Promotion of Solar Panels

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Resolution History


This resolution had a short life span, as during the debate opponents to this resolution started organizing a repeal campaign. However, this resolution was characterized by an active debate in which the combined draft proposal and UN Floor Debate thread was over 42 pages long, making this topic among one of the most discussed [[United Nations] topics in 2005.

Proposal Campaign

The initial stages of the campaign were mostly in favor of the proposal, with several people taking issue with minor issues about the scientific data in the actual resolution - specifically, the line regarding ozone depletion (discussed in detail by Forgottenlands and Powerhungry Chipmunks) and a question about the stated reliability of solar power. The proposal gained support quickly, in part due to a telegram campaign done by Starcra II. After quorum was reached, misgivings about the resolution started showing up, and the reliability issue became a much bigger topic. Starcra II tried to calm fears by posting a stat that a solar panel can collect a year's worth of electricity in just 24 hours of sunlight in very sunny conditions, and a few sources trying to defend the ozone depletion statement. The former was found to be unsupported by any sources, and the latter was disproven by various UN members. Misgivings continued to rise as the proposal went to the floor and with just a few days before it went up for vote, a lead UN Moderator, Frisbeeteria, called it "the most economically catastrophic UN proposal ever voted on by this body".

The general misgivings were also aided by a proposal that was built in reaction to this resolution that called for all possible alternative energy sources to be used. Over the course of the debate for this proposal, a lot of issues regarding all forms of alternative fuels were brought up.

UN Debate


Counter Campaigns

The general animosity toward the resolution among those who debated it led to some organized telegram campaigns. Barnabas Butterbur was the first to suggest it, inspiring several campaigns (including a very well-organized counter-campaign led by Telidia and the UN Old Guard) targeting delegates voting for the resolution and several major regions. The result stopped the gap between the yes and no votes at around 3,000, then slowly shrank the gap in the final day as major regions voted no. The final margin was just over 1,500 votes, with only 34 percent of the votes cast in the last 25 hours being in favor.

Another "campaign" lodged on the forum involved a protest in which a number of member states (including the Eternal Kawaii, Omigodtheykilledkenny and the Palentine) switched their votes in favor of this resolution "in order to teach ... fellow member states some respect for national sovereignty" regarding past resolutions they had passed.

Resolution Text

Promotion of Solar Panels
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental Industry Affected: All Businesses Proposed By: Starcra II

BEING a fact that the burning of Fossil Fuels in order to make electricity is fast destroying the environment.

AWARE that there are other means of making electricity other than Solar Panels and Fossil Fuels.

NOTING that Solar Panels provide each home with the most reliable source of electricity.

REALISING the expense that the promotion of Solar Panels incurs,

On the passing of this resolution, the UN and all it's members will -

1) Begin projects to promote Solar Panels in all homes and places of work.

2) Will set aside an amount of government funds going to the environment into the project of manufacturing and distributing Solar Panels.

3) Over the period of ten years and a month after this proposal passes Solar Panels should be installed in all homes and places of work and leisure.

4) After the period of ten years and seven months all burning of fossil fuels shall be halted and electricity shall be generated by Solar Panels, together with and environmentally friendly methods each respective nation should wish to introduce.

5) The UN shall hold meetings as often as necessary to discuss the funds needed in order to carry out the project.

ASSUMING and REALSING that not all nations may be able to make the transition in the time period given above -

1) The UN shall meet to discuss possible ways of aiding the nations in question.

2) A time extension shall be given, the amount will be decided individually for each nation depending on the amount of wealth of the nation.

MAKING note that -

1) Each nation has the right to decide the price of the Solar Panels distributed in their nation. As well as whether to provide subsidies for those with lower income.

2) That each nation that burns fossil fuels does damage to other nations as well as their own.

3) That burning fossil fuels is putting a limit on how free our children and other future generations will be in the world when it comes to enjoying luxuries that are disappearing as we speak such as, fresh air, clean oceans and community gardens.

4) The burning of fossil fuels is one of the factors that depletes the Ozone Layer, which in turn melts the polar ice caps.

FINALLY NOTING that the mass introduction of Solar Panels everywhere will give us the long term benefits we will never enjoy if we do not implement this resolution.

Votes For: 8,285
Votes Against: 6,777
Implemented: Sat Sep 17 2005
Repealed: Tue Sep 27 2005

Notable International Roleplayed Events

Non-UN member Axis Nova indicated that 15-20 years after the resolution had been passed and assuming it had not been repealed, he would begin an invasion of all UN member nations, stating that they would not have the monetary or technological capabilities to defend themselves anymore. Liluths Venegence proposed a Military Alliance stating that the benefit of the alliance was that they could block the sunlight of nations, starving them further of any power production capabilities.

Gameplay Impacts

This resolution had no significant impacts on the way NationStates was played.

Additional Materials