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Forum: Namura Forum
Population: 8 nations
Delegate: Avalya
Founder: Avalya
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Namura is an ancient land, its creation and beginnings steeped in mystery from its storm-tossed shores to its fog-shrouded mountains. Its people are an additional enigma, their cultures known but how they came to be here as dark and as vague as the land itself

This region is rich in nations and histories, from the rustic world of the north to the mighty federations in the south These cultures and histories are recorded in the nations that make up this region:


For more information on the Three Day's War, click the link

Recent News Items: Akaeia's End?"

The Borradosian troops are welcome in Akaeia. We cannot promise the best living conditions, but no one in Akaeia lives at peace these days. I will welcome them personally to Akaeian soil in a few days at Taeana, the most important port city remaining in Akaeian domains.

Regrettably I do not feel that the Empire can possibly recover at this point in time. the Prolekteion is broke, the peasants are angry, and the merchant cities of the west have all seceeded save Tyrins. It is with a heavy heart that I therefore announce that Akaeia desires to become a protectorate of Sicinia. The Prolekteion is in agreement on this issue: the people would undoubtedly be safe and happier under Sicinian Administration. Due to the invitable fact that we wil owe Sicinian merchants money and buy all our supplies from Sicinia, the Akaeian economy will forever depend upon it's neighbor. We cannot make a decision contrary to Sicinian will because doing so would destroy our economy. Therefore we have in realtiy already ceased to be more than a protectorate of Sicinia.

I regretably announce that the Akaeian Empire is drawing to a close. I personally feel that we need to revitalize our military, our economy, and our monarchy, and rebuild our nation into the glorious nation it should be. Unfortunately the Prolekteion has spoken.

- Ureian Atreiadeias


-Ma'avar In what has proved a shocking occurrence, Bourraisan pirates have captured Ioshuad Iardenios, Emperor of Akaeia, and his entourage off the Avalyan coast. The Imperial barge has been sunk and its crew wiped out, while the Imperial party's fate and location is currently unknown. Further news bulletin as events warrant.

For Le Siecle this is Albert Y'Nasuade, in Ma'avar