Silvereye Confederacy

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Headquarters: Billopec, Billopesha
Nationality: The Confederates, Rineu
Specialty: International Judicial and Legislative Branch
Storefront: none

The Silvereye is an supranational wikipedia:inter governmental union of 5 nations which are located on The Confederates. Each country has about 400 representatives which consist of their legislative body, which altogether makes up over 2000 members. The member countries are Billopesha, Bironta, Derenny, Frissia and Brecke. The only country of The Confederates to not belong to the Silvereye is the Empire of Hontock which doesn't believe in any form of democracy and has set up a rival ogranisation called the Sharkcutter Union Corp. The organistaion deals mainly with international and constitutional law which affect all member nations. An individual member is referred to as a MOS (Member Of the Silvereye). Today, meetings are held at the 'Grand Stage of Politics' in Billopec where they occur once a week on a Monday.


Ancient System

After The Confederates were founded in 563BC, law and order needed to be controlled efficiently so King Oliver Billopec created a ruling council called The Silvereye in 546BC where a group of rich landowners and governors meet to discuss politics, sort out laws for the people and help the king’s/lord’s rule. As Billopesha was the first nation to form, the Silvereye was only the Billopeshian Senate. When the Silvereye was formed, a collection of simple laws called “Laws of Billopesha” was formed in 546BC and consists of 200 laws. These basically include laws on Family, Trade, Labour and Personal property. Some state that any crime committed will be punished with a jail sentence and that taxes must be paid depending on your lifestyle. There were meetings held, organized by the King of Billopesha and held at The King’s Palace on Billopec Hill. Meetings were usually held every week or when there is an urgent event that needed dealing with. Also, if someone wanted to set up something or built something, they would have to get the Silvereye’s permission before doing so.

The Billopeshians had a surprisingly efficient law system for its time. Unlike the Romans, Greeks or Egyptians, when a crime is committed, a death sentence is forbidden because of the ‘Laws of Guduffa’, their religion, which were created in 451BC. The criminal would face the members of the Silvereye and defend himself to the members. But instead of having a case for the defence and prosecution, there is just one member of the Silvereye called an Awteper who explains the reasons why he could be guilty and why he couldn’t while confirming it with the criminal. The rest of the Silvereye then decides on a verdict and the ruler confirms it on a contract.

International and Constitutional law are carried out by the Silvereye when it is needed. A major example of this was when the Empire of Hontock was formed in 278BC when they had to make laws to keep the rebels at bay, but still lost control of Hontopec in the Hontopeshian Revolution. When Billopesha went into a crisis in 171BC, the separatists overthrew the king, Prasutagus, so The Confederates became eight separate countries run by the Silvereye, with the exception of Hontock. The Silvereye became an international political organisation and made there be a lord for the each of the seven countries which each had a section in the Silvereye. The Silvereye’s power diminished during the two Roman occupations (41BC – 288AD and AD407 - 411) but then further expanded with the growth of the Billopeshian Empire, incorporating many more cultures from mainland Rineu.

Modern Era

In 1852, Henry VIII of Billopesha trid to pass the creation of the Justice Alliance through the Silvereye but it was defeated in the vote because the other nations of The Confederates were unsure about Billopesha’s intentions due to the resent Imperialist uprising. In 1853, the Silvereye meetings were moved from the Lord's Palace to the ‘Grand Stage of Politics’. In 1972, the Empire of Hontock was becoming powerful and was preparing for war because of its new Lord, Ogenarc so in 1979, the Silvereye formed the Justice Alliance, which had previously failed, to make a combined force against the Supremeist Army of Hontock. With this force, the nations of the Silvereye declared war on the Empire of Hontock. But then in 1986, part of the Silvereye section belonging to Billopesha broke off and formed an Imperialist Party of Billopesha, which made the other members cautious and worried. Because of this, a year later, the three Republican countries; Bironta, Derenny and Brecke formed the Republican Confederacy. In 1987, when the Supremeists had fully taken over Brecke, the country was forced to pull out from the Justice Alliance and the Silvereye itself, which caused problems and anger between the MOSes. Brecke was eventually taken back from the Supremeists of Hontock in 1994 and was reinstated back into the Silvereye.


The Silvereye recognises two main types of law that overlook every point in society. The laws are based on the philosophy of Acumism which is a very popular belief on The Confederates. The two types of law are:

Constitutional Law

This is the main type of law that consists of a collection of laws decided by the Grand Council of Principal Order (GCPO) over scientific matters. They cover a range of, sometimes obscure, issues that encompass all factors of life in general. These include academic and theoretical subjects which are categorized in what has been described as a 'revolutionary way', showing a unusual reform in the system of law. On of the unusual reforms is that education is included into the constitutional laws which would make it defined directly by the GCE and not the public. The laws are democratically not fixed and are subject to change but there are some which are fixed and are put on a scale in compliance to the 'Foundational Belief Act'. The act is as follows:

  • Foundational Belief Act - This act was put into force as a way to decide which laws are more reliable or have more evidence than another. It stated that every constitutional law was to be judged on whether the evidence in support of law had enough foundational evidence to be 'unalterable'. They were rated with a percentage of reliability. This meant that a law with a low percentage could be more easily overturned in a court than a law with a high percentage. The evidence, though, is not stipulated as being 'scientific' and does make room for common sense but common sense also has to be justified through long debates. Billopeshians, though, say that 'All laws are common sense, it's just a matter of revealing it. All that is needed is a long debate, which only requires patience. Surely, there is always a right and a wrong to everything. So as laws are meant to be 'right', surely no one should have a justified reason for arguing against it. If they do, they can either be argued into submission or be proved correct. Either way you get a right answer". The purpose of the 'Foundational Belief Act' is to see how long a law can be debated until you reach an unanswerable question. The 'foundational question' is then rated itself on whether it is significant enough to be evidence against the law. These ratings are calculated to produce a result that is fair. Although it is arguable that it depends on the situation, the laws are separated to specify exceptions and this leads onto the 'Law Argument'. See Acumism.

Municipal Law

This is a secondary type of law which consists of laws which involve the execution of particular systems to implement the constitutional laws. These laws enforce regulations so that the constitutional laws can be enforced. Many of these laws are decided by the GCPO but they are mostly influenced by the decisions of the national legislative branches of the member countries and the president. The laws are also organised by the national Cabinet of the member nations who mainly participate in enforcing the political systems. The Municipal Laws are the laws that are most likely to affect the people directly, which is why they are much more influenced by the people. The local governments of each nation act under the municipal laws which is where the people have the most power.


The Grand Council of Principal Order

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Members of the GCE (only 18 pictured).

The Grand Council of Principal Order or the GCPO is the highest ranking group of people of the Silvereye who have considerable powers beyond any other section. They are appointed from university Grand Academies and are qualified for the job via education in one of the specific field of expertise. The principals are not elected and serve until they reach the age of 65. The minimum age of an executive is 35. The council is fully responsible for created and amending the three Silvereye constitution which govern most laws for all Silvereye nations. There is no leader of the GCPO and all positions in the council have equal power. Each member is the leader of their specific field of expertise. The council consists of 20 academicians who are separated into three academies. The academies and their executive offices are listed below.

  • Principal of Council Cooperation^
  • Head Speaker and Principal of Organisation^

^These are extra offices which deal with the Council as a whole. They do not have much power at all only operate the GCE.

+The Office for the Principal of Political Science is decided by a random draw of all the current Heads of Government in the Silvereye nations, making it the only randomly decided position. This makes this office very importent for each nation, although the office has equal power to all the other offices in the council.

As education is a main priority of the Silvereye Constitution, it is almost completely decided and organised by the GCOP. Many other nations are known to include education along with health and social welfare which are organised by the Cabinet but political analysts disagree with the categorisation. They say that "Education decides your life and is not a privilege" so should be defined specifically by the highest ranking academicians in the country.

The GCOP also has the power to decide the members of the Silvereye nation's Cabinet, which is selected from the nation's legislative branch.

The Legislative/Representative Branches

The Legislative/Representative Branches are the bodies established in each Silvereye nation which have power over the Municipal Laws and represent their country in the Silvereye. There is a Head of the branch who is the second most powerful person in the country. The branch is usually bicameral but it depends on the nations own government system. Each nation has about 400 members in their branch. Most nations have one body which has seats divided between the political parties and those members are appointed by their party and not elected by the people. It is the lower house where bills are first put through to be voted on. If the bill gets through, it goes down to the upper house. All nations are required to have a upper house whose members are all elected individually by the public in a particular constituency which they then become the representative of. They have no allegence to any party. These members put forward any concerns or queries from the people in their constituency which are either resolved or approved.

As a whole, they all engage in international diplomacy with the other countries and present any news or updates which might be of international concern. Each of the nation's head of state also makes international declarations or speeches as a member of the legislative body. The branch has the power to decide whether they approve or disapprove of a Municipal Bill through a vote. The bills are passed down from either the GCOP, the Head of State, the Cabinet or by the lower house to be decided. Once the decision is made, the Head of State can then approve or disapprove of the result. If he believes that the result was not properly founded, he can attempt to argue for another vote.

The separate legislative/representative branches for each Silvereye nation are listed below:

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The Birontain Cabinet chamber.

The Cabinets

The Cabinets are the bodies in the government that have the responsibility to carry out the actions proposed in passed laws and decide the policies used to implement them. They are composed of the most senior government officials from the ruling political party who are elected by the Grand Council of Principal Order and lead by the Head of Government. The Cabinet also includes the Head of the Legislative Branch who is the second most powerful official in the country.

The Cabinets have the power to propose bills on Municipal Law which are approved by the President and passed down to the legislative branch for approval. Once elected from the legislative branch, the Cabinet members keep their seat in the lower house. The Cabinet members are individually the heads of the government departments which organise and administer the constitutional laws and systems in their particular field. The titles of the offices depend on the specific Silvereye nation. See each nation’s legislative branch for their national Cabinet's set-up.


Imperialist Enterprise
Justice Alliance
Order of the Billopeshians
Republican Confederacy
Mining Commerce

See Also

Politics of Billopesha
Central Acumist Party
Aaron Thorne