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Storefront FAQ

adapted from a post by Klonor

Q: So what is a storefront?
A: It's a place where you can buy military/civilian goods and technology.

Q: So it's a storefront? Can I just say, "I'd like 300 Hecate class Destroyers, *Money wired*"?
A: Absolutely not.
Q: Why not?
A: Because there's no RPing. This game is about RPing.

Q: Alright then, how do I order?
A: Well, you sorta have to do something like this. Note that this should be written out.
The Potentate General of Nation A would like to purchase *number* *products*.
Now you describe your reason for procurement in detail, and how they will be used.
Now describe how you want them delivered.
Now you end it with some kind of signature of a Department, person, whatever.

Q: Uhh ... Okay. So once I buy these, I can sell them to other people right? And give them away?
A: Nope. If you ever try to redistribute these products without permission from the seller, he will come down on you faster than rabid squirrels on a bag of peanuts.

Q: Will you perform background checks to see whether I'm a godmodder, flamer, spammer, warmonger, or idiot; and then deny my order if I am one of those?
A: Oh yes.

Q: Oh, right, and what is the tech level for all of these?
A: You have to pick the right tech level before you walk in the store. It you're Modern Tech, you probably shouldn't be buying these Gravships or this Powered battle armor. If you're Future Tech or Fantasy Tech, you probably don't want Main Battle Tanks.

Q: How'd you make all that equipment?
A1: I found all these pictures on websites and copied them here. The descriptions are from the military websites I stole them from and movies I've seen.
A2: I spent hours and hours working with CAD programs and rendering software to produce these nifty pictues. I also developed the descriptions via intense roleplay with Nation B. It was a lot of work, and I hope you appreciate it.

Storefront Pages

(Please do not post links to individual storefronts in this section. Use existing forum resources or post on your nation page.)