The War of Liilte Aggression

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The War of Liilte Aggression Summary
Date: May 4, Eternian Year 6 - April 11, Eternian Year 7
Location(s): Etrenia
Outcome: Victory for Neo-Rus
Casualties (approx.)
Military: 4+ million dead,~1 million wounded, ~1 million missing
Civilian: 5+ million dead, 8+ million wounded, 2+ million missing
Total: 9+ million dead, 9+ million wounded, 3+ million missing
Main Participants
Aggressor(s) Defender(s)
Liilte China Neo-Rus

The War of Liilte Aggression is the first war in Eternian History.

The Moscow-Nuclear incident

On May 4, Eternian Year 6, Liilte China launched a SCUD loaded with a black market nuke at Red Hall, the capitol of Neo-Rus. Upon impact, Premier Vladamir Lenin II and his son, and chosen successor, Leon Trotsky II were killed along with nearly the entire population of Neo-Moscow. General Josef Stalin II, second son of Premier Vladamir Lenin II, immediately took control, and issued the call to arms of the Red Army, and going to the front lines himself, leaving his sister in charge of the country, and the women running the industry.

International Response

On May 5, the Confederacy of Liberal Men and Women, the Principality of the Daes Dae-Mar, and the Most Serene Republic of the Aes-Sedai all lodged formal protests against the unprovoked attacks, and immediately cut off all trade with Liilte China.

The War Begins

By May 10, the army of Neo-Rus had assembled at the border under Premier-General Stalin II. Across the border, General Kim Ching had assembled his own, much better armed army, and Commander Kang Ching began to launch air raids with their H-6C bombers not on the enemy army, but against their cities, killing thousands of civilians a day.

On May 15, the Neo-Rus army crossed the border and attacked the waiting Liilten army, in the Battle of the Muscovian Border. It was a bloody battle with high casualty rate on both sides, despite the Liiltens killing in a ratio of 8:1. The total casualties for both sides amounted to over half of their armies. The battle ended in a Russian rout when the Liilten tanks regrouped. It is also suspected that Neo-Rus used some of their dirty bombs in the fight.

The end casualties of the battle were ~2.7 million for Neo-Rus, and ~330,000 for Liilte China, including a few tanks lost, leaving them both well under half strength.

After this bloody battle, there was a lull in the storm.

The Battle of Stalingrad River

Fighting resumed on October 17. The Russians launched an aggressive thrust into Liilte China. The Russians split their forces with ~1 million charging head into the waiting Liilten army across the Muscovian border, which resulted in the Second Battle of the Muscovian Border, which led to another bloody battle, wit the entire force lost, along with another ~150,000 Liiltens.

South of that on the Stalingrad border, the remainder of the Russian army, ~another million men, secretly crossed the Stalingrad river, a major show of courage given the deep fear of the water in all Eternians, taking the small Liilten force completely by surprise. The Liiltens were slaughtered, and the Russians continued their march straight to Liilte Beijing, and brought Premier Ching to "justice."

Resolution of the conflict

The Russians killed Premier Ching, and brought his only surviving brother Commander Kang, because General Kim was killed in the Second Battle of the Muscovian Border. Kang was brought in to negotiate with Josef Stalin II. Commander Ching asked the Confederacy of Liberal Men and Women to mediate the negotiations, and Stalin II only grudgingly agreed. The treaty was signed on April 11, Eternian Year 7, and was very much against Liilte China. Major points are as follows:

  1. Liilte China shall make no attacks against anyone for five years, or against Neo-Rus for the five years after that
  2. Liilte China will never again develop or purchase nuclear weapons
  3. Liilte China will never again develop or purchase missiles
  4. Liilte China shall give Neo-Rus 24 J-7G fighters, 1 H-6U aerial tanker and 5 H-6C bombers, to give Neo Rus the ability to defend against the aerial attacks
  5. Liilte China will give Neo Rus 100,000 AK-47s and 50 T-55 tanks from its arsenals
  6. Liilte China shall not expand its military man power beyond one half of one percent (.5%) of it's total population
  7. Neo-Rus will stop it's production and research into dirty bombs, and dismantle thse that it already has