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Flag of Dhatsun
Motto: "What doesn't kill you..."
National Anthem: The Robots - Kraftwerk
Coming soon.
Region The Spectrum
Capital Midgon
Official Language(s) English, Spectral Dhatsanese
Leader Commanding Emperor Hamilton
Population 1.819 billion (as of 26/3/07)
Currency Sen 
NS Sunset XML

The Various Empires of Dhatsun is a massive, safe nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 1.819 billion are ruled by a small, efficient government from the Government Level of the capital city, Midgon.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Defence, Law & Order, and Healthcare. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 66%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Gambling and Arms Manufacturing.

Marijuana is legal in the privacy of your own home, manual labourers must be willing to have cybernetic limbs to get a job, nudity is frowned upon, and tourists from around the world come to visit the country's famous rainforests. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Dhatsun's national animal is the Komodo Dragon, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Sen


The Various Empires of Dhatsun is essentially a multitude of many small nations joined together some 1500 years ago. Under the control of a single warrior, the stronghold known as Datsai expanded its borders to overtake the surrounding strongholds and lands. This unknown warrior's brilliance as a strategist and his bravery in battle allowed the shoreside stronghold to bring the entirety of the lands now known as Dhatsun under its control, with the original stronghold of Datsai becoming the capital city, later renamed Midgon. All the strongholds he overthrew he then linked with an underground network. Creating the well known underground monorail systems, which recently linked to the Spectral Monorail system, under the operation of Calumnius.


Only until very recently, Dhatsun has been somewhat the iron fist or compulsory consumerist states. The nation's GDP was held dear and the citizens were seen as faceless workers. However, within the last 20 or so years, thanks to civil rights activists, such as the famed Daniel Watson-Knox, the government tookm a massive U-turn, eradicating the high tariffs it was known for and introducing, among other things, minimum wages, healthcare and a revamped public transport system. The nation is now merely a captialist paradise, with concrete jungles and massive skyscrapers. Note, as of Feburary 2007 the economic growth is now being balanced by the first environmental act, so that business may contune to grow, yet not at the cost of the environment. The most commonly spoken languages in the region are English, Dhatsanese and Spectral. The recognised religions are The Church of Dhatsun, Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Gob-jobism.


Dhatsun is a large nation, fringed by the nations of Mushy Pea, Nintenduu 64 and Don Flanioso. Dhatsun has a large coastline, mostly cliff-faces, the largest of which being the Great Cliff, upon which the capital city of Midgon is built. Fringed with mountain ranges, there are no rivers above ground within Dhatsun. Instead, underground rivers and colossal caverns are to be found.

Role Within The Spectrum

As one of the oldest and most powerful nations within the Spectrum, Dhatsun was chosen to be a member of the Spectrum Security Council. Dhatsun is also one of the four founding members of the Spectral Alliance Treaty Organisation (S.A.T.O). The nation also takes an active stance on the Ediroth conflict and terror situation, primarily through its central intelligence agency, S.A.B.R.E. It also acts as a major shipping port and a converging point for many of the major shipping routes within the Spectrum via the ports of its capital, Midgon.