Characters of Eden-IV

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This article deals with various characters related to Eden-IV and the various nations on the planet. Some of these may have individual articles. For the nation leaders, please see Leaders of Eden-IV.

OOC Information by designer

When designing these characters, I focused very much on the relationship between them, and the individual development each of them goes through during the RPs they are used in. Unlike the characters I designed for Cybergoddess, were focus was put mainly on realism in the character development, since the Cybergoddess world was strongly defined already by it's absolutely fantastic sci-fi environment, for Eden-IV I choose to explore a classical romantic theme when creating these characters.

For one thing, a predominant theme of Eden-IV are the Sourcerers and their magic powers, which they use to manipulate a world, which despite being a different planet, is closer to earth of the 20th century than the Cybergoddess world had been, at their will.

A person's magic powers are defined inside the Hexagram, which defines them to be of one of the six Colors of Magic available: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Black or White, at varying intensity (originally, I had intended it to be a pentagramm, but the number of Colors Of Magic, which were six, not five, plus HEXagramm fits the theme better).

Now, as we can see, there exist two love triangles in the RP - one in the present, involving Scorpio, Lydia and Vedess, and one in the past, involving Hector, Angela and the woman that would late become Maleficent. Now, what do we get from two triangles overlapping? Shift one of them by 45°, and you will have an hexagramm. As you can see, I intended the hexagramm and its components to be integral, reoccuring elements visually aswell as plot-wise.

Each of the characters involved in this love triangles represent one of the colors aswell:

  • Scorpio =
  • Lydia =
  • Vedess =
  • Angela = White
  • Maleficent = Black
  • Hector =

I also added a support cast to both of the main antagonists (which are rivals not only over Lydia, but eventually, over the fate of the whole planet): Scorpio is usually accompanied by Fafa and Methril as his squad members, while Vedess has his buddies Celine and Salsin, who defect alongsime him to Germanistan.

The Characters


Race / Species:
Nova Roma
Gunfire RM09

OOC Information

The main character. Original designs had intended him as a sort of experienced, hard-nosed mercenary character, but this design did not go well with the idea of implementing HOUSE into the storyline. He was originally thought to be much taller and have more muscles, aswell as short, lightly-colored hair. Later designs gave him the appearance and character known today. His new character was designed along the general idea of having a naive and childish main character, like explored in series like One Piece or several mecha series, were aswell, young boys and girls are trained to pilot robotic combat units, similar to the ArmSuits HOUSE soldiers are trained to use. The second influence for Scorpio's character came from designer Tiberian Destiny's own experience about the young people surrounding him: a disillusioned youth who concentrates mostly on acting cool. The designern thought how such person would react if plunged into a situation like the one Scorpio faces on Eden-IV.

IC Information

Scorpio is a young trainee ArmSuit pilot at Liamb HOUSE.


Asiangirl facial01.jpg

Race / Species:

OOC Information

For Lydia, an even wider range of designs had been explored, since her personality and appearance was defined pretty early, and remodelling required a lot of different designs. Original designs conceived her as a more martially dressed Romeran resistance combatant. Later designs still included the second face of every young generation: Rebellion, to match Scorpio's representation of the primary aspect. In Lydia's case this assumed a very practical aspect: Her home nation, Romera, was invaded and occupied by Germanistan some years before the story takes place. While most older people have accepted this, the young people of the nation began forming resistance groups, looking at their parents with disgust. Her personality and looks were also designed to be contrary to the design of the Valley girl stereotype that I used to create Scorpio's first girlfried, Tessa.

IC Information

During her time with a Romerian resistance group, the FireSeeds, she was located by Dr. Moebius's research program on D²NA. She agreed to join the program if her group would receive military support from HOUSE. HOUSE agreed, and Scorpio and several of his comrades were dispatched to pick her up from Romera and in return deliver massive military supplies. From this point onwards, a deepening love triangle develops between Lydia, Scorpio and Vedess. Unlike Scorpio and most other members of the cast, who eventually find out that they are not humans, but "Humanites", artificial, mindless beings created by the true humans in order to colonize the planet and only became alive by the Kurnikovarium effects, Lydia is one of few survivors of the original human settlers, who, already possessing a soul, were instead mentally lifted up by one level - they became Sourcerers. Lydia as well has the potential to gain such power. Later, Lydia is infected by XenouHertz, a being capable of hacking into the minds of telepaths.

Special Moves

Divine Magic

  • Divine Fire
  • Holy Light
  • Kamikaze (Holy Wind)
  • Flood
  • Purification
  • Holy Earth


  • XenoWing
    • Sentry
    • Merciful Doom
    • SWARM
  • XenoFist
    • Equalizer
    • Gattling
    • Wave Motion Cannon
  • XenoHeart
    • Pulsar
    • SuperNova
  • XenoSoul
    • Ultimate Weapon


Fafa is a member of the White Squadron of Liamb HOUSE, responsible for technical and combat support.

Celine Danay

A trainee pilot who defected alongside Vedess.

Salsin Rumel

A trainee pilot who defected alongside Vedess. Salsin is a silent, serious, mercenary-type character that is absolutely loyal to Vedess, of whom he thinks that his ideas offer a better possible future than HOUSE. Although he seems hard-nosed and insensitive, he is actually very caring about his friends and people in general, if they are not his enemies. Unlike Scorpio, who prentends to be hard and hides his emotions (even from himself) on purpose, Salsin is just silent by nature.

XX Years ago

Before the events that take place today, the adventures of a small group of soldiers during the Psion War took massive influence on the events today.

Hector Raynhearthz

Hutch Atkinson

Howard Hawkins

The Sourcerers

The Sourcerers are a group of people that gained extensive psionic powers through the Kurnikovarium meteorite.


A Sourceress equalling Maleficent in power. On several occasions, she appeared to protect people from Maleficent, and always forced her to retreat, yet Angela never challenged Maleficent for control over Sothfar. She survived the end of Sothfar. After the war, she travelled the world and aided the remaining people to build up their independent countries. Propably, she knew of the fact that the survivors were not humans, but Humanites, so she taught them in "how to use their souls adequatly", in order to do decisions on their own and were not subjected to any order they might receive from normal humans. However, almost everything about Angela and the fact that the people on Eden-IV are Humanites was forgotten, and she only remained in the world's memory as offering help in rebuilding the world and founding HOUSE.



Main article(s): Leaders of Eden-IV#Maleficent

A powerful Sourceress that once ruled the nation of Sothfar in the days of the Psion War. She was killed by the MaGenetic Bomb. It is only later that Scorpio finds out she was actually his mother.


Predecessor to Maleficent. The sorceress Tormatha, who changed her own body into a chimera made up by a Black Dragon and a Water Elemental, was killed during an uprising of the Southfarian people shortly before the outbreak of the Psion War.

Note that this section is quite unclear, since it is currently RPed.


A powerful Sourcerer that batteled Maleficent before the Psion War. He lost, but managed to survive by retreating to a magical shelter on the coast of San'Dia. His mind survived the end of Southfar, captured in this shelter.


A Sourceress that makes only brief appearances. She worked as a right hand for Maleficent. At some time, she, like many other Sourcerers, tried to raise to power herself, and was subsequently killed by Maleficent. She was cursed to join the Grey Guard as a mindless guard of the Sabaa ruins, still possessing her vast magical powers, but without a soul or own will.


The Magi are a group of people that travelled to the impact site in order to become Sourcerers as well. However, they failed to control their powers, propably because they were not humans, but merely humanites that had already received the maximum effect Kurnikovarium offers for this race. The massive psionic uncontrolled psionic radiation stripped them off their souls, leaving nothing but empty shells that serve as vessels for the psionic powers to manifest.

Main article(s): Monsters of Eden-IV#Magus

Minor Characters

  • Tessa - Scorpio's first girlfriend. A girl from the Nova Roman aristoracy that dated him not for love but for the thrill of dating a warrior.