many areas, especially in Zirconia, killing the Lugonomeks in order to gain their land. By 3700 BF, the Lugonomeks made up less than 10 per cent of the population of Thorin. Over the millenia, the Lugonomek people were slowly supressed, becoming a minority with no power in their homeland or abroad. By the time of the founding of Thorin, there were less than fifty thousand pure-blooded Lugonomeks in the region, and many of them were in a poor economic condition. Starting around 600 AF, many Lugonomeks overseas decided to return to the land of their ancestors to escape persecution and to try to defend their ethnic brothers, and began immigrating into Thorin, mostly into Romborg and Hinotashi. This was made much easier when, in 733 AF, New Romborg's government collapsed. Within a few years, the unclaimed territory was controlled by several de-facto Lugonomek-controlled governments, including the expanded governments of the still thriving city of Stadpræst and the government that claimed territory in the western territories calling itself "Lugonlanter", or "land of Lugon". Later, in 752, Hinotashi's government was collapsed as well. Most of the northern and eastern part of the island was under the control of Lugonomek governments, including one calling itself "Soniainsil", or "the isle of Sonia". There were constant but fairly minor skirmishes bewteen the Lugonomeks and the other peoples in the unclaimed areas. Over the years, the fighting began to interfere with trade with other countries in the region. By 780 AF, most of the Lugonomeks feared that it would not be long before the restricted trade would cause other nations to get involved, especially the powerful Xerconia to the north. They decided it was necessary to form a single united (and recognized) Lugonomek nation. After much debate, most centering around drawing the borders of the new country, The Opressed Peoples of Lugonomeks formed in 786 AF.

After the Founding of Lugonomeks

Early Politics

The first elections were held in 788 AF. At this election, there were no political parties. All of the candidates were members of the former unofficial governments. The first president was Henry Yakawbomek. By the time of the end of his first term in 790, several political parties had already formed, the most successful of which were the Democratic party, who aimed to encourage the people to play a more active role in the government, the Confederate party, trying to give more power to the individual tribes and less to the federal government, and the People's party, who supported inflation as well as worker's rights. After Yakobomek declined to run for a third term, his vice president James Ablomek ran for president in 792 under the People's Party. He won by a small margin and soon began pushing laws to reform the government, moving it into the UN category "Democratic Socialists". Several of these laws, such as those that raised welfare, levied an exponetially progressive income tax, and unquestioningly supported labor unions, proved to be very unpopular. Desperate to win another term, Ablomek forced laws that prevented anyone found guilty of any crime, even the most minor, and those who were in debt to the federal government from voting. Despite these efforts, he was beaten in the election of 794 by his main rival from the previous election, the Confederate Adam Veshar, who undid Ablomek's restrictions on voting as well as some of his less popular economic policies. Veshar managed to win four terms, but by the end of his fourth term his population had declined to the point that he knew he would not win a fifth term, mainly due to a scandal involving one of Veshar's cabinet members and a tapir. So, in 802, Tom Skrebar, Veshar's Secretary of Prevention of Govermnet Communications Interference (a bum paid to respond to answer prank calls and spam email the federal government received) ran under the Confederate party, and managed to serve two terms before the public realized the specifics of his former government position. In 806, he was beat in a landslide by the current president Ronald Rowildar, who ran under the new Static party, and who managed serve four terms mainly because of his policy of ignoring all but the biggest of issues and letting all bills the parliment sends to him die. However, after his policy of letting crime solve itself backfired in 814, he was defeated by Confederate canidate Edward Samyulmek.

Fall of Xerconia and Lugonomek Occupation

After hearing about the collapse of Kallak to the north and a coup d'état in Xerconia in 815, Samyulmek sent in the Lugonomekan military to occupy the area that was once Xerconia to make sure totalitartian government did not take over. The ancient Lugonomekan name for the area was "Lanterpater", or "Fatherland", because it is the region in which Lugon was born. The area was put under the control of the Lugonomek military. Surprisingly, the Xerconians showed little resistance to the government. That is, until the March of 816, when about a dozen violent uprisings occurred across the occupied territory nearly simultaneously. The Lugonomekan military was spread too far to put the uprisings down, and the Lugonomekan government had to relax their grip on Lanterpater. In 820, Xerconia had rebuilt its government with help from Lugonomeks, and regained its sovereignty.

Lugonomek Expansion

Disappointed with the loss of the Lanterpater, some Lugonomekan politicians felt that Lugonomeks should make up for it by expanding westwards. Kilo Echo's government had collapsed in 820, and Lugonomeks decided this was the best place to start expanding. They signed a treaty with the Holy Empire of Heavysuit, saying that Lugonomeks could claim the coast of both Kilo Echo and Heavysuit, and that the rest of Kilo Echo would be split between Heavysuit and Shadowy Goodness. Later, in 822, Lugonomeks, Shadowy Goodness, and New Valhall signed a treaty in which New Valhall would give up parts of its northern territory to both countries. This left Lugonomeks with territory in both Zirconia and Hækaz, and in control of most of the coastline of Thorin.

The Second Thornichi War

In the December of 827, armies claiming to be under the command of Lugonomeks invaded Thingamajiggers, launching an unchecked blitzkreig and showing no mercy to the citizens of the conquered towns. After the president announced that he did not support the invasion in the least and had gotten approval from the parliament to send in the military to stop it, the areas who supported the invasion seceded to form the Dominion of Unleimeks, after the Lugonomek tribe most of them identified themselves with. These areas included the state of Rifuruuzh and a good deal of unorganized territory, and comprised of all the land Lugonomeks had recently gained from Heavysuit and New Valhall. The Lugonomekan army was dispatched nearly immediately, only to meet strong defenses set up at the new border. Meanwhile, the Lugonomekan navy invaded from a small island between Hinotashi and Unleimeks, and managed to win a few victories on the beaches of Unleimeks. No one in the Lugonomekan government showed any desire to take back the Unleimekan land, most of them saying the only reason they got the land in the first place was from the influence of Unleimek politicians. Lugonomeks was soon able to crush Unleimeks's tiny navy, and send wave after wave of troops to Ulneimek's unprotected shores. After a few months of fighting, a combined force of Lugonomeks and Xerconians attacked the Unleimekan capital of Samyulstad. After a harsh siege and intense bombing by the combined air-forces of Thingamajiggers, Surkaph, and New Valhall, Unleimeks issued an unconditional surrender.

Ethnic Makeup

Naturally, the majority of the population of Lugonomeks is Lugonomek. They make up about 72 per cent of the population, with about 18 per cent Conromeks, 14 per cent Soniameks, 13 per cent Ashromeks, 11 per cent Denomeks, 12 per cent Unleimeks, and about 4 per cent either other tribes or a mixture of two tribes. The largest minority is Zirco-Romborgian, making up about 14 per cent of the population, due to the territory formerly being under the control of Romborg. About 5 per cent is Hino, a Thornichi tribe that formerly inhabited the large island of which part is now controlled by Lugonomeks. 6 per cent is either Thingan or Aeonne, most of whom fled from Xerconia in hopes of finding a more stable, less oppressive government. The remaining 3 per cent is either of mixed or of some other descent. A census has not been preformed since the secession of Unleimeks, so this information is most likely outdated.


The early Lugonomeks had no flags, but often put symbols of their nation on their shields and sails. The ancient Lugonomeks used round bronze shields held onto their arms with leather straps which went around the whole shield. On the front, the straps would be decorated with seventeen gilded buttons, to symbolize the seventeen tribes of Lugonomeks. In later years, the straps themselves were gilded, and the golden saltire they formed became a symbol of Lugonomeks as a whole.

First Flag of Lugonomeks


The modern Lugonomekan flag still bears the golden cross of the ancient Lugonomeks. The rest of the flag of Lugonomeks contains symbols of the five major remaining Lugonomek tribes, which symbolize the role of their patron god or goddess. The lightning bolt in the center is the symbol of the largest tribe, the Kawnromeks, whose patron god and patriarch Kawnir was the god of weather. The sun rising over the sea symbolizes the Sonyameks, whose original patron goddess was Sonya, goddess of the sea, and their original flag merely had the sea extending to the horizon. But since the Sonyameks absorbed the smaller tribe, the Shimonomeks, whose god Shimon was god of the sun, the sun was added rising over the sea. The black chickencrabdodo head against the blue on the right symbolizes the Ashromeks, whose patron god Ashir was the god of livestock. The pole with a snake wrapped around it on the bottom represents the Deinameks, whose patron goddess Deina was goddess of wisdom. The dagger against the green on the left symbolizes the Unleimeks, whose patron god was Unlei, god of hunting. The Unleimek dagger is slightly jabbing into the Lugonomek cross, a subtle joke on the flag maker's part about the Unleimeks' reluctance to join the united Lugonomek nation.

Second Flag of Lugonomeks


After Unleimeks seceded, many began to question the placement of the symbol of Unleimeks on the Lugonomekan flag, since the Unleimek population was now less than three per cent. Many felt that the flag needed to be completely redone, because the symbols on the flag were symbols of a religion no one followed, and most Lugonomeks now felt that they were Lugonomek first, and members of individual tribes second. A new flag was chosen by national referendum. It had the three colors, yellow, red, and blue, because at least one of these colors is in the symbols of every Lugonomekan tribe. The golden saltire was left in as a symbol of Lugonomek unity.

Flags of Related Countries


The flag of Unleimeks uses the green field and red-hilted dagger, a symbol of the ancient Lugonomek tribe, as well as a bundle of sticks bound around the dagger, symbolizing unity under a powerful government.